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62 votes

Should I bring a gift for my supervisor based in a university in Central Europe?

I agree with @Arno and @Marianne013's answers, but - if you're joining a research team, you could consider some kind of a mass token-gift. For example: Some confection/candy from your country which ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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30 votes

Should I bring a gift for my supervisor based in a university in Central Europe?

PhD students giving gifts to their supervisors is not a part of (central) European academic culture. Thus, there should be no expectation that you bring anything. Giving a gift with substantial ...
Arno's user avatar
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27 votes

Comparing two conventions: erase when you finish teaching, or erase when you begin

I very much prefer option (1) as a general blackboard cleaning policy, mainly for the reasons mentioned in the questions, but there are some other points: Efficiency: Where I am, cleaning staff ...
Dirk's user avatar
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24 votes

Comparing two conventions: erase when you finish teaching, or erase when you begin

Please clean up your own mess You could just as easily broaden your enquiry to cleaning up any resource that is used by multiple people in a communal fashion. Should I put my rubbish in the bin, or ...
Ben's user avatar
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23 votes

How can I politely decline a request to join my project by a free rider professor

This is hard, especially if the professor is willing to act unethically to force his will. One approach, that is "polite" is to say that you are sorry, but you already have the necessary ...
Buffy's user avatar
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22 votes

Should I bring a gift for my supervisor based in a university in Central Europe?

The short answer is no, you shouldn't. The slightly longer answer is that it is not uncommon for students to bring their supervisors token gifts (e.g. tea, sweets etc) from their home countries at the ...
Marianne013's user avatar
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14 votes

Comparing two conventions: erase when you finish teaching, or erase when you begin

I admit that I am firmly in camp (2) --always erase at the end and leave a clean board for the next class. But I also recognize that I'm sure some of that is just "the way we've always done it.&...
Lars Seme's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I politely decline a request to join my project by a free rider professor

Frame change: You do not have to say yes/no to him joining the project. Say that you welcome his contributions. e.g. Dear Senior Professor, We are happy to hear you wish to contribute to our project. ...
Eriks Klotins's user avatar
6 votes

Should I bring a gift for my supervisor based in a university in Central Europe?

Personal gifts have different meanings in different cultures. In Central Europe, you are not expected to give gifts in this situation. First, to be acceptable, the value of a gift in Central Europe ...
Thomas Schwarz's user avatar
6 votes

Comparing two conventions: erase when you finish teaching, or erase when you begin

I think @Lars Seme's answer captures my sentiments already pretty well, except that I would add the following argument: Let's just all be good humans and do something nice for the person who comes ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
5 votes

How to handle offers of auto-transferring a paper to another journal following a desk rejection?

Don't worry about "rudeness" as long as you are polite. The paper is yours and a publisher benefits from publishing it, given sufficient quality. But, your alternate scheme seems sub-optimal ...
Buffy's user avatar
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4 votes

How to handle offers of auto-transferring a paper to another journal following a desk rejection?

You are probably overthinking this. Springer likely has the same editorial management system configured for every journal, i.e., every journal has its own submission system. These journals don't ...
Allure's user avatar
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4 votes

How appropriate is sharing a recommendation letter with a student nowadays?

Don't share. This relieves letters from the pressure to satisfy the candidate and them being confidential makes them more believable from the perspective of the recipient. A second, less common, but ...
Captain Emacs's user avatar
4 votes

How to Contact a Professor on Sabbatical for a Letter of Recommendation?

Normally, department staff and/or the head of the department has a way to contact people on sabbatical. In a few situations, such as someone doing field work off the grid it might not be possible, but ...
Buffy's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I bring a gift for my supervisor based in a university in Central Europe?

Do not bring it to your supervisor specifically, but to the research group. I have visited and stayed with several research groups during the past few years and I always brought sweets (pre-packaged, ...
aqua's user avatar
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3 votes

Comparing two conventions: erase when you finish teaching, or erase when you begin

I've been erasing before-and-after for decades, and counting on allowing time for it. Once-upon-a-time I tried to argue with people about whether they should erase (or not) at the end of their classes ...
paul garrett's user avatar
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2 votes

How to handle offers of auto-transferring a paper to another journal following a desk rejection?

Some good answers were posted already, I would just like to add that in my experience the time-saving factor is vastly overestimated by the journals. I once went with the transfer option for an ...
And's user avatar
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2 votes

How appropriate is sharing a recommendation letter with a student nowadays?

I have a different view than was expressed by Captain Emacs. I don't claim that you should always show the letter, but think that it is ethically fine to do so. But ethics also assumes that you give ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 399k
2 votes

Comparing two conventions: erase when you finish teaching, or erase when you begin

What is the culture of your institution? This is, in my experience, very much a matter of institutional culture. In the mathematics department where I earned my BA and MS, the culture was very much ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
2 votes

Should I receive an extra letter of recommendation from a non-PhD researcher?

A letter from someone that doesn't have a doctorate is much less valuable than otherwise. A good letter needs to be able to accurately predict your success in doctoral study, research, and a career in ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 399k
2 votes

How can I politely decline a request to join my project by a free rider professor

We are lacking some context on this question. For instance, we don't know if you have previously met with this senior department member, or whether they have made contributions to a similar area or ...
Caleb Stanford's user avatar
1 vote

Should I bring a gift for my supervisor based in a university in Central Europe?

look up what you can acutally take with you... don't make a big fuss about it. just bring something small, like 2 bars of chocolate and a big bag of candy that you liked as a kid or something. Bring ...
none's user avatar
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