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25 votes

Why do most published papers hit the maximum page limit exactly?

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." attributed to Mark Twain, Blaise Pascal, and others. To be honest, I haven't noticed this, nor ever used the maximum page length ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 383k
21 votes

What should be the affiliation of PhD student who submitted thesis but yet to defend, in a conference talk slides?

You haven't yet earned the doctorate, it needs to be awarded by the institution. So, your affiliation is still the university. This might be especially true if you were funded (or the research was) by ...
Buffy's user avatar
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12 votes

Why do most published papers hit the maximum page limit exactly?

Authors want to make the maximal impression in terms of the perceived importance of the paper, and that means cramming as much content into the paper as possible. The general philosophy is that “more ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
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9 votes

Why do most published papers hit the maximum page limit exactly?

It must be simply because the page limit is small in these conferences that you are talking about. If the page limit was 25 or 30, papers would not hit it so often. If the work can be explained in an ...
toby544's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do most published papers hit the maximum page limit exactly?

(Sorry, I missed that you had already pointed out this situation in the question. Unless there's an objection, I'll leave my answer here for anyone who (like me apparently) reads too quickly.) I can ...
Chris Bouchard's user avatar
2 votes

Why do most published papers hit the maximum page limit exactly?

You aim for the highest you can succeed in and more pages allowed means more complex topics can be covered in detail. Thus, if your paper is shorter you typically either won't have a complex topic or ...
Frank Hopkins's user avatar
1 vote

First paper submission reproducibility AAAi25

These answers are all wrong. In OpenReview, when you edit your submission, under "Reproducability Checklist", there is a small text that states "Authors are required to complete a ...
David Goliath's user avatar
1 vote

First paper submission reproducibility AAAi25

You are running up against the deadline. The checklist appears to be supplementary material and you have until August 19 anytime on earth to submit it together with your code. You should address these ...
Thomas Schwarz's user avatar

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