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285 votes

Lab colleague uses cracked software. Should I report it?

I don't feel that general academic ethics obliges you to report this, unless you have reason to believe that it might be endangering the research of the lab (giving inaccurate results, introducing ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
188 votes

Lab colleague uses cracked software. Should I report it?

I would stay away from his "personal laptop" in the future and avoid peeking at other people's "very personal" screens. It is not your job to report this. And you should not be looking at other people'...
user18244's user avatar
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134 votes

How to respond to a company that wants specific details on implementation of my PhD research?

It's not normal to work for a company for free, and I'd simply answer something like this: Dear X, I am glad to know that my PhD work caught your interest. I can provide more information ...
Massimo Ortolano's user avatar
130 votes

Someone I don't know contributed to my program on GitHub. Can I still present that program as my Bachelor thesis?

First, congratulations! The code you wrote for your bachelor's thesis was useful enough that other people used it to teach classes at a university level and added new features. This is a major ...
WaterMolecule's user avatar
99 votes

Academic code copied by library author

In fact something great happened: Your research did have impact in the real world and seems to be useful - not everyone can say that! When it comes to legal issues, things are usually complicated and ...
OBu's user avatar
  • 13.2k
97 votes

How to respond to a company that wants specific details on implementation of my PhD research?

Other answers make the case that you should ask for money for your services. I certainly think that is a very fair and reasonable thing to do, but rather than asking for money upfront, I would like to ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 202k
87 votes

Someone I don't know contributed to my program on GitHub. Can I still present that program as my Bachelor thesis?

Can I still present my PicoBlaze assembler and emulator as my Bachelor thesis, or will I run into problems because a part of it was written by agustiza? Do I need to write a new Bachelor thesis? ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
79 votes

Is it ethical to share with students a book draft that the author no longer makes publicly available?

If the author can be contacted, ask them politely whether you may distribute the manuscript that used to be available online, explaining the purpose of your request and the size of your class. Perhaps ...
henning no longer feeds AI's user avatar
58 votes

What do I do if my thesis is stolen

Inform your advisor and the department, maybe also the Dean of the school what happened. Don't pay any money to extortionists. Let the authorities deal with it. Your university may have a legal ...
Buffy's user avatar
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55 votes

Can a (predatory or fake) journal refuse to withdraw a non-published paper, even though the journal is to blame for withdrawal request?

The journal has nothing to "give back" and no basis for demanding payment. As long as the authors still hold copyright the work is theirs and theirs alone. All that is required is a ...
Buffy's user avatar
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52 votes

How to respond to a company that wants specific details on implementation of my PhD research?

I've never worked with a commercial interest directly, but the impression I get from colleagues is that companies will take as much as they can and pay as little as possible. "It's just business" as ...
David's user avatar
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51 votes

My code is published as original work by a different group. What should I do?

This seems to be a clear case of plagiarism, and potentially a copyright violation. The BSD license contains a line "Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ...
Danny Ruijters's user avatar
50 votes

How to preserve a rare version of a book respecting the copyright as well?

Discuss with the librarian - they may know what is available - ie it could be scanned while the book is refurbished and recovered. And, take the opportunity to explain to the librarian why it is ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
  • 28.3k
48 votes

Is it ethical to share with students a book draft that the author no longer makes publicly available?

The author took a willful, deliberate action of removing the draft from its publicly available location online. The only thing we can infer from this is that he has revoked any implied approval he may ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 202k
45 votes

What to do when another researcher used my results without credit in a science documentary?

I agree with your former advisor: let it slide...published information can be used by anyone in documentaries...[they] cannot cite everyone, perhaps even anyone, as this is not interesting, moreover, ...
user2768's user avatar
  • 41.1k
44 votes

Is it okay to upload code I wrote for replicating someone else’s simulation study?

You ask about uploading three different things, so it's worth answering with regard to the three parts. Your own code: Definitely acceptable to upload it. You wrote the code so the code is your ...
CrimsonDark's user avatar
  • 11.4k
43 votes

Copyright Status of a Math Text

I would encourage you to contact the authors. Both John Milnor and James Stasheff have their contact info on the web. As Stasheff is emeritus, Milnor might be a better bet.
Hans Hüttel's user avatar
43 votes

Can/should one put a copyright notice on one's CV or resume? Why/why not?

While your CV can technically be regarded as a piece of intellectual property, the usual reason why people assert their copyright to a work by putting a copyright notice on it is to deter and prevent ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 202k
42 votes

Permission to include a segment from Google Maps as a figure in a publication

Why, of course you should contact Google. More precisely, the Google Permissions page states that it is okay to use Google Map images for the purposes of research assuming that you provide proper ...
Schmuddi's user avatar
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42 votes

Lab colleague uses cracked software. Should I report it?

Are you sure it is cracked software ? A 'warning' popup could just be phishing malware and you might expect that a feature to detect piracy would just shut the application down rather than just issue ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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42 votes

Can I publish a source code containing potential copyright violations that someone gave me at a university (updated)?

With the caveat that I am not a lawyer, the answer is "no". You have: code A, which is GPL-licensed code B, which is a derivative work of A and not GPL-licensed. The GPL license requires that all ...
Flyto's user avatar
  • 11.3k
41 votes

Academic code copied by library author

Here's how I would view it: I got to do all the fun work of research and discovery. Somebody else voluntarily did the not-fun work of wrapping this work up in a nice software package. They're even ...
David Ketcheson's user avatar
40 votes

I believe a publisher is infringing copyright when reproducing a figure I created. What can I do?

You attempted to use a crayon license, that is, modify the terms of an existing well-established license to better suit your needs. This is frowned upon, because it can cause legal complications. In ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
40 votes

Private company using my dissertation

I think that your best bet is to contact the IP department at the academic institution where you did your PhD: They can inform you about your rights concerning the work you did there as a student ...
Erwan's user avatar
  • 13.6k
38 votes

If a journal publishes my article against my will, do they have the right to request a publication charge?

It is just their "business model". I suggest that you ignore them. If they insist, then ask that the paper be retracted. Apparently you still hold copyright. However, IANAL, and don't know ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 399k
37 votes

MathSciNet reviews license

Here are some answers to your questions: Yes, MathSciNet is behind a paywall. Yes, we ask reviewers to give us copyright to their reviews. Yes, you can post your reviews elsewhere. In return, for ...
Edward Dunne's user avatar
36 votes

Copyright Status of a Math Text

The copyright holder is Princeton University Press. Princeton University Press says: Permission to Reprint a Complete Book A full reprint of a Princeton University Press title requires a ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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36 votes

Do Research Papers have Public Domain Expiration Date?

From your question: This is an article published more than 150 years ago. How long do I have to wait in order to download it and use it for free? From a comment you posted: Yes, I know I do still ...
Anyon's user avatar
  • 29.8k
35 votes

Would it violate copyright to retype a classic mathematics book from the 1960s using modern notation and uploading it online?

For your own use, you can type anything you like, modify it in any way that you like. There are no restrictions on that sort of thing, as long as it is strictly for personal use. Among other reasons, ...
Buffy's user avatar
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34 votes

Journal allows me to choose whether to transfer copyright – why would I do so?

To expand a little on user2768's answer, the text provided by the publisher normally explains the benefits and implications of the different options quite well. If you choose to retain your copyright,...
xLeitix's user avatar
  • 137k

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