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What should be the affiliation of PhD student who submitted thesis but yet to defend, in a conference talk slides?

The affiliation should be with the university where you performed the work. Even if it is different from your Ph.D. thesis, you likely performed this work while at that university. Your title should ...
GNB's user avatar
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How should you cite yourself when there are more than 15 authors?

Since it is your CV and this is a list of your publications, it is more than obvious that you are one of the authors. Going beyond the standard "Author. (year). etc." would appear somewhat ...
GNB's user avatar
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4 votes

Cite PowerPoint Icons

The Microsoft site that you linked to says "These icons are free to use and there's no royalty or copyright to worry about". So, from a legal perspective, there is no need to provide any ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
7 votes

Publishing an article with only three citations on the arXiv

As you already noticed, there are papers on the Arxiv which have a very low number of citations. All such papers I have ever seen come from pure mathematics or adjacent fields. These papers (and ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Publishing an article with only three citations on the arXiv

Nobody can predict if your paper will be accepted or not to arXiv (which is just a preprint server), because the acceptance criteria is just that your paper is really an academic research paper (and ...
Dr. Snoopy's user avatar
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21 votes

What should be the affiliation of PhD student who submitted thesis but yet to defend, in a conference talk slides?

You haven't yet earned the doctorate, it needs to be awarded by the institution. So, your affiliation is still the university. This might be especially true if you were funded (or the research was) by ...
Buffy's user avatar
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What is the consequence of not mentioning an in-text citation in Bibliography

It is unlikely that it will affect the review, and not especially likely that it will be noticed. But you will have a chance to make a correction/addition before publication. Few papers are published ...
Buffy's user avatar
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5 votes

How to cite a book if only its chapters have DOIs?

Usually, books do have a DOI, from which their chapter DOIs are derived. Take Springer. Compiler Specification and Verification (LNCS 124) has the following chapters: Introduction (doi:10.1007/3-540-...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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What is a source for Richard Riley's famous quote about preparing students for the future?

The earliest such quote I could find was from Windows on the Future: Education in the Age of Technology by Ted McCain, ‎Ian Jukes, (2001, p. 80): the Secretary of Education, Richard Riley in the ...
user182601's user avatar
-1 votes

Should papers try to be self-contained?

I almost always make them self-contained. Technically there were just 3 exceptions during my whole career where I needed to "borrow" some big chunk of an established theory well-written in ...
fedja's user avatar
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Should papers try to be self-contained?

Papers must be self-contained to the point where, given relevant background knowledge and access to the same equipment/tools, a secondary party is capable of attempting to reproduce and/or verify the ...
零審議's user avatar
19 votes

How to cite a book if only its chapters have DOIs?

Honestly, I think that a lot of the questions here about citation formats are mountains being made out of molehills, including (perhaps) this one. Remember why we provide citations: It is to help us ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
21 votes

How to cite a book if only its chapters have DOIs?

Note: This answer provides information related to citations in general, but the OP needs help with clickable citations. I consider the DOI optional. If you have publisher, date of publication, ...
Terry Loring's user avatar
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How to identify the publications that cite two specific papers?

I've made a website that searches publications that cite all specified ones: Edit: Quotes from its 'about' page: It uses the OpenCitation API to get the list of publications citing ...
David B's user avatar
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