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6 votes

How to thank others for referencing my paper? Will it seem unprofessional? Is it common practice?

Do not thank others for referencing your work. Citations/references should be based on scientific and technical merit. Either a work is relevant and should be cited or not; notably, a work should not ...
MisterMiyagi's user avatar
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13 votes

arXiv - is it possible to upload there an abstract and only within a week the text itself?

The Arxiv says it does not accept abstract-only papers. This page goes on to say that articles should be "complete final drafts" which ...
Terry Loring's user avatar
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Can semanticscholar do exact title search?

In Semantic Scholar API, endpoint /graph/v1/paper/search/match is for paper title search: is intended for retrieval of a single paper based on closest title match to given query. Reference ...
Martin Monperrus's user avatar
0 votes

Reusing a codebook/technique in a new publication

There are two considerations, copyright and self plagiarism. You need to respect the first and avoid the second. The question of "usage" of the technique in research is different. Yes, you ...
Buffy's user avatar
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4 votes

Reusing a codebook/technique in a new publication

As an analogy, psychologists routinely use the same questionnaire over and over again. (As just one example, take Beck's Depression Inventory.) These are well established in the literature, and nobody ...
Stephan Kolassa's user avatar
1 vote

What's an appropriate phrasing of a caveat about self-citation?

A good way to phrase this caveat would be to subtly acknowledge your involvement without undermining the credibility of the citation or appearing boastful. Here's an example of how you might phrase it:...
TomaszKarolak's user avatar

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