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Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

Has she considered the other route, asking for less work and less responsibility? She has a good point about feeling underpaid, and university groups are places where some people get a lot of work and ...
allo's user avatar
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Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

Here are a few points to bear in mind: Never "threaten to quit" unless you actually intend to quit: Your friend should only threaten to quit if she genuinely intends to quit if her ...
Ben's user avatar
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Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

Several years ago, as a permanent assistant professor, I realized I was underpaid relative to my colleagues, and decided to go through formal channels and try to have the situation addressed. To make ...
academic's user avatar
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Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

As others have said, only threaten to leave if you mean it. If your bluff is called, you have to be prepared to leave. The second thing to note is why would HR care if you left? What skin off their ...
Ian Sudbery's user avatar
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47 votes

Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

How your friend can possibly get what she wants E14 positions are very rare in German academia. You hardly ever see them advertised (I would very roughly estimate you get one E14 for thousand E13s). ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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19 votes

Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

If the plan is to get the raise, not to quit, then the threat is not productive. The harm would be to the group, not to HR, so nothing substantial changes: Giving a raise to avoid someone quitting ...
MisterMiyagi's user avatar
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7 votes

Should one threaten to quit to get a reasonable pay-raise request fulfilled?

It is only appropriate to threaten to quit if you plan to follow through on the threat. As another consideration: in more bureaucratic systems, those in HR probably do not have the leeway to accede to ...
Significance's user avatar

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