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257 votes
8 answers

How do you cite a Github repository?

I am working on a honours thesis and have developed a Fortran library that I would like to cite in it. In some places they suggest to quote the documentation of the project but this is something I ...
charlespwd's user avatar
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167 votes
7 answers

My paper is being cited in vaccine misinformation. What do I do?

I have recently discovered that anti-vaxxers have been citing one of my papers on Twitter and elsewhere as evidence of a specific 5G-related conspiracy theory surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. Of ...
Icyfire's user avatar
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145 votes
14 answers

How do I handle a colleague's gender change when citing their paper?

We are currently working on a conference paper where we plan to cite and discuss a paper as a related work. It was written by a colleague at the same university who has kindly offered to help us ...
amsmee's user avatar
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141 votes
7 answers

Choice of personal pronoun in single-author papers

Which personal pronoun is appropriate in single-author papers - 'I' or 'we'? Could the use of 'I' be considered egotistical? Or will the use of 'we' be considered to be grammatically incorrect?
Bravo's user avatar
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128 votes
17 answers

Software to draw illustrative figures in papers

I would like to have suggestions of good software for drawing illustrations in research papers. I already know about Xfig, but this works only on Linux and is at times, clunky when it comes to text. ...
113 votes
15 answers

Why are research papers written in language that's difficult for undergraduate students?

As an undergraduate student, I find it hard to understand research papers on any particular subject. Why don't researchers use simple language for their reports, so that everyone would understand?
user avatar
97 votes
9 answers

Do authors have to be politically correct in article-writing?

My colleagues and I have recently submitted an article in a biology-oriented journal about a new technological system. While describing the interaction between the different modules of the system, we ...
LowPolyCorgi's user avatar
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94 votes
13 answers

Is it OK to refuse to cite paywalled papers?

I wonder how reviewers would react if authors of a submitted paper refuse to cite paywalled papers. Is it a valid reason to refuse citing some papers? I am mostly interested in the field of computer ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
94 votes
7 answers

Use of first person in a PhD Thesis

Is there a non written rule to which person to use in the PhD thesis, 5 years of using "We" in the papers have brought me to the innate necessity to do it every time I describe something. Recently, ...
Leon palafox's user avatar
94 votes
4 answers

How do I reference the Python programming language in a thesis or a paper?

I'm writing a scientific article and a dissertation in biology, for which I used Python for simulations. Some people in our department, especially the "non-computer-people", don't know what Python is, ...
Eekhoorn's user avatar
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92 votes
25 answers

How to respond to "unfair to write English" comments?

I teach mathematics and computing; for example, our department's discrete mathematics course. As is customary for that course, it's used as the first foray into formal mathematics, including a heavy ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
91 votes
3 answers

Counter strategy against group that repeatedly does strategic self-citations and ignores other relevant research

There is a group in our small field that almost exclusively cites themselves. Their latest paper has 35% self-citations, which is 80% of the citations within the field. They only reference their own ...
kapibarasama's user avatar
89 votes
10 answers

What are the advantages or disadvantages of using LaTeX for writing scientific publications

What are objective advantages or disadvantages of using the markup language LaTeX instead of a WYSIWYG word processor like MS Word or LibreOffice Writer? Please use objective arguments to prevent a ...
Paul Hiemstra's user avatar
89 votes
11 answers

How to train students to write high-quality research papers?

As someone supervising postgrad students, I wonder what is the best way to train these students to write high-quality research papers? The best way seems to be through coauthorship but ... On the ...
badroit's user avatar
  • 13.8k
88 votes
15 answers

Why are some professors critical of even casual use of Wikipedia?

Many of the professors and lecturers I come across are very critical of Wikipedia, but they never give proper support for their claims of "Wikipedia is bullshit!". And they threaten "Do not use ...
Jake's user avatar
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86 votes
8 answers

Citing paywalled articles accessed via illegal web sharing

There are a few sites which offer paid articles for free. It’s something unethical, especially for those who upload to that site, but for me, it’s good for expanding knowledge. As a readers, can we ...
Syafiq Zaidi's user avatar
86 votes
3 answers

Are citations in abstracts considered bad style?

I'd like to know your opinion on citations in abstracts. At my university, there is no rule on that matter so it's basically a question of preference. Do you think it's okay to have citations in an ...
Aton's user avatar
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85 votes
8 answers

Free, open-source substitutes for Mendeley?

Mendeley is (mainly) a proprietary social network to share basic citation data and research papers. see also Are there any free and open source substitutes for this service? A technical possibility:...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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84 votes
10 answers

Do Asian authors have a different style of academic writing from European authors?

I'm an Asian student working with a European prof. My adviser told me several times that when he read my writings (our papers), he just wanted to rewrite it. He told me that my English was rather OK, ...
sean's user avatar
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84 votes
3 answers

What's the point in "the paper is structured as follows"?

Inspired by the recent question on list of figures: what is the point of ending your introduction with a paragraph saying "The paper is structured as follows: in Section 1 we do BLAH, then in Section ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
83 votes
13 answers

Why is it bad to judge a paper by citation count?

I hear a lot from the experts that citation count is a bad idea as a measure of judging a paper. This seems simply counter-intuitive to me. I would like to know if any study has been done in this ...
Amrith Krishna's user avatar
82 votes
12 answers

Is it acceptable to use non-English references in a computer science paper?

I am currently reviewing an interdisciplinary computer science paper which is heavily based on previous works in logistics and process engineering that have been unfortunately published only in German ...
Jan Přikryl's user avatar
80 votes
6 answers

Is it okay to mention we're citing an article only because a reviewer told us to?

In a recent review, one reviewer said we must rework the paper in light of two other papers. One paper was a highly valuable suggestion, and we've enthusiastically taken it on board. However, the ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
80 votes
17 answers

Should I learn to use LaTeX to write up a History Masters Thesis?

So I reviewed the "What are the advantages or disadvantages of using LaTeX for writing scientific publications?" question on this forum and am sitting on the fence at the moment whether or not to use ...
gman's user avatar
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79 votes
7 answers

Are TED presentations academically credible?

Many people, including myself, are fascinated by TED speakers. They provide us a new perspective. For example, see the TED talk The best stats you've ever seen by Hans Rosling. However, when I talked ...
Ooker's user avatar
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79 votes
13 answers

How to get work done whilst feeling crippling shame?

In academic work, when we are writing or have written a paper for example, there might be strong feelings of shame about the work done or to be done. These feelings can get in the way of finishing or ...
AnonymousScholar's user avatar
78 votes
20 answers

Is it acceptable to have a research paper with no references?

I (an undergrad) and 2 other profs from my department have been working on something and we were thinking of submitting our work to a conference (a pretty well known one) this week. The fact is there ...
anon. computer scientist's user avatar
78 votes
6 answers

Do you need to read a whole article before citing it?

During writing my academic paper, I need to cite a definition in a scientific paper. The other part of the paper, is irrelevant to my work. I have been advised that if you will cite a paper, you ...
dresden's user avatar
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77 votes
11 answers

Is it unethical to cite a paper or book that you have never looked at?

Suppose I see that Book X is cited by several papers with reference to some particular Fact Y. I wish to cite Fact Y. As far as I know, Book X is the only reference for Fact Y. I have never looked ...
user avatar
77 votes
4 answers

Should I do anything if I am cited for something that wasn't in my paper?

I’ve just read a paper in which a previous paper of mine has been cited. The line in which the citation happens is something like: It has been shown that technique X is successful in this problem [...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
76 votes
7 answers

Is it acceptable to write a reference letter for yourself?

If a student needs a reference letter for graduate admissions or that sort of thing, some profs will ask the student to write a reference letter for themself before sending it off to the prof for ...
hesson's user avatar
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76 votes
5 answers

How to write a strong introduction into a research paper?

How does one write a strong (good) introduction into a research paper? Some introductions make me really curious about the rest of the paper while others do not. Although it is relatively easy to say ...
mmh's user avatar
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75 votes
6 answers

How can I deal with low-key plagiarism?

I am relatively new to academic publishing. However, there is an uncomfortable situation which I have already encountered multiple times by now (about five). It is what I would call "low-key ...
Wolpertinger's user avatar
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75 votes
10 answers

How to write an academic paper for the first time?

While writing an answer to that question, I realized I don't really have a good list of resources that could be useful to first-time authors, like MSc or PhD students who write their first paper. I ...
F'x's user avatar
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74 votes
12 answers

Is it OK to generate parts of a research paper using a large language model such as ChatGPT?

Large language models (LLMs) are complex neural networks that can capture and represent world knowledge present in the human-generated text as their weights. LLMs are trained on a large collection of ...
Hassan Abedi's user avatar
72 votes
10 answers

Graduate student with abysmal English writing skills, how to help

I am a math professor at an R1 university. I have taken up a new graduate student (my n'th for n<=10), who is mathematically quite strong, but whose writing skills are a couple notches below what I ...
TeacherOfMathEnglish's user avatar
72 votes
7 answers

Why use version control systems for writing a paper?

I am following the advice of @Piotr Migdal in Is there an internet Git-like repository for collaboration on a paper?, and I want to ask about version controls: how beneficial are they (specially under ...
seteropere's user avatar
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71 votes
6 answers

Is there such thing as too many references for one paper?

I'm currently reviewing a paper that has an uncommonly large number of references compared to the average number for that particular venue (more than 60 versus around 30). This is a regular paper, not ...
user avatar
66 votes
8 answers

What is the difference between Abstract, conclusion and summary?

The above question is self explanatory, still I would like to break it into two parts. Q1. What is the difference between abstract and summary/conclusion? Q2. What is the difference between summary ...
cosmicraga's user avatar
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65 votes
11 answers

Are there instances where citing Wikipedia is allowed?

For example, suppose you're writing an article about triangles, and you want to include a short proof of Pythagoras' theorem, but you can't quite remember how to derive it, so you pop over to: https://...
Jamie Twells's user avatar
65 votes
5 answers

Should I cite all R packages I used?

Intro: R is a open-source software tool for statistical analyses and graphics, which is heavily used in different science disciplines and which is becoming more and more popular (although it is ...
hplieninger's user avatar
65 votes
2 answers

In what tense (present/past) should papers be written?

That is, should it be present tense or past tense? Should there be a difference between the abstract, main body and the conclusion? Does the field of publication have any impact?
User 17670's user avatar
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64 votes
13 answers

Colleague blames me for not spotting typos when I only reviewed the structure and content

I am a graduate student (PhD) in a STEM program. A fellow lab mate of mine asked me to review a chapter (basically the background/history of their project) of their graduate thesis a couple months ...
fractalflame's user avatar
64 votes
6 answers

How should I communicate that I do not hold the views expressed in a paper I wrote

I am writing a paper for a class that requires me to write from a perspective I disagree with. To an external observer it may not be clear that I am not allowed to disagree with the premise of the ...
thisischuck's user avatar
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63 votes
11 answers

How can I avoid overuse of words like "however" and "therefore" in academic writing?

I am in the field of computer science (more specifically robotics), and as I am writing, I must actively avoid using the words "however", "therefore", etc... every few sentences. ...
Ralff's user avatar
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63 votes
5 answers

How to substantiate the claim that something is not known?

I am writing a master's thesis (in Number Theory) and there are multiple places where I need to claim that something is not yet known. Since I am not an expert (and even if I were) I would like to ...
A.P.'s user avatar
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63 votes
11 answers

Co-author uses ChatGPT for academic writing - is it ethical?

I am writing a paper with a co-author. I spent a considerable amount of time (several months) writing a first draft of the paper. I then sent it to co-author asking them to revise the draft and add ...
Dmitry Savostyanov's user avatar
63 votes
3 answers

How to acknowledge a MathOverflow user?

I am writing a research paper. A small but important idea for the paper was found on MathOverflow. I know the real name of the user. I tried contacting him and offered him co-authorship, but I got no ...
user531706's user avatar
62 votes
12 answers

Using nonstandard gender-neutral pronouns to refer to myself in academic writing

I am currently preparing my first formal work for publication, which I am the sole author on. While working through final edits, I've come across a few places where I refer to myself and would prefer ...
Li.Elce's user avatar
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61 votes
6 answers

Access to scientific articles that cite mine after leaving academia

I used to work in academia. I was lucky enough to publish important papers in peer reviewed journals that now regularly get cited by other papers in peer reviewed journals. I have left academia to ...
tistbajean's user avatar

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