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Questions tagged [writing-style]

Questions about the tones, turns of phrase and other writing patterns that are appropriate for writing in an academic context.

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4 votes
1 answer

1960s Stylesheet/Format for working Physics problems

One of my Physics professors once mentioned that he took a semester-long Physics class that was all about formatting work in the correct way: The problems were done on graph/grid paper, and all of the ...
Travis's user avatar
  • 141
-3 votes
2 answers

Is there a general guideline to conjure up a mathematical expression to convey a system? [closed]

Pardon my naivety. I'm new to academic paper authorship. I would like to understand, is there a general guideline on how to think & express concepts in terms of mathematical expression. Often ...
Viswa Kumar's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

How to make a case based on factual evidence that my colleague's writing style for submitted manuscripts has got to be overhauled?

Background (and, OK, venting a little frustration): I have a colleague who's writing with English as a second language. They've learned a scientific writing style that was probably already outdated ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Writing a Book Chapter and Adjusting One's Scholarly Tone (Writing Style)

I'm turning my master's dissertation into a book chapter and I'm worried about my scholarly tone. When I read other articles they don't sound like the way I have written my dissertation and I'll be ...
Yara's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
2 answers

How to make an entire section as a conjecture?

I was writing a research paper and solved a problem inside it. To solve the problem for a specific case, I need to assume something to be true (I'm now sure about that) and then write a set of proofs ...
M a m a D's user avatar
  • 273
0 votes
1 answer

What to do with a wide text in appendix of a paper [closed]

I am writing a paper and want to include my Mathematica commands in an appendix. By exporting my commands as a .tex file and including it in my paper’s tex file, I end at a text too wide to be fitted ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Use of "would have + past participle" in a scientific article

I want to ask if the use of "would have + verb in past participle" is appropriate in a paper. What is the correct way of expressing a hypothetical outcome when describing past events? I may ...
pvpvpvpv's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

in-text citation: multiple section of a book

I am using APA 7th and IEEE. In in-text citation, how to refer to multiple section of a book. I mean, i want to say in chapter C1, section S1 and chapter C2, section S2 the author talked about X. Here ...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Cite a specific section of my own paper

I am using APA 7th. I want to cite a specific section of my own paper. How to say look into section X for more details. Please show both parenthetical and narrative.
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

When paraphrasing over several paragraphs, how to cite an ebook with chapter and section?

Here is a sample dummy text: Davis and Jones (2020) explore different leadership styles and their effects on employee motivation in their ebook. They highlight transformational leadership as ...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Why are method sections usually impersonal, when the main text isn’t?

There are generally two possible ways to present experiments and analyses in academic writing, which I label as follows for the purpose of this question: Personal, also referred to as active or first ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

I am citing from a paper which confused the word "affective" and "affectionate", what should I do?

I understand that with minor spelling mistakes you use [sic] or just [brackets]. However, in this case, I think the author accidentally wrote the wrong word. It looks odd to write affect[ionat]e and ...
Ali's user avatar
  • 1
13 votes
5 answers

What should I do when a coauthor suggests I fluff up a manuscript?

I have worked on a project almost entirely on my own with some input from my main advisor. Now I've drafted a manuscript, and I have received comments from my secondary advisor, who is also a coauthor,...
square potato's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

List of words to present equations in an article

I have 13 equations (LaTeX: \eqref) (constraints more precisely) to present in an article's paragraph and, as a non-native, I would welcome any other suggestions to present these constraints in order ...
JKHA's user avatar
  • 380
8 votes
5 answers

Double parenthesis in academic writing [duplicate]

I have the following question. I have a text in which I want to insert a small mathematical formulation, namely between parenthesis. Unfortunately, this mathematical formulation also contains a ...
manofthousandnames's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should the information within a caption be repeated into the main text?

My understanding is that a caption should be here to help someone read a caption independently from the text (without reading the paper/book/etc for example). This question answers whether a long ...
JackRed's user avatar
  • 935
3 votes
1 answer

Institution wide style guides for theses - rationale and context

Under this answer here on Academia StackExchange, Xander Henderson and I observed that there seems to be a large difference between the United States and, for instance, Germany regarding how specific ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Publishing no-longer state-of-the-art results in machine learning

I co-authored a method, which yielded state-of-the-art results in several machine learning benchmarks. However, the paper got rejected from two conferences and then from a super slow journal. With the ...
Dominik Filipiak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

My footnotes are too long and too many due to my anxiety. How to shorten/reduce them?

I am a historian and I have noticed over the last few years that my footnotes have become too long. It goes so far that for a recent article manuscript the word count of my footnotes is only slightly ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

In mathematical essays, is "at x=a", "for x=a", "when x=a", "if x=a", or even "with x=a", a better choice? [closed]

Which one of the following sentences sounds better to a native ear? At $x=a$, $f(x,t)$ is an even function of $t$. For $x=a$, $f(x,t)$ is an even function of $t$. When $x=a$, $f(x,t)$ is an even ...
LiR's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What methods to contain in an abstract?

It is my first time writing an abstract for an assignment and I am wondering if I need to include all of the methods used within a piece of research. I understand I don't need to include every tiny ...
adso509's user avatar
  • 23
0 votes
1 answer

How many related concepts should I try to fit into a research article?

When writing a journal article, I've noticed I have a habit of name-dropping concepts that are related to my argument. This has the benefit of increasing the links between my paper and other research, ...
Piethon's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

In a grant proposal, should I write that I have a paper very likely to be accepted by a very prestigious journal? and how?

I am facing a problem that is new for me and I don't know to whom to ask. My current supervisor and I are very busy and we both have barely some time to discuss pressing bureaucratic issues and ...
zenso yusho's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Convention: Comma and period in an enumeration

I am writing a master thesis in maths and I use lots of enumerations in theorems. I am not sure, how I use a comma and period correctly. As I was told, there has to be a comma after an item, except ...
Lereu's user avatar
  • 398
0 votes
0 answers

Master thesis mistakes with in-text citing and grammar [duplicate]

I recently re-read my publicly available master's thesis which was made public a month ago. I found a lot of grammatical mistakes and also inconsistency of putting references in relation to ...
BrajkovicM's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How would you characterize or cite common social media posts?

I am investigating a complaint that comes up on social media "often" for a particular institution. The complaint is about a particular type of bad interaction with the institution. I could ...
Liam's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
2 answers

Does case of the first letter in disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, etc. need to be capitalized?

Does the first letter of disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, etc. need to be capitalized in research papers of computer science?
goahead97's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is "e.g." ever needed in parenthetical citations?

It seems to me that "e.g." is rarely needed in parenthetical citations because readers assume that the works listed are examples taken from all works on the topic. For example: "This ...
Eggy's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to shorten references [duplicate]

How to shorten the reference format to maximum one line per reference so that it fits to the guidelines. I have already used APA format. But is there any other format for doing so?
XINDA's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

What is a good way to phrase "in my experience" in a journal paper?

I want to say, "In our experience/as far as we know/etc., A only requires a few iterations to converge," without citing any relevant literature, particularly because I could not find any ...
Neuchâtel's user avatar
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-5 votes
5 answers

Two-author paper with thesis mentor, but the idea is entirely mine

I recently defended my master's thesis in artificial intelligence. Among other things, I invented a new algorithm that I would like to publish. The domain is natural language processing, with papers ...
Mew's user avatar
  • 541
0 votes
4 answers

Abbreviating authors' names in a paper

I'm writing a rebuttal to a paper that was recently published. Since I refer to the authors very frequently, I've abbreviated their names to WW for their last names Williams and Wang (I made up these ...
at.'s user avatar
  • 213
2 votes
5 answers

Proper punctuation of equations [duplicate]

What is the proper way to punctuate equations following a colon (:)? Is it: The Pythagorean Theorem can be expressed as the following equation: $a^2+b^2=c^2$ In number theory, triples satisfying the ...
user227351's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What expression to use when citing a publication for a result bordering one, oneself seeks to publish? (replicate, corroborate, in line with)

The specific reason for citing/referencing a publication may accompany an expression signifying that. One broad reason is empirical results (other broad reasons are theoretical ideas, methodological ...
Johan's user avatar
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32 votes
11 answers

Is humor unacceptable in referee reports?

I am from a country where humor is a part of the culture, and I recently prepared the following referee report: The manuscript solves an interesting problem, but, unfortunately, the authors are a bit ...
Coala's user avatar
  • 477
3 votes
1 answer

How to refer to the work you are presenting in a scientific paper?

I am co-authoring a scientific paper. In the related works section, we discussed how our work addresses some of the limitations not evaluated in the literature. To keep style more formal, we ...
ptrchv's user avatar
  • 43
1 vote
2 answers

Does a problem statement chapter contributes / addressing a research question by establishing a deeper problem understanding?

Considering a PhD thesis that use a problem statement chapter in the middle of the thesis. The reason for the chapter is that the required background information is only, fully available at this point....
user3352632's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is the use of we / us (in the sense of the reader and writer exploring the topic) accepted in a PhD thesis or bad style? [duplicate]

Before, referring just to some other question that sounds likely to be the same, e.g., about can I write: "I/We have developed X?", what I am asking about is: "Let us (you the reader ...
user3352632's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best way to write an equation while explaining something in a paper

I have found it difficult sometimes to write properly an equation in the middle of some explanations on a research paper, for example: This can be rewritten by a change in parametrization a = m as, E ...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

No quotation marks/citation needed for common expressions/language or for using texts as a model?

This might be a stupid question, but I am asking as a non-native English speaker. Given that we all (even native speakers) will get our English expressions from somewhere, I am wondering when a ...
Fukaru23512's user avatar
26 votes
9 answers

Is it okay to criticize authors because of how poorly their paper is written?

I am currently reading a paper in my area which is very poorly written in my opinion. It is hard to understand the bigger picture of the paper. Now, I am just a student and my opinions might not be of ...
akr_'s user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

First-person pronoun for things other than mathematical steps - singular or plural?

The question Choice of personal pronoun in single-author papers has a good discussion of the motivation for using first-person plural pronouns ("we") instead of first-person singular (“I”), ...
tparker's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Best way to highlight the main result in a mathematical paper

I am writing a mathematical paper where I (re-)state a well-known theorem, followed by several corollaries. One of these corollaries is my main result and, naturally, it is somewhat lost in the text, ...
IljaKlebanov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should I explain abbreviations after table of abbreviations in research paper?

I have table of abbreviations at the end of the introduction section. Should explain an abbrevation if it was explained in that table, at other sections of the paper.
Nima Aghayan's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Convention on embedding three pairs of items in a single sentence using parentheses

I am writing in a description of three items in a thesis on Particle Physics, and I can do it in one line in theory. If there were just two items, e.g. A and B, which produce results C and D, I could ...
GluonicPenguin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

quality standards for joint paper written mostly by mentee

I am increasingly in a position where I am writing papers with students I am mentoring. Since these projects are primarily meant to expose them to research, I will often have them take the lead on the ...
overfull hbox's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Shorthand descriptions in article text

In an article I am writing for the Journal of Chemical Physics we are comparing/contrasting the behavior of methane (i.e CH4) scattering from a bare and oxidized Ni(111) surface. Often for the purpose ...
creillyucla's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I suggest certain proofreading software in article review?

The questions that deal with language errors during peer-review (1 2 to name a few) typically recommend suggesting the authors seek proofreading help from a person who is proficient in English. From ...
And R's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

What words should I capitalize in the title of a PhD dissertation?

I am unsure about how to capitalize the title of my dissertation. In my case, I am wondering about "testing" and "empirical": Four Essays on the empirical testing of the ...
TobKel's user avatar
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8 votes
11 answers

Inclusive language: alternatives to 'parent/daughter' for inanimate objects

My work deals with transformations in matter, wherein one physical form (a 'phase') changes to another. The initial form has often traditionally been called the 'parent phase' and the transformed form ...
AppliedAcademic's user avatar

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