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Questions tagged [code]

Questions concerning computer code written or used in the context of a research project or other academic endeavour (including questions on licensing, ownership, sharing, distribution, and formatting of academic source code). For other questions on software (related to academic aspects of using the software rather then developing it), use the `software` tag instead. Generic code questions, e.g. help with debugging, are off-topic and will be closed.

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1 vote
4 answers

Postdoc supervisor has stopped helping

I finished my postdoc and joined in a faculty position sometime back. My postdoc supervisor is not responding to my messages and not helping at all now. He is the developer of a program/code that I ...
Rob91's user avatar
  • 43
1 vote
1 answer

Papers including non open-source code and not including non open-source code?

My question is very specific. I read papers/books that in order for the author to build the system, they need to program the hardware in IP protected code. Some papers or books publish the code. ...
mike's user avatar
  • 525
3 votes
2 answers

Do you think that publishing a documented script in R (e.g. on GitHub) can increase the chance of publication?

I am involved in environmental science. The data analysis for my following scientific paper is done 100% in R. I'm wondering if I should clean up my script before submitting the article for review and ...
crtnnn's user avatar
  • 31
21 votes
3 answers

I am not getting academic credit for code I have written for my PhD, when it was later used in other research. Should I complain?

During my PhD, I developed a data analysis code. My PI encouraged its development, expecting it to stay within the research group. The code was used in some published papers and gained attention when ...
Quasark's user avatar
  • 311
1 vote
1 answer

Can I integrate contributing code to an open-source project as part of the curriculum?

First and foremost, I am not a lawyer. :) But I think I’ve got a tricky question: Can I integrate contributing code to an open-source project as part of the curriculum, and if so, how? Let me provide ...
Michael Dorner's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Should I include repeated code in my thesis appendix?

I'm writing up my PhD thesis and I'm not sure about the inclusion of some of the code I have written. I have a number of MATLAB scripts that I have included in the Appendix. The issue is that I have ...
ChrisD91's user avatar
  • 161
12 votes
7 answers

Will it be a risk for my future research career in machine learning if I avoid learning and using Python?

I started my programming language journey with the C/C++ family of languages (i.e., D, Java, C#, etc.). In the machine learning field, the most popular tools are written in the Python programming ...
user366312's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Submitting code from my R package to a conference

I'm submitting a paper to a conference. The conference encourages also submitting code for reproducibility. My paper builds upon a previous paper, which had a corresponding R package. Therefore, for ...
Sparsity's user avatar
  • 199
20 votes
4 answers

Tutoring Unfamiliar Material

Context: I've been tutoring in software development for the better part of this year. I've been a hobbyist and student software engineer for the last 3 years and I have decent experience in a few ...
dvub's user avatar
  • 321
0 votes
1 answer

Uploading adapted research code with missing licence

I adapted some code from a public GitHub repository for a paper, and I have to upload my code to make my work reproducible. I cite the work for which the repository was created in the paper and added ...
PascalIv's user avatar
  • 133
0 votes
0 answers

Find papers that use specific sample groups

I've been tasked with finding all papers within a journal whose sample groups contain children. There are journals between 1999 and 2023 that I need to search through. My first thought was to try to ...
Anna Ackerman's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to write a good introduction for a software package in a paper?

There are several algorithms in my research area, and I'm the first to implement them all together in a R package with Rcpp. I'm working on a paper in which I'd like to compare those algorithms as ...
C.K.'s user avatar
  • 369
6 votes
2 answers

Should I upload all my R code in figshare before submitting my manuscript?

To conduct my study, I had to use thousands of lines of R code to generate random data and to do analysis. Now, when I am going to submit my manuscript to my targeted journal, do they ask to provide ...
user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Is it considered plagiarism if I implement a program by closely following a book?

I am creating a software application for my bachelor thesis. I have found a book that guides me through the whole implementation process of my problem, as well as a source code and I am following the ...
MOLD's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What are some considerations that I should be aware of when it comes to creating a code package?

I am performing a wide survey on algorithms and models on a current hot topic in machine learning that I have been taking part in contributing recently. Many of the algorithms/models proposed in ...
SPARSE's user avatar
  • 221
2 votes
3 answers

Displaying publication results in website [closed]

First time here. My background is in biomedical science, so I have no knowledge of coding whatsoever. Since I was tasked with building a website for my lab, I used WIX as my website builder. I based ...
DrHT's user avatar
  • 21
0 votes
4 answers

Is this a figure, a table, or... something else? (Thesis object labelling.)

I am writing my MSc in data analytics in the UK. I am planning to include some R code outputs in it: data and model summaries generated automatically (the grey part in the below example). Question: is ...
Reader 123's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

If I want to write and publish a book where I use C++ code for GPUs, what are the steps? [closed]

If I want to write and publish a book where I use my examples with C++ code that I have written for specific GPUs, what are the steps? Is there an infringement, because I will base the examples to ...
mike's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Dealing with Tech Debt as a Postdoc

I’m in the applied maths field and I consider myself better at math than coding. At some point during my first year as a postdoc, my supervisor told me, “No, you cannot use package A anymore, but use ...
user15988's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the most practical way to assess the performance of electrical engineering students in the use of MATLAB?

I am teaching a Signal Processing Lab to undergrad students but I am very confused in regard to how I can evaluate and assess their performance. I have discussed the matter with my colleagues and they ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Paper replication coding task for computer science Ph.D students

I want to ask about the specific task given by an advisor to their students, consisting of a paper replication coding task. The task involves writing a lot of code as to implement the paper's ...
Martin Moore's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How much should I tidy up code before I share it?

I'm about to give my first conference presentation, in historical linguistics. (In case it matters: I'm an undergraduate presenting at an undergraduate conference in the UK). My presentation and ...
extremeteenbible's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

How much technical / debugging help should I expect my advisor to provide?

My supervisor said to me that a supervisor isn't expected to help a student with such problems as errors in statistical packages (R, etc). I suppose it refers to all sort of data managing questions. I ...
Lawerymea's user avatar
  • 317
-2 votes
1 answer

Someone copied and submitted my code as theirs, what should I do? [duplicate]

My firend submitted my code on his assignment without my permission and said if something happens he will take the blame, what should I do now ? I am very stressful
Sad student's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How much implementation detail to include in PhD thesis

If I developed a library during my PhD (in physics, not CS), but the topic is focused on what I used it for, rather than the code development itself, how much implementation detail should I give in my ...
name.disp's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
2 answers

How can I convince my professor that I did not copy from another student?

I am a computer science major and I was given a zero grade for having identical code to another student. I did not copy or share the code with anyone. The professor warned us that copying code from ...
Jack's user avatar
  • 1
3 votes
5 answers

Should I give up on an assignment that I can't figure out?

I'm a sophomore CS Major, and I have a final programming project due on Monday for one of my classes, but right now, I've been stuck on it for the past two days. I've tried several different ...
Gift G.'s user avatar
  • 39
1 vote
2 answers

Citations in Open Source Code

When writing open-source software, should the author(s) cite the sources they get help from? This might make sense if an author forgets how to implement a basic data structure and winds up fetching ...
Shawn Eary's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Is it okay to submit my paper if my code can't be organized now?

Currently, I am working on a model that includes deep neural networks. I am not an expert in coding nor are my colleagues. I had a hypothesis and it seems to be working. So, I may need to write a ...
hanugm's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Where should I host software for individual papers?

I'm a teen who's writing a paper on Poisson-Disc distribution over the summer for fun, and I wanted to distribute the software I used for the simulations to maintain scientific integrity. Obviously I ...
Leland Kilborn's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to contact the author of the paper for code review?

I want to make sure that my code is OK and fully compliant with the original paper algorithm, is it OK to contact the professor that created the algorithm for reviewing my code? Thanks
marc nicole's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is it academic dishonesty if I committed my exam answers into a private GitHub repo during an exam?

During an exam, I committed codes into my repository on GitHub. In this case, am I involved in academic dishonesty for providing answers in public even though my repository was set as private?
JaeHyeon Park's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Author name-surname mistake in the Google Scholar citation

I have a problem with the appearance of my paper in Google Scholar. My name is correctly represented in the journal artical as "Nilhan Kaya," so the citation should be "Kaya, N". ...
Nilhan Kaya's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Citing programming packages [duplicate]

I wanted to ask how to cite python packages into a scientific article. I used a code package for my project and I can not find a scientific publication of the package I used. Exist a standard to cite ...
Euler's user avatar
  • 169
2 votes
3 answers

What is the prestige/status/merit-value of a Graduate degree in Pure Math/Philosophy(of math, or logic) in industry (particularly programming jobs)?

I tried asking this same question here previously but worded it poorly. Please let me know if my muddled style is unclear to anyone alongside myself. What I'm essentially asking is: all else being ...
ksmks3n1's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Code/package developed by others - citation or co-authorship?

Say in one of my projects, I am using someone elses code in a published paper. The method is novel and therefore I also have some general discussion on how to apply the developed code in GitHub. Am I ...
Mahali Sindy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Transforming a private research project repository into an open-source repository [closed]

Our research project is ready for being shared as a preprint and submitted for peer review. What are the best practices for transforming the private research repository (which includes several pilot ...
Trisoloriansunscreen's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Should I include as author of my current paper someone who wrote code that I'm using?

I'm being asked (by my advisors) to include a person I don't even know as author of my new papers, in which they haven't done anything. The reason seems to be that my work is based on source code that ...
user2059990's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to mention a coding style guide in thesis or scientific text

Is there a best practice where or how to introduce a style guide inside a thesis? (Meant is a style guide for programming languages) I write a scientific text which contains some code samples. My ...
Paul Smith's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

My teacher accidentally put one of the codes on my test and I used it [closed]

On my programming midterm, my teacher gave me one of the codes for the question on accident. I did not mention this to the teacher and used it as my answer and deleted where he gave it to me. The ...
Susan's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Academic integrity and plagiarism issue related to an idea. How to handle and communicate?

In 2018, I shared an idea with an assistant professor from another university. I shared this because this is an idea many people are working on and are developing approaches to solve it. My PhD ...
everestial's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Tips for computer coding exams

I'm studying computer science at a technical college. In some courses we perform live coding exams, i.e. we download the code and have a certain amount of time to solve the exam, then we have to push ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Test of programming skills during postdoctoral interview [closed]

I am going to have an interview for the postdoctoral position in the US which will include the test of programming skills in one programming language. Does anyone know what kind of exercise/difficulty ...
Sonya77's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Including code in finance Dissertation

I am writing my dissertation and I have a question on how to present my results. So I have used Rstudio to write the code with which I did some statistical analysis by using some tests. I have ...
makala's user avatar
  • 13
2 votes
1 answer

Could I include non-academical projects to my CV for phd application?

I have just joined this community and I am going to apply for a CS PhD for Fall 2022. Currently, I am preparing my CV. Since I have been working in the industry as a software engineer for roughly five ...
Kato's user avatar
  • 179
20 votes
1 answer

Misleading Results of Cited Paper

We have developed a novel algorithm, published a paper about it, then after a few months, we "copied" our implementation to a very popular opensource library. A few months after, a paper was ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 333
0 votes
1 answer

Submitting two related papers to two journals simultaneously [duplicate]

I have spent 2+ years working on a project in computational neuroscience that has interest for clinicians and now I am starting to write the paper text. I want to submit it to one of neurology-related ...
demitau's user avatar
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3 answers

My former advisor wants to publish a paper that relies on code that I worked on without giving me any credit. What should I do?

I was in a research group for my MSc. dissertation (computational work) during which I developed quite a bit of code that went on being used in a publication which I co-authored (no code was published ...
iliupersis's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Can I create anonymous repositories for double-blind peer review via GitHub organizations?

When submitting a paper to a conference/journal for double-blind peer review, one usually has to anonymize source code, if there is any. In my situation, I have to do it in a form of GitHub repository....
StrausMG's user avatar
  • 211
-1 votes
1 answer

Are advisors supposed to know programming? [closed]

I want to know if, as a Ph.D. student, i can ask my advisor a programming question ? Actually my advisor gave me a coding task, and i want to know how they will verify what i code is right ? i can ...
marc nicole's user avatar

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