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On standards or conventions specific to computer science as an academic discipline, and programs that lead to a degree in this field. For regular computer science questions, visit our sister site Computer Science Stack Exchange.

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0 answers

CS to Astrophysics [duplicate]

I’m 46 years old and got my bachelors degree in computer science from WGU in 6 months. I want to do a PhD in computational astrophysics. I was originally go to double majoring in undergrad but saw ...
Andre Jones's user avatar
-3 votes
0 answers

Is my project qualitative or qualitative research? [closed]

I'm a little confused about whether my project would utilize a qualitative or quantitative research method. my project involves inputting images into an AI model to classify the images into different ...
Plshelpme's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Applying for a Masters degree in ECE with a low average GPA & B.S. degree not in ECE

I'm a senior Math major, looking to apply for a MS in Electrical/Computer Engineering. However, my degree is in Math. I have taken some ECE courses in embedded system and microcontrollers, and the 100-...
wonderinghuh's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Best app/note-taking platform to keep Computer Science notes?

The Situation I am a 3rd year CS student currently on break after my finals. I was recently looking back through the notes I took for the past 2 years and they are all over the place, some on paper, ...
SilianRail's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What can I expect for US grad admissions with a degree from a reputable middle east university

My university has consistently been ranked as one of the top universities in the middle east (American University of Beirut) (excluding israeli universities) and I am concerned about how US profs view ...
StackExchanger's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What can I do about failing an additional course in grad school if I am aiming for competitive PhD programs in the US?

I am enrolled in an Oxbridge computer science graduate program. We are required to pass our top 6 modules, which I did. I actually did really well in some modules. However, I decided to register for a ...
StackExchanger's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I strengthen my application for a computer science master's program with a background in medical electronics engineering? [closed]

I'm planning to apply for a master's program in computer science at a German public university. I have a background in medical electronics engineering, a GPA of 3.9, three years of work experience, ...
dell rawal's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

PhD in computational mathematics without a strong mathematical background

I'm interested in starting a PhD in computational mathematics at one of the top 5 universities in the UK. My first degree is in Electrical Engineering. I went to one of the top 2 public sector ...
ingenieur's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

When do you stop research or consider the sunken-cost fallacy

While currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science degree, I have been doing research that has unresolved conclusions for more than a year and a half. The research topic itself is ...
RedSean's user avatar
  • 153
3 votes
2 answers

How to come back to academic machine learning career after absence due to health issues

Back in 2018 I started a master's degree in CS focusing on ML with the goal of eventually obtaining a PhD. This did not work out for two reasons: 1) most of the ML faculty left for another university. ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 133
8 votes
4 answers

Does accreditation matter in Computer Science (UK)?

For the context, I'm in the final year of my MEng degree in Computer Science, and I have a choice to resit a course, which I failed, to stay on the accredited route, or I can choose not to resit and ...
leaf34's user avatar
  • 83
-1 votes
3 answers

Seeking Advice on Balancing a Full-Time Job and Studying Computer Science [closed]

I’m starting university in two months to study computer science and have two job offers: one from Vodafone UK (work from home, 10,000) and another from Sutherland (on-site, 15,000). I’m planning to ...
Seth's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How can I work around the issues and obtain a proper computing environment?

I have been working on machine learning and neural network training for some of my projects. My supervisor gave me some Linux computers that are at least a decade old and equipped with GeForce GTX 780 ...
user366312's user avatar
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0 votes
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Which is More Valuable in Computer Science: Conference or Journal Publications?

In the field of computer science, there seems to be a unique emphasis on where research findings are published, with significant weight often placed on conference papers compared to other fields where ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

I recently graduated with a University Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, and I am thinking about becoming a Latin teacher. What should I do? [closed]

Per my previous question, I recently graduated with a University Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Osijek. However, I don't want to be a programmer any more. Merely ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

What is the general procedure to read and understand a research paper written by a third person? [closed]

I am reading a research paper given to me by my supervisor that was published by a research group at another university in another country. The aim is obviously to improve it. The paper is about ...
user366312's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Should I retract my submission to a CS conference after finding a couple of errors in manuscript?

I spotted two errors in my submission post-deadline for the first round of review (the next and final round is a rebuttal round where we can address the reviewers' comments). The errors are as follows:...
mob6's user avatar
  • 13
9 votes
5 answers

An application of the (100/e)% rule applied to postdocs: moving on from an academic career, perhaps

Motivation: There's a nice rule from mathematics that states that, when making some types of decisions, one can sample the first (100/e)% of the things available to get a feel for what is out there, ...
Shaun's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Handling cases of "potential" ChatGPT-generated reviews in non-anonymous program committees (as a PC member)

I am currently serving on the program committee (PC) of a top-tier venue in computer science. Every paper is reviewed by 3-4 PC members; then, the authors can then see the reviews and respond with a &...
P. Shark's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Applying for Computer Science PhD in US after thesis-based MS in Canada [closed]

I'm currently doing MS in Computer Science in Canada as an international student and planning to apply for a PhD program in USA after completing my MS. The reason I chose an MS after BS was that I ...
3N4N's user avatar
  • 109
8 votes
5 answers

Coauthors rewrote and published "abandoned" project without my knowledge

I worked on some results jointly with other coauthors. We jointly wrote a first draft of the article, and we started discussing where to submit. Time passed, and there was not much impulse to finish ...
tandr's user avatar
  • 81
1 vote
1 answer

Advice in Navigating Concerns in Pursuing an Interdisciplinary PhD in Computer Science and Neuroscience

I graduated both my undergraduate and master's degree in Computer Science and currently working in academia. I am applying for a PhD call (Finland) focusing on AI and data science. I didn't realize ...
raisa_'s user avatar
  • 147
2 votes
2 answers

Co-authors don't answer anymore and we still want them to be authors, what affiliations and emails should I use?

We are 4 co-authors for a paper. The four of us contributed significantly to the article, though, since approximately 6 months, two of them do not reply to the emails. Thus, we are two remaining ...
JKHA's user avatar
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Work publishable at conference

In the course of writing my master's thesis, I developed a new algorithm that outperforms several state-of-the-art algorithms. However, I have encountered a study that uses a similar idea but ...
Sarah's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a way to continue on research when there is no hope?

I am a PhD student in the final year of my studies, I am positive that I will get my degree. However, I have published only two papers, one in an A conference and one in a B conference. I have three ...
Anamica's user avatar
  • 27
0 votes
1 answer

How to go about publishing a paper solving a new problem [closed]

I am a computer science student in university, at work I stumbled across what I believe is a NP-Hard problem that I have an active interest to solve in it's complete form. I have no experience in ...
TimothyH 's user avatar
44 votes
18 answers

When teaching Computer Architecture, why are universities using obscure or even made-up CPUs? Why not x86, ARM or RISC-V?

On the FERIT University, we are using the PicoBlaze CPU to study Computer Architecture. And the same is true for a university in Argentina that the GitHub user agustiza is from. And we ran into a ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What next step would be best with my preferred math PhDs in mind? [closed]

I applied for PhDs this December. My undergrad is in computer science and my master’s which I have just finished is in theoretical computer science, both in Greece. I was mostly aiming for a math PhD ...
master bob's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to select problems to solve while self-studying university computer science textbooks?

How to read textbooks like you listen a lecture? Best way to read academic/scientific books What are some good techniques for reading a textbook? How do I improve my ability to learn? I read all these ...
Team B.I's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Are there any statistics as to the percentage of European students getting a PhD from the USA and then getting employed?

I have a feeling that US PhD degrees (or, at least, a US PostDoc after a PhD from the EU) are valued more in the EU than EU PhD degrees. However, I cannot prove that. Are there any statistics as to ...
user366312's user avatar
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3 votes
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MSc Thesis supervisor wants to push paper to conferences, yet is super obscure on the topic, he just wants to rush

My supervisor pitched this idea of working on this "sms abuse" paper, he claims it will be a "breakthrough" and no one has publish something like this before. He wants me to ...
NickNameNick's user avatar
19 votes
10 answers

How many hours spending learning a day [closed]

I am studying cs and biology in my first year, 7 courses in total. From the start of the semester I pretty much learned every day from the moment I finished my day in the university until I went tto ...
miiky123's user avatar
  • 307
7 votes
5 answers

What do I do about a professor that demands I publish a nonsense proof?

tl;dr: Skip the first two paragraphs. I'm a student working in theoretical computer science. I recently did some research where I came up with most of the ideas, but would regularly receive feedback ...
Fricis's user avatar
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Are there any funding issues going on in the US universities which are affecting PhD admissions this year?

Location: USA Department: Computer Science I’ve applied to 8 schools for PhD admissions this year and have only received a rejection from one so far (a private university). Rest of my applications ...
z1_sb's user avatar
  • 21
9 votes
2 answers

Are R1s preferred over R2s in funding applications?

I have two tenure track assistant professor offers from two US schools, close in university ranking to each other (US news) but one is R1 and the other is R2. I’m more inclined to the R2 offer. I am ...
sagsriv's user avatar
  • 91
12 votes
7 answers

Will it be a risk for my future research career in machine learning if I avoid learning and using Python?

I started my programming language journey with the C/C++ family of languages (i.e., D, Java, C#, etc.). In the machine learning field, the most popular tools are written in the Python programming ...
user366312's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to deal with failing ideas?

I graduated from my PhD last November and as I get along super well with my PhD supervisors, I decided to pursue research with them on my free time alongside my postdoctoral position. We all have ...
JKHA's user avatar
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2 votes
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Should I reach out to PI regarding my application after having submitted it?

I reached out to a potential PI because we had good research fit back in November. The PI also replied to my mail and told I have good research fit with his lab and told me to apply to the program. I ...
z1_sb's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Most important things I should do during my CS undergrad if I want to get into a PhD program in the US

I recently switched my major to Computer Science at a top university in Costa Rica. I'm seeking advice on things I should do during my undergrad to improve my chances of gaining admission to a ...
Enrique Ramírez's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Should I discuss my research idea with my supervisor?

I am a 2nd-year interdisciplinary PhD student, and I am pursuing a publication-based PhD. I have been thinking about a new research idea that was never done before. For example, say applying a ...
user366312's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Nominating a graduate student for a mentorship award

I'm an undergraduate student in CS and I want to nominate my graduate student mentor for a mentorship award at my university. He has been my mentor for a year and a half and over that time he has ...
anonymous's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Does TAing the same course repeatedly help your academic career path?

I'm a PhD student specializing in computer vision, with a previous Master's degree. Until now, I have TAed the 5xx course "Introduction to Computer Vision" twice, and 4 other courses (...
kalyan g's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Semiconductor industry specific journals for applied data science - Low to Med impact factor [closed]

Am working in a semiconductor industry as a emerging data scientist. As part of my task, I work on simple problems and solve them using simple algorithms such as traditional machine algos - SVM, ...
The Great's user avatar
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2 votes
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Summer internship with no experience in sub-field

I am graduating in a few months with a BSc in Computer Science. I am applying to summer research internships for Data Science. I have done 2 research internships in the past, both related to NLP. The ...
Sam's user avatar
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Differences in Contributions Between Case Study Papers and Full Papers in Human-computer Interaction

I am currently trying to understand the nuances of different types of publications within the Human-computer Interaction (HCI) field. Specifically, I am interested in the differences between case ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Somewhat bad grades and repeated courses in first few semesters, will it affect my chance to write a bachelors thesis? [closed]

I'm currently studying Computer Science in my 4th year and due to some personal reasons during my first few semesters, I wasn't really performing too well and had to retake a few classes. Although my ...
thepiwalrus's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Emphasis on explaining background knowledge in PL; not much so in physics?

As a CS-Physics double major undergrad entering my senior year, I have begun reading a handful of articles from both fields. Specifically, I have read some articles from programming language-related ...
이희원's user avatar
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1 vote
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To apply for a CS PhD, is it a good idea to first get into a master’s program but a less competitive track to enter a top school?

I am applying for CS graduate school in the US this fall. I have a moderate 3.6 GPA in a public ivy university that is about top 60 nationwide. I do not have much research experience (I regretted ...
Yang Xu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Addressing Errors in Master's Thesis Results and Potential Impact on Degree

I recently completed a Master's course in the UK, during which I submitted a dissertation in June 2023 on machine learning. Unfortunately, I was dealing with some personal issues at the time, which ...
jameslinux20's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it better to do a bachelors in general Computer Science or in a subfield focused degree? [closed]

I'm in a dilemma between whether to do bachelors in general Computer Science or a specialization in it. These specializations include Artificial intelligence, Cyber security, Data Science, and ...
Sohaib Mubashir's user avatar

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