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6 votes
3 answers

Does a reference to a work inside a footnote have to be in the bibliography?

If in a footnote I write something like, "For more on the debate, see... so and so" Does that work I referenced in the footnote go on the bibliography page even if I did not reference this work ...
Ken's user avatar
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2 answers

If watch a video about a book do I need to cite the book as well?

I watched a video recently about a book (Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"), and I am going to use that video as a source in a paper I am writing. Do I need to cite ...
magnetosticker's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Meaning of et al. when referring to multiple papers with the same first author

I am citing some papers with the same first author but different co-authors. For example, [1] is a paper by X, Y and Z, and [2] is a paper by X, A and B. Would X et al. [1,2] be appropriate here? ...
Mohamed Khamis's user avatar
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How should I cite a publication where the author(s) are anonymous (but the organization is not)?

I'd like to cite the following articles from "Scientific Data" (a journal from the Nature Publishing Group), but no authors are mentioned (as far as I can tell):
nathanielng's user avatar
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Should I cite the reference if I have already cited it in the previous paragraph?

For example, A [1] is a dataset for training the model. I have cited once in this sentence. Then in the second sentence somewhere in my paper, I would like to use A [1] as my experimental ...
hidemyname's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to include a paper in the reference list but not cite it in text?

A paper (quite) related to some work my coauthors and I have recently appeared as a preprint. This paper cites ours; however, it does not do so in the body of the paper (intro, proofs, etc.), but only ...
Clement C.'s user avatar
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Bibliographic entry for a pseudymous work with known real author

This question is the bibliographic pendant to this question. Let us suppose I write an academic paper where I cite the well known paper English sentences without overt grammatical subject (pdf), ...
Frédéric Grosshans's user avatar
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3 answers

Citations - when should you add the initial?

It is common practice - at least in mathematics - to refer to people one cites in the paper simply by a surname. Hence, one could see sentences like "This awesome theorem is due to Smith.". However, ...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
6 votes
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How should I cite an open letter with a large number of signatories?

When citing an open letter, is it appropriate to cite all of the signatories as authors? I would like to cite the following open letter: Dear Oprah Winfrey: 142 Writers Ask You to Reconsider American ...
Neal Zupancic's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Citing a passage which includes added words by the translator?

I have the translation of a work in front of me and want to quote it. The translation reads: "This is the right decision, and yet it is the wrong [one]" The translator added the 'one' in brackets ...
Matthias Neumann's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to cite a chapter from a report with different authors?

I have to cite a multi-chapter report. Every chapter has different authors. Should I cite with the name of the main author and then the specific chapter? Or should I use the first author of the ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
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Citing article with number AND issue

I stumbled over some journal which uses, next to volumes, numbers AND issues. I am wondering how one cites articles in this journal. For example, if some article is contained in a journal having only ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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How should one cite the entirety of a journal?

I want to cite a journal itself, not an article in it, the publication. I think the same would hold for a magazine, not an issue of that magazine. The specific citation information will be enough. ...
Jason Hemann's user avatar
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How to cite paper with several co-first authors in APA style?

It's common in my field to have articles with many (>>6) authors including several "co-first authors." For example: A. Anderson*, B. Brown*, C. Clark, D. Davidson, ..., Z. Zed * These authors ...
CloudyGloudy's user avatar
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Citing part of a work when using IEEE style

Is it acceptable to be very specific in IEEE-style citations (always providing the section or paragraph)? In the IEEE Reference Guide, there are examples on how one can use IEEE-style citations to ...
hb20007's user avatar
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2 answers

How to cite primary source first found in secondary source?

I have the following situation (I am in the humanities): I am writing a paper. In that paper, I several times cite a particular scholar's book. Now, in that book, this scholar cites (not quotes) a ...
user avatar
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How to provide attribution to a media source in a research paper?

I'm working on a project report which we plan to publish as a research paper later after some more work. In my report I have used some images from the Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia. They all are ...
lakshayg's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I cite the ministry in my own country in APA?

In my research paper, I have cite from a curriculum published by the Ministry of Education in my country. Should I cite the name of the ministry in my own language (i.e. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı; MEB as ...
Süleyman Yaman's user avatar
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Citing "p. x" to mean page ten of a book looks confusing since "x" isn't clearly a Roman Numeral

By theory, I should cite page x (page ten) like [Krusche1999, p. x]. If it were on page iii or page xi, it would look better, such as [Krusche1999, p. iii] or [Krusche1999, p. xi]. However, it is on ...
Jhz832's user avatar
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Can I upload a national report which I reference in a paper to a preprint server so it has a permanent location and/or DOI rather than a URL?

I recently wrote an editorial article which referenced several national (UK) reports. These are typically freely available as pdf files online via institutions like the British Medical Association, ...
croc7415's user avatar
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How should I cite a tool or a library in my article?

When using an online library, tool, framework or something similar, what is the proper way to reference it in an article? (I work in Computer Science). For example, I want to say that many popular ...
penelope's user avatar
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In IEEE format, How to cite a website when no author name is given?

Problem I have to cite this webpage. However, no author name is given there. What I have found? This and this one have referred, when we do not find author name, the title moves to the first ...
Md Sabbir Ahmed's user avatar
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Do we cite authors or papers when using author/year citations?

Numbered citations In my field, we usually use only numbered citations, e.g. As shown in [1], the sky is blue. This means that we obviously refer to a certain the paper (which can be found under [...
cheersmate's user avatar
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How to cite regularly published editorials that have no specific titles?

Many magazines and journals have standard editorial pieces such as a letter from the editor to introduce that month's publication; or closing comments written by different people. For example, the ...
RJo's user avatar
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5 answers

Conference Title - shall abbreviation and year be listed uniformly?

I'm just had a look at my citations and they are in an aweful state. Most conference papers that I imported into my citation manager have different styles, e.g.: IEEEE Conference on Emerging Txxx ...
Franz Kafka's user avatar
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How to cite GDPR and AI Act?

How to properly cite these two sources? In the AI/ML literature I am finding many non-homogenous citations of these two documents, with some of them wanting to specify a chapter and others the whole ...
Carlos Mougan's user avatar
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How do I reference a conference paper that is due to be published later this year

I am writing a paper that builds on a previous work. The previous work has been accepted at a conference and will be published as part of the proceedings, but it hasn't been published yet. Do I just ...
Adam Daura's user avatar
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How to cite a website/manual where the authors are (mostly) unknown?

For my thesis, I need to cite some pieces of software documentation. The website in question is the documentation of Kubernetes. I'm fine with using @misc entries in my bibtex file, but obviously I ...
Franz Wimmer's user avatar
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Why are some highly-cited papers shown by Google Scholar arXiv preprints?

I found some papers somewhat related to my work, and, on Google Scholar, the citations are for the arXiv preprint, not a journal version of the paper. Why is this? The citations are in the thousands, ...
user avatar
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How to handle a bib source with no author?

I am writing a paper in English and have a couple of sources that have no author. In German there would be the abbreviation o.V. standing for ohne Verfasser which translates to no author in those ...
Socrates's user avatar
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How to cite supplementary material of a Science paper and avoid confusion with my own supplementary material?

I want to specify in my paper an exact methodology developed by another author and explained in the suplementary material of a Science's paper. The problem is that I already have my own supplementary ...
j91's user avatar
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Attributing Second-order Citations

Imagine that a paper by [Author A] has pulled together some literature on the misuse of a technology in context X. I now want to talk about misuse of the same technology but in context Y. When ...
Dr. Thomas C. King's user avatar
4 votes
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Format of In-Text Citations for Military Publications?

Though I've scrutinized the APA 6th Edition and online examples, I remain confused about how to format military publications for in-text citations. In text, is it sufficient to cite just the ...
RJo's user avatar
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Why does the Chicago referencing guide use colons for page numbers in some cases, and commas in others?

I love the Chicago Manual of Style notes-bibliography referencing style, although I treat it as the lesser of many evils. For instance, this has always bugged me: why is it that in footnotes, the page ...
lowercasename's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

APA: Citing a term in quotation marks that is not a secondary source (i.e. quotation marks are used by author for emphasis)

The source I would like to cite introduces a new concept, and when doing so, the term used to describe this concept is written in quotation marks – however these quotation marks are used for emphasis ...
Pentaquark's user avatar
4 votes
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Citing a Datasheet or Technical document in IEEE style

I am working on a thesis in the Engineering field and I came across the problem of citing datasheets, technical documents, test reports, application notes, reference designs... that the manufacturers ...
jasenjot's user avatar
4 votes
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Should I include the country when citing government agencies in APA?

I use APA citation style. When I cite a government agency as the author or publisher of a work, should I include "United States", "U.S.", or omit the country entirely? Is it ever appropriate to ...
sondra.kinsey's user avatar
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Can you exclude issue numbers in references based on APA 6th edition?

I'm currently working on my thesis (communication science), and I'm wondering about the issue number in the reference list. A teacher told me that I don't need to include the issue number. But I ...
Lisa's user avatar
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How to cite Arabic translation of a German book in an English paper?

I have a question and I searched a lot but couldn't find its answer. I write in English and there are a few books which are originally written in German and French, and unfortunately there is no ...
Mezgin's user avatar
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Where is the best place to refer to the system of transliteration in an article?

Following APA style, "if you are citing a work written in a non-Latin script (e.g., Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Russian), the reference must be transliterated into the English alphabet." Sometimes, for ...
Juya's user avatar
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How to Quote an ICD 10 Chapter in Vancouver style?

I want to quote a chapter from ICD10 in vancouver format. I have searched whole web for some references on this. But I could not find anything. I am a newbie here. Can some one please help. This is ...
Queen Sarah's user avatar
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APA citation of a published interview

I am strugging to find a consistent answer on how to correctly reference a chapter in a book, that is an interview. (The book in question is avaliable as PDF here) The book is edited by two authors ...
birgit's user avatar
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Vancouver style citation and multiple sentences

I use a numbered citation style in my research paper. How should I use a citation when I have multiple sentences from the same source? E.g. for one sentence it’s easy: My apple is red (1). ...
teemue's user avatar
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Abbreviating first names in the bibliography

In my bibliography I use the names of the authors as they are given in the publication. Usually this will be the last name, the first name not abbreviated and second names abbreviated. However, I now ...
user2653422's user avatar
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How to differentiate long paraphrasing and original ideas with APA in-text citations?

Let's say I have the following paragraph: Smith (2011) contends that blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. This allows for one to decide ...
The Obscure Question's user avatar
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Using Cambridge's "short-title reference system"

Does anyone have experience using the Cambridge UP's "short-title reference system" or even just know of a work that uses it. I'm copy-editing for some extra cash but the style guide they ...
Austin Hancock's user avatar
3 votes
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How are arXiv papers cited using IEEE citation style?

I have been trying to find an IEEE publication which cites an arXiv paper. However, it seems that electrical engineers shy away from citing anything arXiv related. I have been looking around for a ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Where should I place the citation in this sentence?

I have the following sentence, where the citation refers to the first part of the sentence. Because of how it appears in the formatting of my paper, and how it reads, I would like to have the citation ...
John's user avatar
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May I cite an unpublished exercise from a lecture?

In a mathematics thesis I am currently working on, I use a statement we proved in the exercise classes of a lecture I attended last year, but neither the exercises nor the lecture notes have been ...
Peter Koepernik's user avatar
3 votes
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Harvard referencing: same year, same last name, same initials

This is a question about the Harvard referencing system. I've written a paper and cited two publications, each with a single author, both published in the same year. These authors are unrelated - ...
Toledo's user avatar
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