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2 answers

How often do you have to cite a source when stating that you follow someone's work at the beginning of the section?

I am writing my thesis at this point and I have some sections, which started as follows: Throughout this section we follow \cite[Section 3.2.1]{...} for solving ... I am wondering whether I have to ...
MathStarter's user avatar
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Is my citation error considered as plagiarism?

Briefly speaking, I recently found out that my graduate research paper has some citation errors. Which is really poor citations. I cited a wrong author name (author A) for a sentence which actually ...
walker's user avatar
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How to properly credit other people when writing a text book?

In many textbooks, authors usually write about other people's research results without the type of detailed and extensive citations typically seen in a research paper. Often times without any credit ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Should I indicate that definitions are from an article?

In my master thesis I included some definitions exactly (just translated in French) like they appear in a paper because they are particularly well written and easy to read for someone who has never ...
potato's user avatar
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Attributing Second-order Citations

Imagine that a paper by [Author A] has pulled together some literature on the misuse of a technology in context X. I now want to talk about misuse of the same technology but in context Y. When ...
Dr. Thomas C. King's user avatar
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Citations in a Paper After the Whole Quotation is Shown

Say I have a quotation that is written at the top of my page something like this: Abook Robert Contor was always an odd fellow, but when the neighbors discovered his secret, everything changed. (p. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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