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2 answers

When do you include the nth in front of the conference when citing?

This question is easiest to ask by showing an example. There are conferences that are cited like 5th International Conference on ABC and some like Interational Conference on XYZ. Why are some ...
Ralff's user avatar
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A paper is published in a book, conference and its proceedings, should I cite it as book, conference or conference proceeding paper?

I use Mendeley reference manager and sometimes import articles from browser to my Mendeley Library using browser extension. Import is totally fine but I am having two confusions after importing: Some ...
Programmer's user avatar
9 votes
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Conference held in year X, proceedings published in X+2 - which to use?

A certain conference was held on year X, but its proceedings were published in print in year X+2. When I cite an article submitted to that conference (which I read in the published proceedings) - how ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to cite paper when there is a gap between conference date and publication date

We are preparing conference proceedings of a research unit to be published online for the first time. Their first conference was in 2010. We are developing their website with export citation options ...
nisr's user avatar
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Conference Title - shall abbreviation and year be listed uniformly?

I'm just had a look at my citations and they are in an aweful state. Most conference papers that I imported into my citation manager have different styles, e.g.: IEEEE Conference on Emerging Txxx ...
Franz Kafka's user avatar