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Questions tagged [history]

On standards or conventions specific to history as an academic discipline. Use [academic-history] for the history of academia itself.

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Is/was there a final university examination where the student was required to write down everything they knew about the subject (e.g. History)?

In about 1990, I heard that in Japan, after completing a History bachelor's degree course of several years duration, the student was required to write down everything they knew about History. It would ...
Matthew Christopher Bartsh's user avatar
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What are the standard practices in humanities around making my writing open access?

I'm new to art history/humanities and recently wrote a short essay for a museum magazine. I come from the sciences and would typically make a free version of my papers available on a preprint server ...
jmadden's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

My footnotes are too long and too many due to my anxiety. How to shorten/reduce them?

I am a historian and I have noticed over the last few years that my footnotes have become too long. It goes so far that for a recent article manuscript the word count of my footnotes is only slightly ...
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1 vote
2 answers

When to start applying for permanent lectureships (UK, humanities)?

Last year, I finished my PhD in history and started a 3-year postdoc at a Russell Group university in the UK. I have a few peer-reviewed articles, but haven't published my thesis as a book yet. When ...
Igor Druhm's user avatar
3 votes
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If I change the order of quotations from a primary/secondary source, do I need to point this out in the footnote? [History-specific]

I am wondering about the following: Let's say I wish to include two direct quotations from a primary source that consists of four sentences: Sentence A Sentence B Sentence C Sentence D However, for ...
IbnZubeira's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

A better name for a reading list around a mathematician

I would like to create a reading list around the life and works of a mathematician. But I need to choose the name to use as the title. Take as an example the Bibliography of N. Bourbaki by L. Beaulieu ...
user234212323's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why was it a problem for an unmarried man to be a tutor to women in the early 20th century?

I read on JRR Tolkiens wiki page that he was asked to be a tutor in the early stages of the women's colleges at Oxford because he was married. This was apparently not common for professors at the time....
Neil Meyer's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can undergraduates publish in journals (Elsevier)? [duplicate]

I am in my last year as an undergraduate student at a top Canadian university (not sure if it matters). This is my second time publishing in the school’s journal. The requirements are 1) it meets the ...
tasha's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

PhD in Russian History - cannot visit Russia to access archives, would it be appropriate to use a service that does it for me?

I'm planning a PhD in Russian history at an Australian University in the next few years. However, there's a strong chance I won't have access to the Russian archives due to the War in Ukraine, visa ...
Snowy Moscow's user avatar
4 votes
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Reading & Note-taking Before A PhD

I'm currently completing a Graduate Certificate of Studies at an Australian university, taking subjects in history. I plan to apply to a Master of Arts - Thesis for January, 2024 with the eventual ...
Snowy Moscow's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Is future academic placement an important factor in picking a PhD advisor?

I'm a M.A. student in Art History looking to apply to PhD programs in the Fall. I have heard that it is important when choosing an advisor to pick one that is good/efficient in getting their students ...
Eve.S's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

After what George was Georgetown University named? [closed]

After what George was Georgetown University named? Or was it named that because of where it is located?
Geremia's user avatar
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Are there situations when it is logical to include the today's value in a history paper?

I am writing some papers in History, 16th and 17th Centuries, where dollar amounts from that time came up, example: profit margins traders were making selling goods on a trail taxes/fees they were ...
Village's user avatar
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If the professor says positive things about me, what are my chances of getting into the history graduate program? [closed]

I was just wondering from those who are knowledgeable about the history graduate school process — how much say do history professors have in accepting students to the program? I know they have some ...
Lisa's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to do two PhDs? Sociolinguistics and History [duplicate]

I am currently enrolled in a PhD program in the discipline of Sociolinguistics. Even though I like my topic of research and I am doing quite well, I cannot get over the fact that the discipline that I ...
Laura Schmidt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

History MA Thesis: Advisor wants my research sent to her

So, in my planning phase of my MA thesis in history, my advisor says I should have my research to her by X date. What does this mean? What does this look like? I asked her and she answered me with ...
baguette2430's user avatar
1 vote
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How to cite/credit a photograph using Turabian?

I contacted some owner of some historical photographs and obtained permission to use them in my work. They asked I put a line under the photograph to indicate simply author and photo number (they have ...
Village's user avatar
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Is it bad-practice to have a high citation to content ratio in academic writing? [duplicate]

I'm writing a high school history textbook. While writing my book, I'm finding its becoming very heavily laden with sources. If I used Turabian's footnote style, they tend to fill half the page. ...
Village's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I reject a specific historic fact and not include it in my work? Advice needed on reliability of source

I'm working on a chemistry paper about the Belousov-Zhabotinsky-reaction (a chemical oscillator). I included some information about the history of that oscillation reaction, in particular about ...
ralphjsmit's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How is literature that contains racially charged language treated in the context of academic discourse, and what is the etiquette for using it?

One of my good friends is a history professor at a local college; in order to preserve anonymity I will not specify which one, but it is a conservative Christian private school in my state. We were ...
Sciborg's user avatar
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1 vote
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On answering a question that no one has asked

In historical research I came across a novel question and, after investing time in it, I have an answer. This helps my original project, but the explanation to the novel question is so substantial ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Writing Sample Topics: Applying for History Phd

I am planning on applying to History Phd programs, and while I would love to apply for to enter next academic year, I am worried about my writing sample. For my university's honors program, I wrote a ...
Madeline Blackburn's user avatar
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2 answers

Master in humanities as a software engineer

I am living in the Netherlands (at the moment, I am an expat), I have two M.Sc and a bachelor in software engineer / computer science and and I am looking at the possibility of having a part-time ...
Giorgos Papageorgiou's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to cite primary source first found in secondary source?

I have the following situation (I am in the humanities): I am writing a paper. In that paper, I several times cite a particular scholar's book. Now, in that book, this scholar cites (not quotes) a ...
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1 answer

How to create a hypothesis for a historical research? [closed]

When writing a dissertation or a thesis about history, students and researchers are asked to state a problem and a hypothesis for that problem. My question is how to state a problem and a hypothesis ...
Maria_mimi's user avatar
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Which kinds of academic revolutions has philosophy of science indentified so far and when?

Recently, I had an interdisciplinary discussion with some friends about Industry 4.0, internet of things,...which brought up the question, which kind of academic revolutions apart from industrial ...
user48953094's user avatar
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Do the disciplines of my PhD thesis and of my MA thesis have to be identical?

I graduated in history, with a specialization in cultural studies. Now I want to pursue a PhD in literature. Is this possible? What are the potential obstacles and how can I avoid them?
Maria_mimi's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Was there ever a time in American history when humanities PhDs were more sought after than STEM PhDs?

Was there ever a time in American history when there was greater interest in a humanities PhD, say, a PhD in Philosophy or Creative Writing, than a STEM PhD? Perhaps during the period of time ...
user103512's user avatar
2 votes
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How to decide on what citation format to use when writing on legal history?

I am an amateur historian who is considering writing a book about the history of Treason in the United States. I have a dilemma with how to format citations. The book, by nature of being history of ...
Chris Slojkowski's user avatar
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4 answers

How many professors should I contact before applying to Graduate School?

I'm in the process of developing my academic profile and I am starting to create a shortlist of programs to apply for. I plan on applying to 8 Grad schools (although I do not know which ones yet). ...
BrownD15's user avatar
1 vote
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How competitive is it to become a tenured history professor at a four year institution?

I am a current history undergraduate student who would like to teach someday! I would really like to teach at the collegiate level but I hear that it's becoming very competitive to find a tenure track?...
TS2906's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What do people with bachelor's degrees in humanities actually end up doing? [closed]

If someone majors in political science or international relations or history, what do they end up actually doing as a career? I've found numerous sites that give the obvious answers what they can do, ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Citations when mixing of factual evidence and interpretation in one sentence

I have a bit of a technical question about constructing narrative while writing as a historian (I guess it also applies to other humanities). This never really occurred to me as an issue during ...
LHistorien1985's user avatar
7 votes
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Special museum visiting hours for academics?

Anyone who has been to the Louvre knows what a zoo it is. With creaking floorboards and gawking tourists stacked up five deep in front of popular works it is not a conducive environment for study. ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is taking ideas from an art critic plagiarism?

A student submitted a paper in an art history class that contained some ideas from art critics she read about, and whose ideas she agreed with. The student didn't cite the critics as source, but ...
Jess's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Accepted letter for Ph.D. in February, but now they say they don't have funding! Is that possible?

My husband received an acceptance letter in February to get his Ph.D. in History. We are in the US. When he e-mailed to the funding department asking what else he needed, the funding department said ...
ANA G's user avatar
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20 votes
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How does one issue a call for papers on military history?

A non-academic group to which I belong holds military history conferences a few times a year. We've discussed seeking presentations from graduate students, but we're unsure of the process. So, I have ...
David Navarre's user avatar