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62 votes

Will doing a chargeback on tuition hurt my chances at getting into the same university for grad school?

Would this hurt my chances at getting into the grad school later on? Practices vary, but probably not. Will it hurt me later on? Very likely. You probably will not be able to complete a graduate ...
Anonymous Physicist's user avatar
59 votes

Why can't universities work around the proposed reclassification of tuition remission as taxable income, by not charging tuition?

This is a great question! I decided to write an answer to test my own understanding of the (rather convoluted) forces and interests at play. Assuming my answer makes sense, I hope it will help further ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 202k
55 votes

Why do American universities cost so much?

Examining cost drivers in an industry is a complex economic task and making comparisons between countries is also quite complex, since there are many surrounding differences in other aspects of the ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 73k
50 votes

Does any country have free college & open admissions?

Here is an overview of the situation in Germany, where there are no tuition fees for Bachelor and Master programs at public universities (though student union fees and public transport fees totaling ...
wimi's user avatar
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48 votes

Does it cost universities less to teach online?

Consider the University of California system as an example: of its core funds expenditures, three quarters goes to employees, and most of the rest is student financial aid. Only 6% of the costs go to ...
jakebeal's user avatar
  • 191k
46 votes

Does it cost universities less to teach online?

There are two possible interpretation of your question, which lead to different answers. Consider a University, which made a strategic choice to teach all/most of their courses fully/mostly online. ...
Dmitry Savostyanov's user avatar
32 votes

Does any country have free college & open admissions?

Well, it depends how strict you are with the terms "open" and "free": Open: Most European countries I am familiar with (Austria, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland) are actually fairly open in terms of ...
xLeitix's user avatar
  • 138k
31 votes

Why do American universities cost so much?

There are many factors. First, we should address the difference between price and cost. Price is what the student pays. Cost is what the university spends. In most of Europe, the cost is much ...
Alexander Woo's user avatar
29 votes

Will doing a chargeback on tuition hurt my chances at getting into the same university for grad school?

HR is not your friend. I'd recommend talking to any or all of the following people: The instructor who cancelled the class The department chair/boss of the instructor who cancelled the class (after ...
academic's user avatar
  • 15.4k
25 votes

How realistic is it to pay for one's living and tuition with a student job?

If you can land a part time job that pays about $60,000-$80,000/year it would be possible, but few exist and fewer young people would be qualified for them. If you can land a fully paid scholarship ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 399k
20 votes

Why can't universities work around the proposed reclassification of tuition remission as taxable income, by not charging tuition?

Instead of remitting it, couldn't the universities just not charge tuition at all, or pay it through a grant rather than through remission? It may not be possible to not charge admission. Things ...
Fomite's user avatar
  • 52.4k
19 votes

Why do American universities cost so much?

As for the title of the question, why it costs so much: A fundamental difference between the US and other countries (or the US several decades ago) is that the rest of the world believes that ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
18 votes

Does any country have free college & open admissions?

I have taught at both at two Swedish universities and one American university (Ivy League). The main difference is really the philosophy - in the US, it is difficult to get in, but once admitted, it ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
17 votes

Why can't universities work around the proposed reclassification of tuition remission as taxable income, by not charging tuition?

If business gives away free goods or services, the recipient will not in general be required to pay on tax on them. If, however, a business gives free or excessively-discounted goods or services to ...
supercat's user avatar
  • 716
16 votes

How realistic is it to pay for one's living and tuition with a student job?

The question seems to ignore other kinds of financial aid that can make it possible for a student to complete a degree with minimal or no loan debt. Some sources of non-loan financial aid to consider ...
Brian Borchers's user avatar
15 votes

Why can't universities work around the proposed reclassification of tuition remission as taxable income, by not charging tuition?

To address specifically: But as it is, tuition for many Ph.D. students is just a shell game because it is always remitted. At my institution (which guarantees tuition support for all its graduate ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
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15 votes

Does it make sense to pay tuition fees for a PhD degree?

Nobody will ever know. In fact, nobody will likely ever ask you about this. At the end of the day, for an academic career, what matters is that you have a PhD and have shown an ability to do ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
14 votes

Does any country have free college & open admissions?

I can mention the case of Argentina. All public universities are free, with open admission since the early 1980s. Anyone with a high school diploma (and there's no comprehensive final exam, or ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
14 votes

Will doing a chargeback on tuition hurt my chances at getting into the same university for grad school?

Asking your bank for a chargeback may be a technical solution to the problem, but it is not a real solution. You may get your money back but if the University thinks you still owe them, they will hold ...
Dmitry Savostyanov's user avatar
14 votes

Why do American universities cost so much?

Many good answers here, so I'll just address one aspect that they haven't: For the top-tier Ivy Leagues, being expensive is the point. They are, practically speaking, giant hedge-funds with a ...
Eugene's user avatar
  • 387
13 votes

What can we do as faculty to make tuition more affordable for students? Do we have an obligation to make tuition more affordable?

Use OERs instead of a commercial textbook! This wouldn't affect tuition, but it means students have more money to eat, pay rent, etc. If you have any say about which texts/materials are used in your ...
user138719's user avatar
  • 1,305
13 votes

Does it cost universities less to teach online?

It probably depends on the course A major cost of offering an undergraduate Biology course (and presumably other science and engineering courses I have less experience of) is practicals. These consume ...
Jack Aidley's user avatar
  • 12.1k
12 votes

Selling of monuments: What does it mean?

Many private schools and other private institutions ask donors for money. Often what they offer in return is naming rights to a classroom or a lecture series. The big items are football stadiums and ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 399k
12 votes

Why do American universities cost so much?

There are several factors, but in my opinion the biggest one is federally subsidized student loans which break the "expected"/"free market" behavior. When my parents went to ...
Cole's user avatar
  • 781
11 votes

Costs of having a US-based PhD supervisor doing a PhD in Germany?

Even when cooperating with a German university, the candidate will be subject to any terms or requirements given by the "Promotionsordnung" of the university. (It is true that many of those do not ...
nabla's user avatar
  • 1,249
10 votes

How did the 2012 rise in university fees in the UK affect university enrollment?

The data you are looking for can be found at: and is summarised in the following figure from that link: Breilfy, there was a drop in ...
Ian Sudbery's user avatar
  • 43.2k
9 votes

What is a tuition waiver (in the US)?

A tuition waiver is when no tuition charges are paid at all. For instance, at my university, graduate students on research or teaching assistantships are not charged any tuition, nor are their ...
aeismail's user avatar
  • 175k
9 votes

Does it make sense to pay tuition fees for a PhD degree?

Agree with the other answers saying no one will ever know how you funded your PhD. But, I don't see anyone addressing this: When does it really make any sense to pursue a Ph.D. by paying tuition fees?...
cag51's user avatar
  • 73.4k
9 votes

Will doing a chargeback on tuition hurt my chances at getting into the same university for grad school?

When I was an undergrad I had some similar problem. At my school there was a special student advocacy office called the "Student Conflict Resolution Center" that was able to do... well, exactly what ...
Z4-tier's user avatar
  • 191
8 votes

Costs of having a US-based PhD supervisor doing a PhD in Germany?

In the situation you describe, you're not really having an external supervisor. You're a PhD candidate in a university and your research happens to be conducted in a Fachhochschule. The central issue ...
Cape Code's user avatar
  • 27.3k

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