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50 votes

How are scientific papers uniquely identified?

Research publications predate the digital age, so only a fraction has a digital identifier. The unique identifier traditionally used is the full citation, of which various formats exist to suit ...
henning no longer feeds AI's user avatar
43 votes

Given a DOI, how can I programmatically obtain all the relevant dates from a paper?

I'm with Crossref's tech support team. I can speak to what's possible via the Crossref metadata APIs. (with the caveat that Crossref is only one DOI Registration Agency out of several, though most ...
Shayn's user avatar
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33 votes

Is there a catalogue of fixed DOI patterns per journal?

For transparency's sake, I work at Crossref on their support team. The official position of The DOI Foundation and Crossref is that DOIs are opaque, and the only meaning that accords to a DOI comes ...
Shayn's user avatar
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29 votes

What to use as a identifier for researchers?

What are the most professional, persistent, and commonly used researcher profiles in academia? Name, surname and current institution. :) Everything else is just a new fad that may not stand the ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
26 votes

How do I handle inaccessible DOIs when citing papers?

I'm from Crossref. The DOI should always resolve to some location, even if the content has moved location on the web or has changed publisher. Can you share the example so we can get it reported? It's ...
ynnig's user avatar
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25 votes

How are scientific papers uniquely identified?

I work at Crossref and we run a registry of DOIs with attached metadata beyond such as funder acknowledgements, whether it's been retracted, etc. Our DOIs (about 100 million) are specifically citation ...
ynnig's user avatar
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24 votes

What to use as a identifier for researchers?

ORCID ID is my recommendation. It's a standard amongst scholarly publishers, and its adoption is increasing. If you're planning on publishing, I think there's no question of competition. Publishers ...
Joe's user avatar
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21 votes

How to cite a book if only its chapters have DOIs?

Note: This answer provides information related to citations in general, but the OP needs help with clickable citations. I consider the DOI optional. If you have publisher, date of publication, ...
Terry Loring's user avatar
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19 votes

How are scientific papers uniquely identified?

How are all scientific publications uniquely identified ? Formally, they aren't: There is no system to uniquely identify publications. But, author(s), year of publication, and title are typically ...
user2768's user avatar
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19 votes

How to cite a book if only its chapters have DOIs?

Honestly, I think that a lot of the questions here about citation formats are mountains being made out of molehills, including (perhaps) this one. Remember why we provide citations: It is to help us ...
Xander Henderson's user avatar
18 votes

Why does not assign DOIs?

This behavior changed in January 2022. ArXiV now assigns DOIs, as well as arXiv IDs. The change was supposedly made to improve discoverability, and to "help arXiv meet the ‘FAIR Guiding ...
Anyon's user avatar
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17 votes

Are there free DOI generation services?

As the official DOI FAQ mentions, you need to go through a recognized registration agency to get a DOI: How do I get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for my material? You must use a ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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17 votes

Does a Ph.D. dissertation usually have an ISBN?

Some institutions publish each PHD thesis as a book, and then they assign ISBN to each. E.g., theses done at CWI, Amsterdam. To my knowledge, this is quite uncommon throughout the world, but does ...
Ran G.'s user avatar
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17 votes

Where can I report incorrect metadata obtained using DOI lookup?

I can understand your frustration at trying to create an accurate bibliography, only to find that the data you believed would be correct actually turns out not to be! To answer your question, however, ...
CrimsonDark's user avatar
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15 votes

Is it possible to get DOI from ISBN of a book?

Yes DOI and ISBN are separate. However there is apparently a way to get the DOI from the ISBN-A number which is described at this link: Note: the ISBN-A ...
TheGrayVacuum's user avatar
14 votes

Does a Ph.D. dissertation usually have an ISBN?

I suspect it largely depends on whether the PhD is expected to be printed as a book. In some countries (like the Netherlands) it is. Many printing services offer ISBN registration as a freebee. This ...
Peter Bloem's user avatar
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12 votes

Why are there no DOIs for NeurIPS papers?

I work at Crossref (there are other DOI agencies too) and it looks like the proceedings used to be published by MIT Press and registered with Crossref as book chapters - see search results. But there ...
ynnig's user avatar
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12 votes

Does generating a DOI for my thesis using ResearchGate prevent me from publishing it afterwards in a journal?

This is journal/field dependent but in general getting a DOI for your thesis (or posting it on a preprint server or university repository) should not prevent future publication. Many journals, at ...
sErISaNo's user avatar
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11 votes

My DOI was changed from fake to real

That appears to be a legit DOI for a Zenodo deposit. Adding a legit DOI after initial publication is allowed, of course. (Otherwise papers published prior to 2000 could not have DOIs.) But that doesn'...
Anyon's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I get a DOI for articles from 2008?

You clarified in a comment that you want to assign a DOI to the document in order to add it to your ORCID. In that case, obtaining a DOI should not be necessary. From ORCID's documentation Add ...
Anyon's user avatar
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10 votes

Are there any citable Github repositories not published in journals, that receive a lot of citations?

The Keras repository has an entry in Google Scholar with 1254 citations. I'm not aware of the author having done anything special to make it "citable" though, other than giving an example in the FAQ ...
Dennis Soemers's user avatar
10 votes

How to find DOI for article in JSTOR?

Try viewing the page source and then search for "DOI". Worked for me.
huckfinn's user avatar
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10 votes

How to find out the registration agency behind a DOI?

You can find out the RA via the DOI resolver -[doi] so will show it's a KISTI DOI. You raise a good point. DOIs from different RAs will ...
Ed Pentz's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it possible to get DOI from ISBN of a book?

For some special publishers, there is a relation between DOI and ISBN. For example Cambridge University Press’s online books have the format: 10.1017/CBO[13 digit ISBN] Of course, if your ...
Edmund Chattoe-Brown's user avatar
8 votes

Persistent website with a DOI

The PURL service ( allows you to create a persistent URL (e.g., "") that redirects to a specified target URL. You have the flexibility of ...
Zach Scrivena's user avatar
8 votes

How to get title and pdf (and perhaps other metadata like author) from DOI

the Crossref REST API is public and doesn't have a license - all our metadata are available for reuse without restriction. That's because we believe that metadata are facts and facts cannot be owned ...
ynnig's user avatar
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8 votes

Does a Ph.D. dissertation usually have an ISBN?

No, it would be unusual for a thesis to have an ISBN. It would be an unnecessary expense. Edit: The Astrophysics Data System says my dissertation has an ISBN. However, the ISBN provided cannot be ...
Anonymous Physicist's user avatar
8 votes

Given a DOI, how can I programmatically obtain all the author affiliations?

First of all, the main sources of citation data are: Proprietary data sources: Google Scholar Scopus Web of Science (WoS) Open access data: Crossref MEDLINE (focusing on medical papers) Some ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes

What defines legitimacy of a DOI

DOIs are unique identifiers governed by an international standard ( They are of the form doi:10.1109/5.771073 (often shorted to 10.1109/5....
F'x's user avatar
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7 votes

API to get citations from DOI

An increasing number of publishers are making their citations open. When this happens, you can get them from the Crossref REST API. This query lists all of the DOIs for which you can get the ...
Joe's user avatar
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