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101 votes

How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it?

The problem here stems from two sources 1) it was a bad joke in poor context and 2) as Najib pointed out the guy didn't accept responsibility for his actions. Breaking it down: It was a bad joke As ...
Barker's user avatar
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60 votes

Does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism?

It appears strongly likely that you did plagiarise, and if this is the case you'd be better to proceed by recognising your mistake than continuing to argue. Looking at your code, there is a great ...
Jack Aidley's user avatar
  • 12.1k
50 votes

Does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism?

The title of your question "does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism", isn't exactly accurate, in my opinion. I think that you will have a very hard time arguing that this isn't/wasn't ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
43 votes

How can I prove that my students bought their exam answers?

If a student has used such a service on one of my online exams, how can I prove it? I don't know if this works for all of them, but for chegg specifically: if you find one of your exam problems on ...
Daniel K's user avatar
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42 votes

Dismissed from PhD program and reapplying; how to answer question about dismissal?

The fact that you were not allowed to continue toward the Ph.D. is not "dismissal" in the sense that that question means. (I can certainly see how the terminology could be confusing though.) The ...
Buzz's user avatar
  • 21.1k
40 votes

How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it?

Two rules which would have saved him Do not speak words which may demean or sexualize others, even as a joke. By this, I mean it is a good idea to use neutral, sanitized language in a professional ...
DoubleD's user avatar
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32 votes

When to give up seeking justice after you've been plagiarized?

As you know, there are two separate issues with plagiarism: Claiming ideas as one's own Claiming words as one's own You have a legitimate concern about the second -- if this student is going to ...
cag51's user avatar
  • 73.4k
29 votes

Dismissed from PhD program and reapplying; how to answer question about dismissal?

Obtain a copy of your transcript. It should say there whether you were dismissed or expelled. To be on the safe side, you should ask your former advisor. At my program, a few students who we do not ...
RoboKaren's user avatar
  • 40.6k
26 votes

Does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism?

Plagiarism is passing someone else's work as your own. From what I see, you have passed someone else's work as your own. In your defence, you provide a list of statements: the plagiarised fragment of ...
Dmitry Savostyanov's user avatar
21 votes

How can I prove that my students bought their exam answers?

Having thought about this issue both from purely academic side, and also from cryptographic protocol side (trying to be clever...), I think there is no way to achieve this goal. So, then, the real ...
paul garrett's user avatar
  • 91.2k
20 votes

What would be a fair and deterring disciplinary sanction for a student who committed plagiarism?

If you wait until the very end of the program when a student submits a thesis to check for plagiarism, then you've set up a situation where a student can cheat through the program and then gets caught ...
Brian Borchers's user avatar
19 votes

Does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism?

Questions you need to ask yourself: Did you cite your sources? Although the topic of plagiarism crosses different fields, not all fields are the same. Writing a program is not the same as writing an ...
Bluebird's user avatar
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19 votes

Is supporting Sci-Hub illegal/unacademic?

In my view it is foolish to describe Sci-Hub itself as illegal. Acts can be illegal, but not "things" or groups of people. Only activities. While it is true that they may engage in illegal activities, ...
Buffy's user avatar
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17 votes

What would be a fair and deterring disciplinary sanction for a student who committed plagiarism?

characterization of plagiarism is not a black and white situation (as is often the case) In the systems I am familiar with, you do not scale discipline based on the quality of the evidence. If there ...
Anonymous Physicist's user avatar
17 votes

How can I prove that my students bought their exam answers?

In general, it is always possible to safely cheat via expert in written online exams: The student can just forward whatever web interface you throw at them to the paid expert and then the expert can ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 65k
16 votes

Dismissed from PhD program and reapplying; how to answer question about dismissal?

This is simple. Your answer to their question should be NO. The question they are asking is designed to identify people who have a history of misconduct, and whose past institutions have taken action ...
TrueVoice's user avatar
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16 votes

When to give up seeking justice after you've been plagiarized?

You seem to be confusing two things. Copyright is about words. Plagiarism is about ideas. If you have something copyrighted (almost anything you write and publish) copying your words is possibly a ...
Buffy's user avatar
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15 votes

Can departments sanction students who do not take sufficient precautions to protect their work?

Can a department in the US punish a student for helping other students cheat even if the student is not taking the class where the cheating is occurring? I don't know what you can do legally, but ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 202k
15 votes

How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it?

You simply apologize. Note that you do not apologize for your intentions or for them feeling bad (like "I'm sorry you feel that way"). You apologize for the offence you caused (whether it was your ...
educator's user avatar
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14 votes

How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it?

How can I avoid committing an equivalent faux pas in an academic environment, such as an international conference? In this particular example by being more careful. Do not make jokes with unknown ...
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
13 votes

How can I prove that my students bought their exam answers?

Sometimes you can say nothing and wait for the cheaters to get overconfident (i.e.: sloppier) in future assignments. They may forget to remove the invoice from the cheating service, or may let a ...
Owen Reynolds's user avatar
12 votes

Is supporting Sci-Hub illegal/unacademic?

What Sci-Hub itself does is illegal in most jurisdictions. Whether it is illegal to download from Sci-Hub, and whether it is illegal to donate money to Sci-Hub, will vary from place to place, and is ...
Flyto's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it?

In addition to the other answers, I want to highlight that it's not enough to just apologize, as you can see in the example in the question. Apologizing for the wrong thing can make the situation ...
Ben Trettel's user avatar
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11 votes

When to give up seeking justice after you've been plagiarized?

Since my comments were not addressed and have now been deleted, I will post an answer. I don't really know what you are hoping to achieve here. I suspect the university also doesn't know what you are ...
Thomas Steinke's user avatar
10 votes

Does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism?

You might want to withdraw your appeal (if able) At first glance, your argument looks entirely reasonable. This is, if you copied two lines of code (assuming that such was allowed) but simply failed ...
Nat's user avatar
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10 votes

Are there academic institution-specific equivalents to attorneys (a professional who assists in navigating conduct and justice systems)?

I’m not aware of what you are asking about existing as a type of professional that one can retain (as per your question) — I suspect that would be a rather poor way to make a living — but at my ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
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10 votes

How should I approach my academic dishonesty in graduate study application?

It's the cover-up that kills you. You are right to be honest about your sanction for academic dishonesty. In terms of explaining it, just be honest about what happened, your motivation, etc., but ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 73k
9 votes

Does two lines of copied code constitute plagiarism?

There may be not many reasonable algorithms which implement chaining, but there are literally billions of possible 32-bit hash algorithms. There's no point in claiming that one of them in particular ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
8 votes

How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it?

So I am going to do something foolish and wade into this issue. Your specific two questions are: How can I avoid inadvertently offending my female peers and getting into trouble for it? and ...
Dave Harris's user avatar
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