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83 votes

How do you cite a Github repository?

GitHub has now added built-in citation support ( Simply add a CITATION.cff file ( to your repo and ...
Smajjk's user avatar
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33 votes

A reference that is old, has no bibtex entry, and probably not well-known throughout the readership. How to cite this?

For cases like this, unless you want to give a historical reference, there's usually no need to cite the primary source, you can just cite your favourite circuit theory book. Anyway, if you really ...
Massimo Ortolano's user avatar
22 votes

A reference that is old, has no bibtex entry, and probably not well-known throughout the readership. How to cite this?

I am writing an article for an audience that mostly consists of computer scientists. A specific part of the subject is motivated by Kirchhoff's laws. I intend to mention this fact and reference the ...
David Richerby's user avatar
16 votes

Are there any tools to automatically search and download literature in a given .bib file?

In contrast to the freemium/proprietary tool suggested in the answer by andreas, I propose a FOSS solution that works reliably for this specific task. Assuming you are connected to a network that ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
15 votes

Pages: Cite an article from a journal

Use the page numbers for the article you cite along with the date and issue number of the journal. I doubt that the "several places" that say otherwise really refer to this situation.
Ethan Bolker's user avatar
10 votes

Cite NumPy in BibTex

Looks right to me. That's how they ask to be cited, and it seems reasonable. Indeed, this discussion also agrees that citing the user manual is the right choice.
cag51's user avatar
  • 73.4k
9 votes

How to represent and cite a patent using BibTeX?

I found the other answers a bit challenging for some random format. Here's what I did: @misc{name, title={Best invention ever}, author={Edison, Thomas Jones}, year={U.S. Patent 1 234 567, Nov. ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
7 votes

Why does Researchgate not include the booktitle tag in their bibtex for inproceedings / conference papers?

Nobody knows why Research Gate does what it does. Most likely, they simply don't care enough about such as secondary feature, since their business model isn't to sell reliable bibliographic ...
henning no longer feeds AI's user avatar
6 votes

How can I export my Google Scholar Library as a BibTeX format?

You can use the scholar R package. I copied this answer from this tweet, in R install.packages("scholar") library(scholar) ID <- "Put your id from pic below in here" pubs <-...
flashton's user avatar
  • 549
6 votes

How to cite a site from the dark web?

In regards to your first question, it is absolutely fine to cite anonymously published content. This is just a special case of citing a primary source. Primary sources often suffer from issues from ...
mako's user avatar
  • 12.9k
6 votes

Cite NumPy in BibTex

As to 2020, Numpy now has a Nature paper @Article{ harris2020array, title = {Array programming with {NumPy}}, author = {Charles R. Harris and K....
PerroNoob's user avatar
  • 176
5 votes

How does one cite a book series/sequence?

The Purdue MLA site provides a recommendation for how to cite an entire television series, which is essentially identical to citing a unified work: instead of naming an episode, one names the series ...
jakebeal's user avatar
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5 votes

How to cite a website/manual where the authors are (mostly) unknown?

You can cite using @misc without Author field. To to that, you need to include a key field. Here is an example: @misc{KubernetesManual2017, title = {{Kubernetes Manual}}, howpublished = "\url{...
Tushar's user avatar
  • 579
5 votes

How to cite a site from the dark web?

Is it OK to cite? Yes. But... While I recognize that some valuable information can only be obtained from the dark side, it is unfair to air a source’s opinion when the source’s identity and motives ...
Klerisson's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I export my Google Scholar Library as a BibTeX format?

Here is a little python script that emulates the copy paste of bib entries of all references in My Library and appends them to a file. It utilizes Selenium and chromedriver to open and navigate the ...
Levent Sagun's user avatar
5 votes

How can I export my Google Scholar Library as a BibTeX format?

I couldn't find a way to export all citations from My Library (it seems to only work one page at a time), but it's possible to save all citations from the edit mode of My Citations: Log in to https://...
Fuhrmanator's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I include just a folder from Zotero into Overleaf instead of my entire library?

One faster workaround that allows specifying a single folder of your library is using the automatic export of Zotero's Better BibTex plugin and the New File -> from External URL feature of overleaf ...
jan-glx's user avatar
  • 213
5 votes

How to cite GDPR and AI Act?

It depends on the citation style you need to use. Official title If you want to find out the 'official' name of an EU legal text, you should consult the EUR-Lex. Accordingly, the official name of the ...
anpami's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there any tools to automatically search and download literature in a given .bib file?

I have taken the script developed by Janik Vonrotz ( and updated it: urlencode() { # urlencode <string> ...
Néstor Waldyd's user avatar
4 votes

Cite NumPy in BibTex

The proposed citation seems correct. I found the same at @book{oliphant2006guide, title={A guide to NumPy}, author={Oliphant, Travis E}, volume={1},...
J.V.'s user avatar
  • 61
4 votes

Alternatives to Google Scholar for citation / lit search / BibTex entries?

Paid options: Scopus (bibtex export) and Web of Science (bibtex export) Free option: Microsoft Academic Search (bibtex export).
just-learning's user avatar
4 votes

How to handle capitalized abbreviations in Book, Anthology, Journal, etc. titles in APA?

First of all, do not trust Bibtex/Biblatex on capitalization issues. Every Bibtex/Biblatex style file I've looked at handles capitalization using quite simple rules - either it's "Title Case" (...
Anyon's user avatar
  • 29.8k
4 votes

How to cite a journal paper which do not have a page number?

Officially that number seems to be called Article Number (see the Table of Contents of Vol. 176 of that journal; the journal seems to have switched from 'page numbers' to 'article numbers' with Vol. ...
anpami's user avatar
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4 votes

Entering the correct Publisher and Editor in a BibTex citation

The label editors refers to human individuals, while the publisher is always a company. First, the editors: In the context of a book, it only makes sense to talk about 'editors' if the book is an ...
anpami's user avatar
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3 votes

Cite a book in general and then a chapter in particular

As Najib Idrissi commented, I have also similar approach in my field of Computer Science. In one of my paper, I had to cite the book twice in the following way. "The application domains have ...
Coder's user avatar
  • 13.1k
3 votes

import all references of a paper into a bibtex file

There would be a quick approach if you know how to code: Take the DOI of that publication. Use that DOI to access the OpenCitations API. (Example here.) From the API, extract all the DOIs that are ...
anpami's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an open source tool for producing bibtex entries from paper PDFs?

Disclaimer: This is a short version of an answer posted at This solution is not perfect, but might be a good start. I am one of the authors of JabRef and like open source development. JabRef ...
koppor's user avatar
  • 207
3 votes

How to cite a site from the dark web?

Ideally, in the most strict sense of the word we should cite only material reviewed by professionals who have no conflict of interest with the authors, and this material better be published in a ...
Leon Meier's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I include just a folder from Zotero into Overleaf instead of my entire library?

My approach is to select my folder and then manually select the items that I want to export to Overleaf. That might be the entire folder, in which case I can press Ctrl + A to select all items; or it ...
canadian_scholar's user avatar

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