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How does Google Scholar handle pre-print citations?

Sometimes a paper appears as a pre-print first, and then in a peer-reviewed form, possibly with more authors. And people might cite one or the other, and sometimes both. Google Scholar can probably ...
MWB's user avatar
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Manually adding citations to ResearchGate

The source information of scientific publications uploaded to ResearchGate is often not recognized automatically. As a result, the cited works cannot be recorded in the statistics. Can I add source ...
Dr. No's user avatar
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I am citing from a paper which confused the word "affective" and "affectionate", what should I do?

I understand that with minor spelling mistakes you use [sic] or just [brackets]. However, in this case, I think the author accidentally wrote the wrong word. It looks odd to write affect[ionat]e and ...
Ali's user avatar
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How do you ensure that you'll get "credit" when your conference talk is cited?

I don't mean in the sense of ensuring that someone correctly cites your talk when they reference it in their own work, but rather that that citation actually ends up counting towards things like your ...
joshisanonymous's user avatar
24 votes
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Best practices for citing a reference you've found an error in

I am writing a mathematics paper and citing a particular reference in a peer-reviewed mathematical journal. It turns out that the result I reference is ultimately correct, but the proof has an error ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
21 votes
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I am not getting academic credit for code I have written for my PhD, when it was later used in other research. Should I complain?

During my PhD, I developed a data analysis code. My PI encouraged its development, expecting it to stay within the research group. The code was used in some published papers and gained attention when ...
Quasark's user avatar
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How do you reference Amazon - the company? [closed]

How do you reference Amazon - the company - in a bibliography? The guides online have examples for citing a product on Amazon, but how do you cite the company itself?
ina's user avatar
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How to approach publications when my information source isn't published? [duplicate]

I recently posted a mathematical question on MSE. I got a very useful, non-trivial answer that completes the last piece of information i needed to produce an article. By now, i haven't found any ...
Simón Flavio Ibañez's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Would I italicize a treaty in Chicago style? [closed]

For example; War crimes, as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court... OR War crimes, as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court...
Ati's user avatar
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3 answers

Can a closed-source research software be published as a journal paper?

I have been developing a piece of software related to my PhD research. My field is bioinformatics and molecular simulation. The reason being that my supervisor's software has been written in a ...
user366312's user avatar
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Automatic citation management - am I doing it wrong?

I am currently working on my PhD thesis (evolutionary computational biology). Naturally, I have lots of citations, and I use Mendeley's automatic web importer, reference manager, and Word plugin to ...
soungalo's user avatar
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(MLA) Citing from a collection of published letters

I have a book of published letters as one of my sources and am trying to figure out how to properly cite a handful of these letters in MLA format. The book: The Letters of Emily Dickinson, Harvard ...
BTubbs200's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it acceptable to not give someone credit in a math thesis for minor guidance?

This question is related to this question. If I write a thesis and encounter a small problem that I can't resolve on my own, maybe because I didn't sleep well this day, and someone, like my mother or ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Use of colon and other symbols in citation

I'm currently working on a uni assignment regarding a piece of academic work, but I'm confused about some of the punctuation and symbols used in citations. 1) Consider this extract: "“phenomena ...
strawberrynice's user avatar
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Citing your own related (unpublished but under review) research necessary?

The main idea of this questions is to have two papers under review simultaneously which are somewhat related but do not rely on each other in any way (except in the temporal sequence of discovery for ...
jdods's user avatar
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Is voluntarily omitting to cite known relevant previous work a form of plagiarism, and what to do about repeated instances?

Consider the following scenario: Person A and B start a collaboration, and discuss a variety of concepts over various months. Person B ceases the collaboration, authorizing Person A to pursue the ...
J.y B.y's user avatar
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Does a listing of a publication on a National Institute of Health (NIH) website mean anything in particular?

Back in 2012 I published a couple of papers in my not-to-be PhD and, very occasionally, I do a quick google search to see how they're being used (although I often can't now access the citing articles ...
roganjosh's user avatar
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What aspects of software shared with a quantitative paper are the most important?

I'd like to get the software-sharing aspect of my research paper right. (This empirical paper in health economics relies on code for modelling and simulation.) Besides open-sourcing the code on GitHub,...
schrödingcöder's user avatar
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Citing Github Copilot

I used GitHubCopilot for code completion for a thesis and I am required to cite all usage of AI. Is there anything that I can cite for using github copilot? Have they released a paper or do I just ...
TheFibonacciEffect's user avatar
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When to add "in proceedings" and when to not in references

I have two papers whose citation look like this: Elhabbash, A., Nundloll, V., Elkhatib, Y., Blair, G. S., and Marco, V. S. (2020). An ontological architecture for principled and automated system of ...
foobar's user avatar
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Why is it important that my master's publications are cited?

While I'm fortunate to have two publications already as a master's student applying for PhD programs, I'm still learning the full impact of research. Having a strong CV is important, but beyond that, ...
Văn Dũng Lê's user avatar
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Can Google Scholar capture citations without arXiv DOI

I had a paper uploaded to arXiv. Today I noticed there are two new papers citing my paper with the correct title and author names but both without my arXiv DOI. This is because they use @misc format ...
Wenquan Lu's user avatar
4 votes
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Repeating derivation from paper of professor with added comments

For my thesis, I think it would be useful that I write down a derivation my supervisor made in one of his papers. However, even though it seems fine when considering the paper on its own, the way the ...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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Paraphrasing when citing

I'm wondering the benefit of paraphrasing when citing in a scientific journal. The same stuff in different clothes? Some people say that it shows that the author has understood the text which he is ...
Mastomaki's user avatar
40 votes
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Asked to cite papers for money

I was recently contacted by someone claiming to run a "decentralized collaborative team" who cite each other's papers and offering me money for citing their papers ($10 per citation, paid ...
ronno's user avatar
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IEEE TVCG citation date on google scholar

In the following example, google scholar says (bibtex and everything related) that the paper is from 2014:
Zohar Levi's user avatar
-4 votes
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How do you cite in MLA? (I've forgotten)

Am I supposed to cite with quotations around the author's name, or quotations then the author's name. (I felt like this was obvious but I've seen multiple people site differently, and one of them has ...
soupycereal's user avatar
3 votes
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How should I properly mention URL links in a thesis? [duplicate]

For example, I have an appendix X, in which I wrote: Looking on different websites, a list of models of X was compiled for Y purpose. These websites are: \begin{description}[noitemsep] \item \url{...
ed190's user avatar
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How do I cite something that cites several other papers at once? [duplicate]

I’m currently writing an assignment, for which every single piece I would like to cite comes across as such: ACEs are associated with a variety of physical and mental health problems, including ...
TJayne's user avatar
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Usage software documentation as a valid reference?

I'm in the process of writing my paper and have found a very helpful answer from a luminary in this field on Stackoverflow. Logically, the answer cannot be taken as a valid source. However, I found ...
nflgreaternba's user avatar
2 votes
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How would I correctly cite one of Polybius' Histories

I want to cite one of Polybius's Histories for a paper I'm writing, but I'm confused as to how the citation will work due to processing through multiple works. Specifically I want to cite this: https:/...
Hons Lama's user avatar
4 votes
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Cite an article from an old journal

I want to cite the article on pages 29 - 30 from this journal: The cover of the journal is: So I created a bib-entry and have this: But ...
Lereu's user avatar
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How to cite a chapter in an edited book with a unique translator for that chapter using Chicago Style?

I'm using Chicago Style 17th edition, author-date system. I'm trying to cite a chapter from an edited book, but every chapter has a different translator. Chicago Manual says that for edited books, the ...
John Smith's user avatar
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How can you find papers that have the largest bibliography (i.e., the highest number of references)? [closed]

Does anybody keep track of such things? How would one go about finding out about something like that?
Victor V Albert's user avatar
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Is it okay to include modified source code from Github with due credit in masters thesis?

I apologize if a similar question has been asked and answered before or if the question does not belong here, however, I am in a major dilemma at the moment and extremely stressed out over plagiarism ...
bobaBoi108's user avatar
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How often is a paper, that once had been forgotten and rarely referenced or regarded, rediscovered many years later and referenced heavily?

Before the internet, especially a few centuries ago, it was quite common to rediscover a work even post-mortem. Some authors were unfortunate and didn't get to see recognition of their contributions. ...
Moon's user avatar
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Citation style that writes X-Y if citations are inserted in row

I typically use reference managers to handle my citations automatically and insert them in text in the IEEE style: This is a statement backed by research [1], [2], [3]. However, in the case where ...
Rye's user avatar
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Should non-academic work be cited in an academic paper?

I have come across a research paper that is clearly heavily based on a blog post (by a third party, not me or the paper's authors). Same idea, very similar wording, etc. The paper does not cite the ...
Richard's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Is it bad practice to cite online news articles in solely because it's not a "reputable" source (i.e journal articles or even books)?

I understand that this question may be nuanced, so I'd like to provide a personal example which led me to asking here in the first place. For context, I am currently doing my Bachelor's in IT. Some ...
Talos0248's user avatar
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When do you include the nth in front of the conference when citing?

This question is easiest to ask by showing an example. There are conferences that are cited like 5th International Conference on ABC and some like Interational Conference on XYZ. Why are some ...
Ralff's user avatar
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Free alternative to kahoot live quizzes?

Is there any free (ideally open-source) alternative to Kahoot for making live quizzes? I used to like Kahoot for live classroom quizzes, but recently they've changed their pricing model to only allow ...
Jakob's user avatar
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5 votes
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Pages: Cite an article from a journal

I want to cite an article from a journal, e.g. AMS. So in the journal, there are several articles from different authors. Actually I thought that in my bibliography I have to print "pages 56-67&...
Lereu's user avatar
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How do I cite correctly when the magazine has lots of authors?

I want to cite from this paper(link goes directly to the page I need). I only want this short article there from the Author "M.E.Proth". As I have seen, I can download a bib-file, but I ...
Lereu's user avatar
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Capitalization in references [duplicate]

If I'm including an article in my references and the article title is in all caps should it also be in my reference or could I write it in title case?
Amaya's user avatar
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Citing Closed Webpage That is Not Archived - The Only Source of Information?

I always save PDF copies of webpages I uses for references. Since writing an article I see that a cited webpage is no longer available and it has not been archived. The page in question was part of ...
user5671178's user avatar
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Is Failure to Cite OpenAI in an AI/LLM Research Paper a Valid Reason for Rejection?

As a reviewer, I'm currently evaluating a research paper in the AI/Large Language Models (LLM) field. The paper itself is quite comprehensive and meets most of the standard criteria in terms of ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
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Can I cite second hand information from series of sentences

I would like to cite a series of concept. For example, in this paper, the authors wrote: The identification of prospective geothermal systems in the aseismic geologic setting is very challenging and ...
Nikko's user avatar
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How to use APA format when referencing a title that starts with 4-digit year

I'm trying to create references in a dissertation, but one of my source titles starts with the year "2023". How do I reference this properly in APA 7? Immuta. (2023). 2023 state of data ...
arcee123's user avatar
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How to Properly Reference Equation Steps from Source X in Your Work?

I want to avoid writing something like: However, calculating the variable X and solving this equation requires iteration using the Newton-Raphson method [22, p. 45][15, p. 152]: "equation" &...
ed190's user avatar
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in this case which one would be the correct way to reference an article? [duplicate]

I have come across articles that follow a structure similar to the example below: Article X: "The disease D has been found to be practically intractable in native communities [reference to ...
Layla's user avatar
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