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145 votes
14 answers

How do I handle a colleague's gender change when citing their paper?

We are currently working on a conference paper where we plan to cite and discuss a paper as a related work. It was written by a colleague at the same university who has kindly offered to help us ...
amsmee's user avatar
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How many levels of sub-citations are appropriate?

I'm writing my Thesis and I found a brilliant book that helps me write it in a coherent manner. Consider this: The author, Smith, talks about Approach XYZ and writes: XYZ is about ..., first used ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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Google Scholar Citation

How does Google Scholar generate the citation information of articles? (in different styles like MLS,APA,etc). Do authors have to enter it themselves? Asking because I want to know how authentic this ...
wdihtwtd26's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to cite paper with several co-first authors in APA style?

It's common in my field to have articles with many (>>6) authors including several "co-first authors." For example: A. Anderson*, B. Brown*, C. Clark, D. Davidson, ..., Z. Zed * These authors ...
CloudyGloudy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are multiple APA citations supposed to make the same claim or do they combine?

Consider this example from APA style: Studies of reading in childhood have produced mixed results (Albright, Wayne, & Fortinbras, 2004; Gibson, 2011; Smith & Wexwood, 2010). Do all these ...
curious's user avatar
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Name writer by surname when citing

Normally when writing technical reports, I just cite an article something like this: In the case of binary classifications, the softmax activation function is not efficient [1]. But if something ...
Stephen Johnson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to use acronyms when citing a source in MLA?

I'm writing an MLA research paper for a school assignment. When citing a source in-text, is it appropriate to use an acronym? For example, I'm citing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...
Zenon's user avatar
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1 answer

When should I introduce a reference?

I am currently writing my research proposal and I have a piece where I quote a book. In summary I am saying the following: Mr. X says that there is a very high probability that squares have four ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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1 answer

Citing paragraphs with multiple references

I am using MLA. I have two paragraphs which are paraphrases of 5 different papers over tillage. Each fact and statement in the two paragraphs are somehow (pretty directly) stated in each of those ...
Curious27's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Should references in foreign language be translated to make popular audience get familiar with how academia works?

Typically, references in foreign language are cited with title and journal name in original language, whether they are academic or popular science books. As pointed out in this answer, popular science ...
Ooker's user avatar
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How should English reference be cited in a non-English work?

According to the Chicago Manual Style 16 edition, section 14.194 Translated Article Titles, non-English article cited in an English work follows this formula: Authors, "Original title," [...
Ooker's user avatar
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1 answer

Where to use MLA in-text citations for Computer Science paper

I am currently working on a paper on the subject of Probabilistic Turing Machines. To do so, I will be using several print sources, as well as online resources. I have never written a computer science/...
tpm900's user avatar
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1 answer

How to handle repeated references in footnotes?

I have to cite the same reference two times on each footnote on different pages. Suppose footnote note 1 on page 1 is the same reference as footnote 7 on page 4. Should I provide different serial ...
D. Sharma's user avatar
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How to cite multiple papers published in different years by the same authors in APA style? In APA style, we have to use ampersand(&) instead of 'and' when we cite multiple authors in the ...
user67275's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Which citation style is the most concise and has the least impact on word count?

I'm writing a research proposal with a small maximum word count. References are included in this word count. Fortunately, the citation style is not specified. I was wondering if there is any (widely ...
Poelie's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

When citing a book (Harvard) what should year be?

I always see tutorials on Harvard referencing saying things like: Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. Edition. City published: Publisher, Page(s). What do I need to put for year ...
user avatar
3 votes
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MLA German translated citations

I am writing a paper (in German) for a philosophy seminar using MLA citation style. For my work I use three english sources and I am going to translate all of my quotes for a better textflow. At the ...
paschep's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to cite a site from the dark web?

For my masters degree in computer science, I'm currently working on a paper on ransomware. Goal of this paper is to focus on academic writing and citing sources correctly. Trustworthiness/Quality of ...
Franz Wimmer's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you exclude issue numbers in references based on APA 6th edition?

I'm currently working on my thesis (communication science), and I'm wondering about the issue number in the reference list. A teacher told me that I don't need to include the issue number. But I ...
Lisa's user avatar
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5 votes
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Citing part of a work when using IEEE style

Is it acceptable to be very specific in IEEE-style citations (always providing the section or paragraph)? In the IEEE Reference Guide, there are examples on how one can use IEEE-style citations to ...
hb20007's user avatar
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How to correctly cite a retracted paper?

I would like to cite a particular paper that has been retracted, due to a specific error the authors have initially overseen in their analysis. Because this specific error is the subject of my ...
Stingery's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Repeat citation for consecutive sentences

When the next sentence in the paper or thesis shares the same citation with the previous one. Should cite one time only at the end of the 2end sentence or cite 2 times - one for each. For example: ...
Mohammad nagdawi's user avatar
2 votes
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Does citation refer to paper or authors?

I imagine this question is asked before, but I could not find the answer. This is the example sentence that got me wondering: Gneiting and Ranjan (2013) generalize/generalizes these findings and ...
Andreas Malmgård's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why do so many publication venues have their own citation styles?

I have noticed that it seems like every other conference has it's own citation style; even in the same field, or subfield. Or at least each provide their own bibtex style (.BST) file. Are they ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
0 votes
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What do I do when I can't find the source of this chapter of a book so I can cite it APA style?

I have found part of a book in .pdf file format and it contains some information I would like to use in my study. I'm trying to cite the book APA style, but I can't find any information on it ...
Zimano's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How are arXiv papers cited using IEEE citation style?

I have been trying to find an IEEE publication which cites an arXiv paper. However, it seems that electrical engineers shy away from citing anything arXiv related. I have been looking around for a ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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How to cite supplementary material of a Science paper and avoid confusion with my own supplementary material?

I want to specify in my paper an exact methodology developed by another author and explained in the suplementary material of a Science's paper. The problem is that I already have my own supplementary ...
j91's user avatar
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How to cite Arabic translation of a German book in an English paper?

I have a question and I searched a lot but couldn't find its answer. I write in English and there are a few books which are originally written in German and French, and unfortunately there is no ...
Mezgin's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Citing a Video Game in Harvard Format

I have to write an Extended Essay as part of my IB diploma, and I'm writing mine on the episodic adventure game of Life is Strange as an English EE. One of the issues I've encountered during the ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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What is the proper way to cite an image source, if they were given to me by a company?

I am writing my thesis and use images that were created by a company. These images are not available online, they were handed to me. How would I properly give them credit for their images? If it is ...
John's user avatar
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How do I properly reference?

I’m writing an essay, and have been asked to use Harvard Referencing. From what I know this type of referencing uses citations similar to (my brain, 2016). And then contains a bibliography like: ...
Tobi's user avatar
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3 answers

How to Cite a conference talk / TED video?

Is it okay to cite a TED presentation or a video lecture or something similar? If so, how to cite that video for your paper/thesis?
Saber Alex's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

How to handle citing duplicate publications?

I am writing a review article and have come across a number of references which were published verbatim in their entirety in more than one place (same author(s) and the same content; Duplicate ...
Guho's user avatar
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2 answers

Should listed citations in a historical overview be ordered numerically or chronologically?

I'm writing an article and in one portion I give a brief historical overview of previous work on the problem I am studying. (In case this matters, it's a pure math article, specifically topology.) I ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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How to cite marginalia in a second-hand book?

So this is an interesting thing I've come across. I recently purchased a modern book for my research and whoever had the book before me had some pretty great things written in the margins. As a ...
user0721090601's user avatar
1 vote
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How to reference the current year within a paper?

Whilst writing a paper about the use of digital technologies within education, it became apparent that it would be beneficial to reference the current year (in this case, 2016) to give the paragraph ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to cite USGS website refereing Landsat accuracy?

I want to cite the official Geometric accuracy of the Landsat imagery, published by USGS on their website The citation is suggested for a scientific journal. I ...
maycca's user avatar
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MLA bibliography style in computer science

Does anyone know a computer science or engineering journal that uses MLA as their bibliography style?
Leila's user avatar
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how reference a translation of an already translated text?

Somebody wrote a text in Latin, let’s call her Alice and let’s call the text De Nihilo. This text was then translated into German by Bob. In my work, I translate Bob’s translation into English. In the ...
kiphok's user avatar
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How to cite computer terminals like Bloomberg or Thomson Reuters?

Consider that I looked up some data, more specifically credit ratings for a sovereign, in the Bloomberg and the Thomson Reuters terminal for my thesis: The sovereign is rated Aaa by Moody's, AAA by ...
dnl's user avatar
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Bibliographic entry for a pseudymous work with known real author

This question is the bibliographic pendant to this question. Let us suppose I write an academic paper where I cite the well known paper English sentences without overt grammatical subject (pdf), ...
Frédéric Grosshans's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Which google scholar citation format is IEEE standard?

When I want to use formatted citation from google sholar it;s show 5 option to copy. Which one is IEEE standard? I add an image for clear my question.
Razik's user avatar
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Citing literature review APA

I am mentioning briefly research topic that has reached a general consensus and cite a literature review paper. I wonder which of the two ways below provides in terms of the best readability. I ...
snoram's user avatar
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How to cite own unpublished work in text and reference?

I would like to cite one of my own unpublished work (under review). Is it okay to cite as following? In text According to author et al. (year of submission)................. In reference authors list,...
Kay's user avatar
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Format of In-Text Citations for Military Publications?

Though I've scrutinized the APA 6th Edition and online examples, I remain confused about how to format military publications for in-text citations. In text, is it sufficient to cite just the ...
RJo's user avatar
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4 answers

Citing article where listed author is pseudonym

If one wanted to cite an article where the listed author is a pseudonym and it is well-known that the name is a pseudonym then which name ought one use? Normally I would just use the name listed on ...
Stiofán Fordham's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I cite a SDS in AMA format?

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could cite a material safety data sheet (for a chemical compound) in the AMA format? An example would be appreciated, because I couldn't find anything ...
Abdulla4496's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Citing a passage which includes added words by the translator?

I have the translation of a work in front of me and want to quote it. The translation reads: "This is the right decision, and yet it is the wrong [one]" The translator added the 'one' in brackets ...
Matthias Neumann's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How do I cite an article which has been accepted pending revisions, but the revisions aren't accepted yet?

I have an article accepted in a journal, providing I make certain revisions. I have now made the revisions and sent them off, but am awaiting the journal's confirmation that the reviewers are ...
dmt's user avatar
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Why do some fields care so much more about citation styles?

On this website, there are 120 questions tagged citation-style, and probably many more without the tag (a search for APA returns 244 results). I work in applied mathematics, and among my colleagues ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar

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