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How many related concepts should I try to fit into a research article?

When writing a journal article, I've noticed I have a habit of name-dropping concepts that are related to my argument. This has the benefit of increasing the links between my paper and other research, ...
Piethon's user avatar
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Found an error in one of the questions that appeared on screen for my dissertation study. Could this be an issue for my dissertation defense?

Fourth year student in Experimental Psychology who recently completed the minimum number of participants needed for data collection (although my advisor wants me to get more). I'm posting here since I ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is it self-plagiarism to copy/paste paragraphs word for word within the same thesis?

A few months ago I was an external censor on a master's thesis submitted to a university in my country. I work in the private sector and do not personally have any employment at the university. As I ...
Kristian's user avatar
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1 answer

Alternatives for thesis if companies don't respond for interview requests? How to still make it academically relevant? [closed]

The thesis I intend to do is trying to understand how different public transport companies perceive the concept of sharing economy in the EU: Do these public transport companies treat companies moving ...
Abhinav Mulasi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How will not doing a bachelor thesis affect my chances of masters and PhD?

My university (math major) offers the option to write and present a bachelor thesis instead of taking 3 courses. Due to my changing tracks (from applied maths to pure maths) I have lost my ability to ...
MathyUni's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Is it Self-Plagiarism to paraphrase my own published work in my thesis without citation?

I recently completed my PhD in Computer Science in Australia and am now a postdoc at a U.S. university, where I am assisting a PhD student with his thesis. In our field, it is common to publish ...
oldman's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Did the Harvard president really plagiarize, or was it just an omission of citation? [closed]

Recently, the news has been abuzz with allegations of plagiarism against the Harvard president. At first, I assumed it involved outright cheating on original creative content. But upon further ...
hidemyname's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Is it ok that I am a first author on my predecessor paper?

My predecessor did all the experiments and included them in his thesis but he didn't have the complete analysis done and there were some mistakes in his analysis. Now that the paper is ready after I ...
Anonymous 's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Somewhat bad grades and repeated courses in first few semesters, will it affect my chance to write a bachelors thesis? [closed]

I'm currently studying Computer Science in my 4th year and due to some personal reasons during my first few semesters, I wasn't really performing too well and had to retake a few classes. Although my ...
thepiwalrus's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

I realized I made a huge mistake grading a student's thesis. Panicking and unsure what to do

I am a PhD student, and last year, as a TA I helped grade/supervise a Bachelor's student's thesis. I now notice that I provided her with some wrong suggestions due to which her analysis is also wrong. ...
user3635550's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Professor gets funding and does not give to student [closed]

I am a recent university graduate with a master's degree, and I secured a position in a sizable company. Interestingly, my master's supervisor is also supervising my sibling's Ph.D. In a few meetings, ...
nikki's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Change of research project due to personal family issues

I am going through a personal issue and would like to help my family with part of the PhD scholarship I receive. However, to do this, I would need to return to my hometown (where my family lives) and ...
Young_Researcher's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Missing citations - master thesis [duplicate]

I have submitted my Master thesis and noticed that I missed a citation for a figure, and 2 citations were printed as ?, (latex keyword errors) instead of the original citation. and at the end of ...
keinerhier's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Problem with organizing tables on a television series

I hope to ask for advice regarding how to best present my data for my thesis. Currently I am working on a thesis that requires me to catalog instances of wicked women in a series, which includes ...
Lorena Mayes's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What should someone do if they find a similar working paper to their thesis after graduation?

What should a student do if they find a similar unpublished working paper (say at a recent conference) after they have already defended the thesis and graduated? Suppose that the other group has been ...
academiaquit's user avatar
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2 answers

Do online University Systems close during holidays and are unable to process submitted information?

My examiner has recently told me that he is unable to submit information to the Uni system about the result of his examination of my revised thesis. I am uncertain of the name of the online system ...
Stapton's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What to do after finding a mistake in my published paper?

I have published a paper from my PhD work early in this year and now I find an unintentional mistake in my paper. This mistake was made in a figure where in the Y-axis I have showed expression of one ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Experiencing setbacks in my master's thesis defense twice—seeking a path to recovery

I am currently enrolled in a master's program at a European university. The first year went smoothly, but the second year presented challenges due to personal issues, exacerbated by the difficulty of ...
5hi's user avatar
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1 answer

Made potentially unauthorized copies or adaptations of copyrighted test material. Can I keep the data I have collected for my dissertation?

I am a fourth year doctoral candidate in Experimental Psychology who recently finished data collection for my dissertation. I recently discovered something that may be a potential issue, but I am not ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Copyright issues and Self-Plagiarism in the PhD Thesis

Part of my doctoral thesis is based on three articles I wrote during my PhD. My supervisor suggested that I directly use part of the articles I had written (the part related to the data analysis and ...
Pachita's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it worth telling a PhD about his manuscript typos and mathematical mistakes once already published?

In the scope of the first weeks of a postdoctoral position in a company where one has the task to read a thesis manuscript written in this same company, suppose that one finds typographical mistakes (...
JKHA's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Found critical errors in my master‘s thesis after officially submitting

I submitted my master‘s thesis a few days ago. The official deadline is next Friday. Today I spotted some serious issues in my thesis. In particular, in my main theorem and the main proposition that ...
Zest's user avatar
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-3 votes
4 answers

Publishing without supervisor (sidelining Ph.D. supervisor)

Hope you are doing well. I am a third year PhD student. I have very good relationship with my phd supervisor. However; I am secretly dissapointed at him. I am listing the reasons one by one: My ...
Robin's user avatar
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1 vote
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Make last minutes amendments to bachelors thesis or not? [closed]

I am currently finishing up my bachelors thesis. I am writing about an application I developed in a specific setting, so there are not many comparable works out there (that are known to me). Since the ...
monamona's user avatar
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How do you write out mathematical formulae in a thesis [closed]

I am writing out my thesis at the moment and I am using Machine Learning Algorithms. Let's say I am using Support Vector Machine. I am not necessarily re-inventing the algorithm nor am I implementing ...
Zayyan Masud's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can a PhD Candidate Correct and Reprint Their Thesis After Submission/Print but Before Defense?

[Even though this question is specifically about Sweden, but might apply to other countries too] If a doctoral candidate has already submitted and printed their dissertation, but discovers errors in ...
anonyasd's user avatar
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1 answer

Dilemma when my supervisor isn't necessarily a mathematician

I am a mathematics master's student. I intentionally decided to chose a thesis supervised by a PhD student with a non-mathematical, but pretty quantitative background, as the project is very ...
AyamGorengPedes's user avatar
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1 answer

Problems evaluating a system with unexplainable results

I am writing a master's thesis in a Machine Learning domain. I created a system and I am now testing it. I designed most of my system while validating on benchmark set A. The results are good and ...
Rasi's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How do I salvage my thesis and move on with my life

So I am a MS student somewhere on the east coast US as an international student. I have a rough draft of my MS thesis. I have been struggling really badly with motivation. I feel like I am able to the ...
curious_template's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I ghosted a professor for two months. Not the first time this happens. Facing mental health issues but trying to recover. what to do now?

I am a delayed graduation facing (failed some subjects before, repeating a semester right now) 5th year integrated masters' student in a STEM field. I spoke to this professor about working a master's ...
Prakash's user avatar
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3 answers

Publish an article as part of the dissertation, even though it has already been published in the journal

I am about to publish my dissertation via the university library, which is mandatory according to the doctoral regulations of my university. I have written a total of 4 articles as part of my ...
TobKel's user avatar
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-2 votes
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What is considered plagiarism when writing a literature review paper

Taking someone else's experimental data and passing it for your own is objectively wrong. I would not argue with that. But what about when you are writing a review paper about some topic that doesn't ...
Iam Cleaver's user avatar
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How to handle well-known english acronyms and names for an abstract in the local language?

I have to provide a translated version of my abstract in my local country language. There are some concepts / names / acronyms that are also in my country language mostly used in english, for instance,...
user3352632's user avatar
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Thesis Data Collection Mistake

I am currently undergoing my psychology thesis (4th year) in Australia, and have just finished data collection. I have just realised that between myself and my group, 2/3 of the questionnaires used ...
Jen's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What do I do if my thesis is stolen

I submitted my thesis in September. But because of nervousness I wasn’t confident with the way I wrote the result section, though I had researched extensively on it. I was going through YouTube on ...
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2 answers

After switching PhD supervisor, can I get credit for the work I did?

My PhD supervisor abandoned me after 1 year. I did a massive amount of work, but now cannot continue working on that project anymore. The supervisor cut all ties with me and there is no turning back, ...
PPenton's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it unethical to change the affiliation of a published chapter from my PhD thesis after candidature?

I completed my PhD research at the University, submitted my thesis draft for examination, and began working at a company co-founded by my PhD supervisor. Before completing my thesis examination, I ...
hidemyname's user avatar
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Which date should I print as submission date on the title of my thesis when I send it by post to the deanery?

Tomorrow I will print my thesis. On the title page, I have to write Submitted on: xx.xx.xxxx Typically, that is not an issue if you go to the deanery by foot and submit the thesis. However, I will ...
user3352632's user avatar
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4 answers

phd student not happy with the grade

I am a Ph.D. student, and I took a course with my supervisor last semester. Our class consisted of only three people, and our grades have been released. My grade is 91 out of 100 in the Canadian ...
programmer_smart's user avatar
1 vote
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In my 2nd year of PhD, and I feel like a technician

I am in my 2nd year of a neurosceince PhD in europe. The project had a very clear vision even before I had applied. This meant that I came into a project which was well defined and planned with many ...
XaniaY's user avatar
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Can my supervisor publish a relevant work to my PhD without citing my published dissertation?

I was a PhD student at an american university, and I graduated last year. After graduation, there are few papers that were sent for publications before my graduation. Because of an authorship dispute ...
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3 answers

masters thesis supervisor hands-on importance?

TLDR: how important is having a hands-on supervisor for my masters thesis? I recently started a one-year MA in sociology at a large uni in Europe (after having attended a SLAC for undergrad). My ...
James Henderson's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Can a social sciences doctoral thesis be just 65k words long? [closed]

I am nearing the end of writing up my doctoral thesis. I only have the discussion to write and the introduction and conclusion to tidy up. My word count is currently 55k. Even with going back and ...
SSJ Brown's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

I put my Bachelor thesis (the text of it) on GitHub, and my mentor asked me to delete it. However, my repository has been forked. What now?

I put my Bachelor thesis on GitHub (both the text and the code itself). Today, my mentor found it via Googling (?) and contacted me about it. He said that he is afraid that DABAR (the Croatian ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
2 votes
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Are dissertations always submitted to the school library?

I am trying to confirm if an individual actually graduated with a PhD from a university at around 2010. At my university, the PhD theses are archived in the university library. In some cases, the ...
Anonymous CS's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What to do when finding errors in my submitted bachelor thesis? [closed]

I have just submitted my bachelor thesis. However, I found right now in total two mistakes. One is that a table is missing, although this table is not that important. The other is one sentence ends in ...
oscar's user avatar
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Thesis Defense Bare Pass, Issues with Supervisor [closed]

For my Masters degree (MSc), I completed a thesis with my supervisor. I edited and cleaned the thesis to the point where my supervisor only had minor comments and polished it to the best of my ability....
sagetrail midlandsteam's user avatar
1 vote
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Master thesis report submitted for official record is different to the report graded by my supervisor

I am doing a master's study in a German university. I had some setbacks during my master thesis project's lab work. This delayed the time I had available to write my report later on. The setbacks ...
lily's user avatar
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How to add Copyright Notice Code?

I have got a paper accepted in a conference, they have told me add a copyright notice code at the bottom of page 1. This is my first time in conference and I am confused whether the code is same for ...
Dhoom Gon's user avatar
1 vote
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If I find an error in my archived doctoral thesis, should I immediately tell my advisor or wait to see if it will be published before doing so?

I recently found a mistake in my thesis while submitting a postdoc application. I realized that I messed up my reaction rate quantification of one protein where I assigned too large of an intensity ...
cambelot's user avatar
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