I am writing a master's thesis in a Machine Learning domain. I created a system and I am now testing it.
I designed most of my system while validating on benchmark set A. The results are good and realistic and I am confident that I can explain the behaviour of the system scientifically. Now I have one month left and I still have to do a lot of writing which I plan to do full-time until the end of the submission time.
Two weeks before, my supervisor asked me to also test my system on benchmark set B to have a better picture of the performance. Adding this took very little time but running evaluations on benchmark set B takes ages: I have to do around 6-10 experiments and now one experiment takes around 1.5 days. I don't have to do anything during these experiments but the latency of getting results is really high.
This is where my problem begins. After a week of evaluating on both benchmark sets, I noticed that the performance on set B is a bit worse, but the really bad thing is: I cannot explain why and I don't think that I have the time to find the explanation.
The easiest solution would be to just drop set B, but this would of course be really bad scientific practice and is not acceptable. The other option is to live with not being able to explain what is going on. This would be unfortunate and I wouldn't know what to write in my discussion section.
Do you have an idea how I can still save the thesis now?