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Writing a Book Chapter and Adjusting One's Scholarly Tone (Writing Style)

I'm turning my master's dissertation into a book chapter and I'm worried about my scholarly tone. When I read other articles they don't sound like the way I have written my dissertation and I'll be ...
Yara's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Institution wide style guides for theses - rationale and context

Under this answer here on Academia StackExchange, Xander Henderson and I observed that there seems to be a large difference between the United States and, for instance, Germany regarding how specific ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How many related concepts should I try to fit into a research article?

When writing a journal article, I've noticed I have a habit of name-dropping concepts that are related to my argument. This has the benefit of increasing the links between my paper and other research, ...
Piethon's user avatar
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2 answers

Does a problem statement chapter contributes / addressing a research question by establishing a deeper problem understanding?

Considering a PhD thesis that use a problem statement chapter in the middle of the thesis. The reason for the chapter is that the required background information is only, fully available at this point....
user3352632's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is the use of we / us (in the sense of the reader and writer exploring the topic) accepted in a PhD thesis or bad style? [duplicate]

Before, referring just to some other question that sounds likely to be the same, e.g., about can I write: "I/We have developed X?", what I am asking about is: "Let us (you the reader ...
user3352632's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Convention on embedding three pairs of items in a single sentence using parentheses

I am writing in a description of three items in a thesis on Particle Physics, and I can do it in one line in theory. If there were just two items, e.g. A and B, which produce results C and D, I could ...
GluonicPenguin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How correctly write ordinal numbers in a scientific thesis?

I'm wrtiting my Master of Science thesis in Aerospace Engineering and I've a doubt about wrtiting of ordinal numbers? Let' us consider the following alternatives:$i$th, $i$-th. What is the correct ...
g_don's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

What level of audience should one aim for in the introduction of a STEM thesis?

I am writing my STEM thesis, 90% percent of which is about mathematical modeling. However, I am unsure at what level I should write for the introduction. Should I write it so it is accessible for ...
En Poverty's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Where to put proofs in a thesis?

When writing mathematically oriented thesis, e.g., math, cs, engineering, I am wondering where would be the most appropriate place to put your proofs. There are several ideas: put them right after ...
Concu Bine's user avatar
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0 answers

What is a Good Alternative to the Word "Novel" in Engineering Publications? [duplicate]

When writing papers for engineering conferences and journals, it is important to highlight how one's work is novel/new. I often find myself repeating the word "novel" is sentences such as: ...
fishlein's user avatar
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1 answer

Explaining an observation in thesis having no reasoning

During my machine learning master thesis, I came across some observation which increased accuracy of my result. For the observation, I am unable to find the theoretical justification. How to approach ...
Rambo_john's user avatar
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0 answers

How do I justify studying an effect found in an underdeveloped country when it has been found and studied in developed countries? [closed]

I am finding it challenging to motivate my chapter, in particular, why I have to study for a behavioral effect that influences prices in a underdeveloped country, when it has been reported in other ...
Dun M4's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Suitable citation style for dealing with many de-identified sources, interviews and personal correspondence?

Background: I am writing a paper analysing various organisations that I need to de-identify. For my analysis I need to cite three types of sources: Publicly available published works that identify ...
user2351418's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is my Major Professor Counted as a Co-Author?

According to the APA style manual, the editorial "we" is used to refer to the author and co-authors but should not be used if there is a single author. However, in writing my mathematics ...
Marcus Shell's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Cite or reformulate perfectly formulated sentences?

I'm just writing my bachelors thesis and I need to reference to a book for an in-depth derivation of something. The concluding sentence in this work is just perfectly formulated, there is no way of ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should I include a synonym in parenthesis in abstract of a PhD thesis? [closed]

Should I include in parentheses a synonym I will use in the main text already in the abstract? Example: The atomistic scale (micro-scale) shall be considered ... The atomistic scale shall be ...
stephanmg's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Is it Appropriate to Include Personal Correspondence in the Appendix of a Thesis?

While conducting research for my dissertation, my collaborator and I discovered a mathematical error in published work and this error was confirmed by the author through personal correspondence. On ...
NM_'s user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to cite self-created images or pictures in thesis

When we put some images in a thesis, we provide a reference to its source where it’s located. If I have created my own images or pictures, how do I make it clear that they are my images and I did not ...
Jonny_G's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can you give an example in a formal definition?

I would like to give an example in a formal definition. My concern is, by giving an example, I am implicitly demonstrating that the definition is not precise/clear enough. Is it acceptable to give an ...
David Poxon's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a rule for repeated letters when creating acronyms/initialisms/abbreviations?

I'm writing my master thesis and I've created an initialism that has the letter S repeated three times in a row (the initialism is OSSSP and stands for Optimization Search Space Scope Parameters). In ...
edgardmota's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can section, subsection, or sub-subsection headings be formatted as questions in a master's thesis? (not all of them at the same time) [closed]

I am wondering if section, subsection, or sub-subsection headings can be formatted as questions. I am working on my masters thesis (Economics) and am following the Chicago Manual of Style Guide (17th ...
RoundHouse's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Would you consider a very short, non-standard thesis that lacks a research questions, a thesis? [closed]

I recently met an artist. He was very proud of the shortness of his Master's thesis, which was published back in early 90's and has only 3 pages! He had been graduated from the California college of ...
RFAI's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to cross-references sections in a thesis?

When using cross-references in a thesis for cross-referencing to specific sections, do we have to use section numbers or section names would be fine too? example: As discussed in the Discussion ...
RFAI's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Tense in summary chapter of a thesis

I am currently writing a cumulative dissertation which is based on several published papers. I am supposed to shortly (one page) summarize each of the papers. These summaries come before the actual ...
PeterBe's user avatar
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2 answers

Pagebreak within tables of scientific articles

I do not know if this the suitable forum for this question but I would like to give it a try. In my thesis I have several very long tables that cover almost one page. Because of this I am getting ...
PeterBe's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Can I put the proofs to my lemmas/theorems/corollaries in my appendix?

I have proofs that run on for up to 10 pages. To aid in readability, I would like to discuss my theorem, and the lemmas that support it, without the noise of these lengthy proofs. Can I move the ...
David Poxon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Order of “List of”s in TOC

Is there an accepted order in which "List of"s should appear in a thesis? For example, I have a section dedicated to "List of (Code) Listings", another for "List of Figures", and another for "List of ...
David Poxon's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Writing style in academic English

[comments from my supervisor] You still have a tendency to use phrases such as "All in all", and "To this end". Not a serious problem of course, but be aware that the editors/reviewers for some ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it unnecessary to write "Please refer to xx paper for detail" after talking about framework presented in this paper?

I wrote a paragraph about a framework from a paper xx. Is it still necessary to mention "Please refer to xx paper for detail" at the end of this paragraph? It is a thesis.
Aqqqq's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What pronoun should theses use? [duplicate]

It is generally courtesy to use the plural 'we' or 'our' in papers, even when the primary author was the only contributor. While using personal pronouns in academic papers is typically a very bad idea,...
Stumbler's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I phrase (in my thesis) that results in an important study are wrong?

The title probably comes off wrong, I tried to keep it short. I do not necessarily want to make an absolute statement like "that is wrong". But I do need to address the problems I am facing with a ...
PoorYorick's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

How to phrase omissions correctly in a thesis?

This might be a strange question, but I am currently thinking about a good phrase to use if I want to emphasize that the theoretical omissions I am making are not caused by neglect, laziness, or ...
PoorYorick's user avatar
0 votes
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Inline referencing chapters, sections, subsections, etc [duplicate]

I am currently in the process of writing my Master's thesis using the LaTeX class supplied by my university. This class uses a document structure similar to report: Starting with chapters, then ...
SeeYouInDisneyland's user avatar
1 vote
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Writing a thesis: how to organize the content?

I have to start writing a thesis for my master's degree. The thesis itself is about machine learning. In particular, I developed an environment that simulate a real world robotic system and applied ...
gvgramazio's user avatar
20 votes
7 answers

How to improve the language of my master thesis by myself?

I have written my thesis on my own (with my limited English skills) and I gave it to my supervisor to check it. He said the work is fine but the writing is a bit bad and I need to proofread it by ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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36 votes
11 answers

Reviewer of PhD thesis doesn't allow me to write in the first person singular

In my PhD thesis, I often used the first person singular during the description of the problem and the discussion of the results. One comment from the reviewer states that because I did not use the ...
jsxs's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Should I always force the use of active voice in my dissertation?

I decided to use first person ("we") and active voice as the primary style of writing my dissertation in the domain of Computer Science. I have read some discussions about this topic and the people ...
Renato Sanhueza's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

How to properly address an unsolved problem that is very hard to solve in mathematical thesis?

I'm preparing my thesis presentation and I'm trying to address a situation in which the general case has no known solution and is an open, very hard to solve, problem. It involves non-isolated ...
Marra's user avatar
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2 answers

When to use "I" in a master's thesis

A similar question exists here however I don't feel that answers my specific question. Other questions on this topic seem to explain why "we" is primarily used in academic writing, which I understand. ...
Patty's user avatar
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How to quote in the title of a thesis in APA style?

I am writing my bachelor thesis (in psychology) and I am planning to use a quote from the series Game of Thrones as my title. More specifically, my title is: ‘The lone wolf dies but the pack ...
Niklas Pivecka's user avatar
17 votes
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What tense to use when writing a thesis?

I am well aware of the fact that there are a number of questions that talk about tenses in research, but I still have not found exactly what I am after. Basically my question is this, in a Master ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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Dimensionless axis plots

How to properly label graphs that can be dimensionless? One of reviewers of my document strongly emphasised on labelling plots with which I generally strongly agree. On this occasion, however, I was ...
Dawid Laszuk's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it ok to talk about next chapters in a chapter's introduction?

Context: I am writing a thesis that is divided in a few parts (e.g. "Context and motivations", "Literature review", "Experiments", etc.). Each part starts with a 100-200 words-long introduction (or ...
ebosi's user avatar
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Is it recommended to have a free-standing background chapter to avoid cluttering the main text with different topics?

Some general recommendations on master theses are: a master thesis should be readable without looking up external references a master thesis should present the topic in a way a someone with a ...
Mikubyte's user avatar
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Tenses in introduction and summary of every chapter

I am writing an undergraduate dissertation. I am not quite sure what tenses should I use when introducing a chapter and summarizing it. Should I refer to that chapter in present, future or past tenses....
Lau's user avatar
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Is it good style to create http links in a B.Sc. project?

We are two students in computer science doing our term project for B.Sc. in computer science. Now I wonder if it is alright or advisable to make inline hyperlinks in the report e.g. We look at ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
1 vote
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Name of section dedicated for explaining subjects that are not 100% related to main subject of thesis

I am not sure this is the place to ask this question. I am writing my master thesis and I have sections in preliminaries that don't have anything to do with the main topic of thesis but they further ...
Node.JS's user avatar
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Placement of illustration: before/after text?

I've been reading conflicting advice on SE about the placement of an illustration (figure, table, algorithm). My questions are thus (refer to Section 3.3.1 in the attached figure): I understand that,...
lostsoul29's user avatar
3 votes
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Text between a Topic and Subtopic in a Thesis

I wonder, which one of these structurings is to prefer for a thesis. To write text between a topic and subtopic, e.g. A. Main Topic Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ...
n01dea's user avatar
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Explaining inconsistencies in literature in thesis and/or supporting information of journal article

I've found a model which explains my results excellently. However, the actual equation and parameters of the model have been interpreted and treated differently by different authors, sometimes leading ...
ZacHammer's user avatar
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