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Questions tagged [degree]

Questions about institutional recognition of academic progress, such as master’s or doctoral degrees.

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2 answers

Classification/division of educational degrees

Well I was surfing the internet for information about various degrees and came across a "classification of degrees." Wikipedia (and other sources as well) classified degrees as "...
Bhavya Jain's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Forced to Leave Physics PhD Program - How to Salvage Academic Career?

I started my physics PhD program several years ago at a top-ten institute in the U.S. Recently, my supervisor informed me that he believes my talents and interests are not well-aligned with the ...
pcc's user avatar
  • 81
32 votes
3 answers

What do "minor" and "major" mean (in relation to degrees)?

I hear "major" and "minor" when discussing college/university degrees, e.g. having a major in X and a minor in Y. What does it mean to have a "major" or "minor" ...
Vebjorn's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What does "result of a qualification" mean in the UK?

I am applying for a postdoctoral position in the UK and where I need to put my qualification, it is asked about the result. For example, when I fill in the details of my B.Sc. degree, what am I ...
user1620696's user avatar
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German Equivalent of my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering

I got my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from an ECE Department at a US university and need a printout of my degree and institution from The institution I found. The degree I cannot find....
yujaiyu's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Seeking Advice on Transferring Foreign Exchange Credits and Degree Completion [closed]

I'm facing a bit of a unique situation regarding my academic credits and would appreciate some guidance. Background: I was a foreign exchange student in the US for one semester. Upon returning to ...
cookiesAndStudy's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

If a bachelor degree was revoked for a exam misconduct committed within a module, how can that degree be re-earned? [closed]

My question is very simple. If someone was found guilty in cheating during a continuous assessment, and the degree was (about to be) revoked, can that person re-earn it by taking that particular ...
ramsil's user avatar
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-4 votes
6 answers

Carrying out tests which would give a degree [duplicate]

With the Internet having more and more data every day, a lot of which is science-related, a kind of test could be used to give a degree for someone who knows a lot. The questions of the test would be ...
Cerise's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is it normal for graduate degrees to be awarded through the graduate school rather than the individual college?

I recently ordered some degree verification PDFs through the National Student Clearinghouse for employment purposes and had a quick question. I saw my undergrad Psychology degree had the College of ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

EU recognition of US postdoc without PhD

I originally got an MD from an EU country, and I'm currently working in the US as a postdoc (doing research only, not clinical work). I was lucky to get this postdoc position without the need for a ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it unethical to change the affiliation of a published chapter from my PhD thesis after candidature?

I completed my PhD research at the University, submitted my thesis draft for examination, and began working at a company co-founded by my PhD supervisor. Before completing my thesis examination, I ...
hidemyname's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Does a second degree disvalue the first one?

What are your thoughts on someone with a math major (or physics or CS) who has a second degree in quantitative finance or financial engineering? Could you ever take someone like this seriously as a ...
MackeyTopology's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can student claim verbal or physical harassments one year after my graduation to the university? Can this claim revoke my degree?

I graduated from a U.S university one year ago. If one year after my graduation a person or a group of persons claim(s) to the university that I harassed them (verbally or physically), could this ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What will be the consequences of this citation [?] error? [closed]

I have recently submitted my thesis but there are some citation errors [?]. I am really in a disaster and cant sleep properly. I think I will get sick soon. What should I do? Can anyone guide me? Do I ...
danob don's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can someone’s degree get revoked if the university has evidence they cheated retrospectively? [duplicate]

I know someone who got caught stealing the exam and cheating. He now practices and sees patients! If I alert the universities to look into it they will see that my information is correct. Will they be ...
Shx500's user avatar
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1 answer

What would be the cost of doing an MS degree in US as Night classes especially for an full time employee? [closed]

Is there any Test or Test score required to get admission? Is there any forum or website to understand more about night classes for MS degree in US?
Indirakumar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

The institution where I got my degree is merging with another, how should I list it on my CV?

The university from which I obtained my undergraduate degree (A) has announced that it is planning to merge with another university in the area (B), to form a new university (C). How should I list the ...
base12's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Program where I earned my Master's is changing its name in 2023-2024. Does this change how I list it on my CV?

I am a soon-to-be fourth-year doctoral candidate in Applied Experimental Psychology who earned my Master's in Experimental Psychology back in December 2020. I recently viewed my master's program's ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Academic Help - 4 year College transfer

I’m aiming for a BA degree. Basically, I’m taking classes for a AS degree in Computer science and AA, but now I’m nervous since I don’t know the answer for: will both of my AS degrees transfer to a 4? ...
user172952's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What is the actual date of PhD award (in India) [duplicate]

I have been awarded my PhD long back and I have my official award certificate from the university given in the annual degree convocation. However, often a question comes to my mind - What is my actual ...
Wings's user avatar
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If I have money, do I need formal education to foster my publications?

I suffered religious discrimination and didn't finish my university study. As a result, I (meanwhile) continuing scientific research on my own. Some mis-published (published in a wrong venue" or ...
porton's user avatar
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Need help to choose a master degree [closed]

I'm Russian citizen. I graduated in the field of Computer Science (cybersecurity branch) from a Russian university. The specialist degree is a 5-year study. I want to make a change and take a master ...
Yen's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it Worth it to Pursue a Degree with a Criminal Record?

Recently I went to a job agency that assists people with finding jobs. My career coach encouraged pursuing higher education. The agency is government funded and they basically help people with ...
Toneri's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Finding a career as a researcher without any PhD, work experience, and/or relevant academic degree

I call myself an "independent researcher", however, I have no relevant academic degree in the field in which I do research (physics, especially relativity, and electromagnetism). I just ...
Mohammad Javanshiry's user avatar
54 votes
6 answers

Is this Stanford certificate real?

A Christian pastor claims to be a Stanford professor who holds three PhDs in comparative theology, history, and eschatology. However, his profile is not anywhere on the university website or anywhere ...
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0 votes
2 answers

What is the correct way of writing academic degrees and Professional license after the name? [closed]

What is the correct way to write academic degrees after the name? The degrees are RN (registered nurse) MAN (Master of Arts in Nursing) MBA (Master in Business Administration) and DBA (Doctor in ...
Katherine Rose Arciga's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between "Technology Management" and "Management of Technology"?

Is there a difference between "Technology Management" and "Management of Technology"? In academia, we come across degrees like MSc in Technology Management, MSc in Management of ...
Buddhini Angelika's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are the requirements to have a program accredited as a Bachelor’s degree?

I have found this document about European standards for higher education: The criteria are not as strict as I maybe expected, a lot of it ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Rank the education levels [closed]

I am working with data on "parental level of education". I have ranked the following levels from the lowest to the highest. I am a foreigner and I do not understand the US education system. ...
pigeon_gcc's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Nostrification of a diploma as a Ukrainian

Good afternoon! I have a rather difficult situation, I hope you can help. My wife is a Ukrainian from Crimea, has two citizenships, at the time of the occupation of Crimea she was 16 years old (she ...
Ivan Larionov's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

can anyone else submit my thesis behalf of me

I did an undergraduate thesis with my partner. It don't have any missed, wrong or theft information. I was ill and long away from my dorm that time. So I told my partner to print and submit it. He had ...
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What systems exist worldwide for providing a higher education degree based on examinations, assignments or demonstrated competence, but not classtime? [closed]

I am looking for responses naming any single university, degree program, strategy or other type of degree certification in which you receive a degree for completing (large) assignments or passing ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to earn an advanced degree based on work done as a lab employee?

Has anyone been a non-student staff member of a research lab at a (reputable, US) university starting from an entry/Bachelor's degree-level position, then leveraged their years of employment as the ...
uncertainstaffer's user avatar
1 vote
8 answers

Is it OK to specify your school next to your "Ph.D."?

Is it OK to specify your school next to your "Ph.D.": in your email signature, in the title of your web site, etc. For example, John Smith, PhD (Harvard) Edit: added united-states, because ...
MWB's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Can degree be revoked for misbehaving with professor after graduation? [duplicate]

One of my professors misbehaved with me. So after graduation, I wrote him a strong and humiliating mail. Can he get my degree revoked?
Pranjal Chourasia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the equivalent of the Mexican distinction "Titulo de Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales" in the U.S. higher education system?

An individual has a degree from a technology institute in Mexico. His diploma says, "El Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico otorga a [name] el titulo de Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales." In ...
T Hummus's user avatar
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I will have a masters in accounting and I want to study the psychology of money, so I'm looking to get a phd in psychology, do I have to start over?

I want to learn how money impacts people's behavior and use that information to help people build wealth. I already have a working knowledge of the psychology of money and I am working towards my CPA ...
Janae's user avatar
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49 votes
13 answers

Is it reasonable to have concerns about the recognition of Russian degrees given the war in Ukraine?

I would like to pursue my master's studies in mathematics in Russia. Yet, I was told that there's a possibility of foreign universities not recognizing Russian degrees due to the current political ...
newtogeometry's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is accreditation based on time as opposed to knowledge so universally (or is it)? [duplicate]

I have never seen a degree program that is purely examination based. Even if class attendance is not required, as it is in some European university programs, the program is still structured around a ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I get my degree revoked for misuse of citations? [duplicate]

I have been accused of not correctly attributing a person in my PhD dissertation that was finished several years ago. The person claimed he would bring the matter to the university I did my PhD at. I ...
user153874's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is There An "Official" Way To Format A Degree On A CV?

I've recently graduated (UK) and I was wondering if there is an "official" way to format my degree (and classification) on my CV? Examples: BA (Hons) Subject (First Class) First Class ...
Rachel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Which is better, certificate of studies at something (not degree) or years of experience? [closed]

I am currently paying for a master degree, at the same time, I am interested in doing some python extra study, but I dont want to spend money in a python certification, so I am planning to get a ...
Carlos Varas Tello's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Writing dual degrees (and GPAs) on resume for grad schools

I'm an undergraduate student in the U.S. writing my resume for grad school applications. I'm pursuing double degrees (will have two diplomas) in physics and mathematics (both in Bachelor of Science), ...
IGY's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I match my interests with a degree/career path?

I'm considering a change in careers and have a general interest in pursuing research in a humanities field (probably history or philosophy) as a future career. As a result I've been researching ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Can one get a degree in a field one has not formally taken any classes in?

If one hadn't taken formally taken any classes relating to a field but was able to demonstrate sufficient competence in the field could one get a degree in that field?
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
17 votes
10 answers

Is there any point in keeping the paper versions of one's college diplomas?

Aside from decoration, memory, self-infatuation or other personal reason, is there any non-personal reason in keeping the paper versions of one's college diplomas? Or can one just throw them away and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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Is a Masters year 1 in France the equivalent of a UK Masters?

I am currently in the final year of my undergrad degree in the UK. I would love to do a year-long master's in France. I have realised their masters are two years long. Would it be worthwhile doing the ...
Emily Jones's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to get a bachelor's degree just by having more than the required credit hours? [closed]

I have around 126 completed credit hours and I know the required amount is 120. My major is in education and I was originally planning on becoming a teacher however I am no longer sure if that is the ...
JMERICKS's user avatar
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Diploma equivalence from the old Belgian System

I graduated from DRCongo, and here we still use the old Belgian system. I did the Polytechnic, and my diploma is called license en Polytechnique Option Genie Electrique et Informatique. Basically, we ...
Espoir Murhabazi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How was the Doctorate/PhD title awarded in Italy in the 1980s and now? when can someone apply for Post-doc?

One of the top Italian research centre for applied physics, the Area Science Park located in Trieste, just elected its new president. The president's CV can be found here:
EarlGrey's user avatar
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