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5 votes
2 answers

Pages: Cite an article from a journal

I want to cite an article from a journal, e.g. AMS. So in the journal, there are several articles from different authors. Actually I thought that in my bibliography I have to print "pages 56-67&...
Lereu's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Correctly adding publisher information to BibTeX bibliographies

Certain bibliographic item classes in BibTeX require or recommend the inclusion of a address field which (as far as I can tell) is supposed to contain the city in which the publisher is located. ...
StephenSwat's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to cite GDPR and AI Act?

How to properly cite these two sources? In the AI/ML literature I am finding many non-homogenous citations of these two documents, with some of them wanting to specify a chapter and others the whole ...
Carlos Mougan's user avatar
2 votes
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Which authors do I use when citing technical documentation which is community-editable and has multiple contributors?

Let's take this sample page from Microsoft Docs. It lists multiple contributors (linked below the heading), some from the community with nicknames, as the pages can be edited by practically everyone ...
Lennart's user avatar
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How do I cite this 3D teapot model in my BibTeX file? [duplicate]

I am working on some data transformations that work in finite dimensions. To help motivate the reader I would like a simple, but not too simple, example to show how the transformations work. A 3D ...
Galen's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Do I need to specify pages when citing a book?

I am citing the book Statistical Power Analysis for the behavioral sciences from pages 77 to 81. It seems @book in bibtex has no option for pages though. (I know I can use @inbook but if pages ...
user900476's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Fast vs. final .bib file - making google-scholar .bib file publication-ready

Making literature review I typically browse google Scholar, cite interesting work, download BibTex from scholar into my .bib file on overleaf - that is it. Which is more than fine for me... until the ...
Intelligent-Infrastructure's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I cite a pullout of a news release?

How do I cite the pullout? Should I just cite the original? What would the bibtex be? The pullout has information that is extremely useful, and I have not found the thing I needed anywhere else. (I ...
nullmatrix's user avatar
0 votes
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Avoid duplicate authors/citation keys in Mendeley

I recently encountered an issue when using Mendeley for generating bib-files. Some of the papers in I would like to use were written by authors with the same Name (but different persons), and ...
arc_lupus's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why does Researchgate not include the booktitle tag in their bibtex for inproceedings / conference papers?

After I always found incomplete entries in the bibliography of theses, I investigated the cause and discovered that Researchgate (RG) does not output a booktitle tag for inproceedings in BibTeX, even ...
user3352632's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to cite Stack Overflow surveys

How should I cite the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020? If possible in BibTeX format. This question was originally asked in meta Stack Exchange, but it was closed for being considered off-topic. ...
henrique's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Entering the correct Publisher and Editor in a BibTex citation

I would like to enter a PDF book I have purchased into a bibtex library using JabRef. JabRef requires the publisher and editor information for "Book" type entries. In the inside cover of my ...
user32882's user avatar
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Need a CSL style that uses the month field in Bibtex

I do a lot of academic writing where I need to cite magazine and newspaper articles. My workflow is to write in Markdown / Org-mode and then export to docx using pandoc. So I use the citation ...
ShankarG's user avatar
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How to cite a journal paper which do not have a page number?

I was very annoyed with the Elsevier's journals. Many of them do not provide the page number of the paper. For example, see, You can ...
null's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Citing an URL using the Waybackmachine (

I would like to quote the following quotation correctly: Information is the oil of the 21st century and analytics is the internal combustion engine. In other papers I found out that this quote ...
methus's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Can I include just a folder from Zotero into Overleaf instead of my entire library?

I am setting up an Overleaf account to work with my Zotero account and ran into an annoying issue. I have one folder within my Zotero library which contains all the references I want to use in a ...
wanderingmathematician's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

bibtex entries for versions of the c++ standard

Where can I find BibTeX entries that help me cite a version of the C++ standard? In a paper I discuss the necessity of trailing return types, which became available in C++11. I want to be able to cite ...
Taylor's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to cite an authorless report in JabRef/Bibtex

I am learning to use bibtex/jabref in the context of a literature review and would like to cite the following report: The report is compiled by the ...
user32882's user avatar
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How to handle capitalized abbreviations in Book, Anthology, Journal, etc. titles in APA?

I am using APA and need to cite an article from a conference that has a capitalized abbreviation in its name: Proceedings of the 1992 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing
lo tolmencre's user avatar
0 votes
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How to cite a bookchapter that is accepted and To appear?

I have a book chapter that is accepted and I want to cite it on a conference paper that I should upload its camera ready today. What is the best way to cite it ? here is my bibtex. @inbook{...
Heba Mohsen's user avatar
1 vote
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How to cite this booklet/manual?

I am not sure how should I cite this concrete thing - I am using bibtex, but ...
baklazan's user avatar
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import all references of a paper into a bibtex file

I have a paper that has say 100 references. I'd like to use a lot of them as references to a paper I'm writing, but it seems pretty laborious to go on each and everyone of them, search in google ...
bla's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Cite NumPy in BibTex

How to cite NumPy in BibTex? The Scipy citing page recommends: Travis E, Oliphant. A guide to NumPy, USA: Trelgol Publishing, (2006). Is it correct to use: @Misc{numpy, author = {Travis ...
danieltakeshi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Alternatives to Google Scholar for citation / lit search / BibTex entries? [closed]

Simple question: What alternatives are there to Google Scholar for finding citations, doing lit searches, and most importantly, downloading citation data in BibTex? There are lots of specialized ...
JohnA's user avatar
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0 votes
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citing company yearly reports in papers

I am writing a conference paper and want to cite the following report by Symantec using Bibtex ( I am currently using @techreport which only ...
dmnte's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cite a book in general and then a chapter in particular

The question is in the context of a paper and a thesis in the area of computational science, computer science and chemistry. I manage my references with Mendeley, and import them into a LaTeX file ...
Michael's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to cite a website/manual where the authors are (mostly) unknown?

For my thesis, I need to cite some pieces of software documentation. The website in question is the documentation of Kubernetes. I'm fine with using @misc entries in my bibtex file, but obviously I ...
Franz Wimmer's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

A reference that is old, has no bibtex entry, and probably not well-known throughout the readership. How to cite this?

I am writing an article for an audience that mostly consists of computer scientists. A specific part of the subject is motivated by Kirchhoff's laws. I intend to mention this fact and reference the ...
choeger's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to cite a site from the dark web?

For my masters degree in computer science, I'm currently working on a paper on ransomware. Goal of this paper is to focus on academic writing and citing sources correctly. Trustworthiness/Quality of ...
Franz Wimmer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Naming inconsistencies in booktitle fields of BibTeX entries provided by IEEEXplore

Why are the booktitle fields of BibTeX entries provided by IEEEXplore inconsistent in the following way: @InProceedings{ ... booktitle={2009 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and ...
apriori's user avatar
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1 answer

In-text citation: what is the correct way of using both last name (i.e., \citeauthor ) and typical citation (i.e., \cite)

I am using plain citation style with biblatex and was wondering about the convention of using \citeauthor (and probably \citeyear) along with \cite While writing sometimes I do the following: \...
seteropere's user avatar
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1 vote
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MLA bibliography style in computer science

Does anyone know a computer science or engineering journal that uses MLA as their bibliography style?
Leila's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to cite computer terminals like Bloomberg or Thomson Reuters?

Consider that I looked up some data, more specifically credit ratings for a sovereign, in the Bloomberg and the Thomson Reuters terminal for my thesis: The sovereign is rated Aaa by Moody's, AAA by ...
dnl's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Bibliographic entry for a pseudymous work with known real author

This question is the bibliographic pendant to this question. Let us suppose I write an academic paper where I cite the well known paper English sentences without overt grammatical subject (pdf), ...
Frédéric Grosshans's user avatar
3 votes
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How to cite files on a CD-ROM?

I would like to cite one of the descriptions present on the DIEHARD test battery, which is located on a CD-ROM here. Specifically, I would like to cite the craps test. If I could have the citation in ...
Eliezer Pearl's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why "in Proceedings of conference...", but not "in Journal of ...."

I'm wondering why a well-known citation style (bibtex's "plain" style) produces "In proceedings of 'conference name'" or "In 'conference name'", but drops "in" in case of journals. In my opinion, ...
Leon Meier's user avatar
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3 answers

Find article link by bibtex citation key

I have a list of citation keys (entry names in bib file) but I don't have the name of article. How can I find the article link? For example, according to bib file of this article, the citation key is ...
Sadegh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Citing an ISO standard with multiple parts, using Harvard style?

I would like to cite an ISO standard that is split into multiple parts, I want to cite the whole standard but am unsure of how to do this in Harvard style. ISO 14230 Road vehicles – Diagnostic ...
harveytoro's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Finding (correct) citation info for math references

I've just recently learned about BibTeX, rather than manually making a bibliography at the end of everything I write. Now I'd like a reliable source for the citation info. At school I can use ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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23 votes
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How to cite a paper with erratum?

I want to cite a paper [A], which has been corrected by an erratum [B] in the same journal. I have not found a rule how to cite this case. Is it proper to cite [A,B], or just [A] or just [B]. I am ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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5 votes
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Article with unspecified-but-present authorship ("consensus document")

I'd like to properly refrence an article whose author is mentioned as A Consensus Document (it has some 25 authors). I have never seen this kind of authorship before; the citation entry generated by ...
anol's user avatar
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How to cite a Google Play app?

In my paper I need to cite an Android application. There is an official way to cite the site Google Play? I know the tag @misc on BibTeX, but I am looking for a standard style, if exist.
Giacomo Alessandroni's user avatar
2 votes
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How to cite a senior project in BibTeX

I want to cite a senior project of a student in my thesis. However, I don't really have much information about the student. I know, the title of his work, his name, his university and the link to the ...
ThePortakal's user avatar
2 votes
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How to cite ACM Computing Classification System?

In the research I'm doing for my master thesis I use the ACM Computing Classification System (2012 edition). I mean I literally use the data they provide as an RDF graph. How should I cite this ...
Alexey Grigorev's user avatar
0 votes
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Is possible cite an internet site (of an academical project) with the authors

I am writing a paper about a project. I must cite the internet site of the project with the results. Question: can I cite, not only the site, but also the authors in the references? NOTE The site ...
Giacomo Alessandroni's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

What is a good system for generating BibTeX reference keys?

When using a reference manager (or even when tracking references on a handwritten draft), it is common to have a key for each entry when referring to items, which the computer (or you in a final form) ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Should I keep all my .bib files in a single folder, or one with each .tex file?

Self-explanatory. I would be most interested to hear from researchers who have published a fair amount, decided one way or the other wasn't working for them, so switched — and why. Related advice / ...
legatrix's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I cite a publication where the author(s) are anonymous (but the organization is not)?

I'd like to cite the following articles from "Scientific Data" (a journal from the Nature Publishing Group), but no authors are mentioned (as far as I can tell):
nathanielng's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

How to represent and cite a patent using BibTeX?

I need to cite some patents for a paper in BibTeX format. Google Patents provide me a BibTeX like this one: @misc{spangler1988method, title={Method and system for measurement of road profile}, ...
Giacomo Alessandroni's user avatar
1 vote
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Should I add a bibliography for this?

While writing up my introduction for my transfer report (first year exam of the PhD in the UK) I want to give importance to the topic saying something like: It lead to huge research, being N amount ...
Ander Biguri's user avatar
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