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Questions tagged [patents]

Questions about patents. Patents are government licenses conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention without compensation.

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2 answers

How to know if an open-source implementation used for research and extended by the researchers with new code, does not infringe a patent?

How to know (beforehand) if an open-source implementation/code in a public repository with the source code available to the public, which is used for research and extended by the researchers with new ...
mike's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

My data will be used in a patent application – what can I ask for?

I am a postdoc. A lab we collaborate with invented something, and they will try to patent this invention. They did all of the work so far, in vitro & in cells, to develop the invention, and now it ...
NerdyLord's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Do academic researchers generally not worry about their work infringing on patents? Have there been cases where they wish they had?

My Law SE question Instrument builder in a scientific lab w/ academic funding using a technique described in a patent for research, and for developing new technology covers both Basic academic ...
uhoh's user avatar
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1 answer

Cancelled PhD Study ended my career plans

I work as an R&D engineer in the Automotive industry. In 2018 My Supervisor(boss) approved my application for a PhD program based on a 5-year distance learning model, with a UK-based University. I ...
Brian Gilmore's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Paper leaked during peer review - what are my options?

As the title states. I recently submitted a manuscript for one of the flagship journals of Springer. Not long after, I received information that they used my work for their external recruiting process ...
Mister_Bivolt's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Non-published patent application -Should I mention it or not in paper submission?

Earlier this year I filed an international patent application related to a global hot topic. It will automatically be published in Aug 2023, but due to the complexity and length (150 pages), almost no-...
Hans B.'s user avatar
  • 53
11 votes
2 answers

Why do Chinese universities hold many more patents than other universities?

On the list of top 250 largest patent holders worldwide (2021), I see that Chinese universities hold many more patents than other universities, even normalizing by population size or student ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Getting into a Master's Program with Work Experience and 2 Years of Bachelors?

I noticed there are some related topics on the forum but my situation is somewhat unique so I'll ask again. I completed 2 years of my Bachelor's at a Top50 Worldwide University. About 40% of the ...
zunior's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Can the patent and paper have different authors (assume they include the same content)?

I am working for a company as an intern. Then I proposed some ideas and drafted a paper. In the meantime, I got some help from my university PhD friends so I list them as the co-authors. I planned to ...
hidemyname's user avatar
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6 answers

Another company patented my research project during my master studies, what should I do?

I started working as a part time researcher in a company during my master degree as part of my graduate studies. I published a paper 2.5-3 years ago based on the data and my work at school. Last month,...
Happypumpkin pm's user avatar
12 votes
9 answers

How to safeguard marketable ideas from being stolen?

Say I plan to share an idea with a professor that has the potential to inspire a biotech startup. What forward-looking steps can I, as an undergraduate, take beforehand to ensure the professor won't ...
theheroncallsthroaway342's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I submit the next paper before a previous base paper gets published?

I wanted to publish an algorithm in a journal and submitted the paper to be published within the next 6-months. Meanwhile, before the publication of the submitted paper, I optimized the algorithm. Can ...
Gopal ojha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Do I retain patent rights after transferring copyrights? [closed]

I have two questions: I recently published a paper on IEEE and transferred copyrights. Can I apply for a patent after transferring copyright? If I publish an article on alreadly Patented work and ...
Dushi Fdz's user avatar
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How can I tell that I have done enough literature research? Is there a specific amount of time one should devote to it? [closed]

Finding and gathering references can be a quite time-consuming task as it demands one to get accustomed with the terminology and concepts of the related topic / area. How much time should one devote ...
Anafandon's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Search techniques for finding references at the start of reviewing the literature for your research?

Whenever we start new research, we need to do a literature review first in order to both get acquainted with the context and the concepts related to our research as well as to situate our research ...
Anafandon's user avatar
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3 answers

Patent vs Research paper for a top university admission?

I am working as software developer in a company. I had filed one patent and published one research paper. I want to apply for Master's in a top university (like NUS at Singapore or German universities)...
Maninderpal Singh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Filing a patent which my research advisor will found a company on it [duplicate]

I'd appreciate your advice on my current situation a lot! So I'm an international phD student getting close to graduate. My research advisor got so interested in my recent project and he's working on ...
kk27189's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

Are patents included in literature reviews?

I'm writing a literature review on synthesis and biological activity of some organic compounds, and half the references I found on SciFinder are patents. Are patents typically included in literature ...
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5 votes
3 answers

How to show patents in my google scholar profile?

I have a Google Scholar profile where my conference papers are located. Google automatically added one, while I had to manually add another. See
alsora's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

If a research project leads to potential financial benefits, who owns such benefits?

I am deciding if I should follow the academic path or work in industry. One of the perceived benefits of academia is the ownership of your own work, be it papers or patents. I want to know how much ...
MOON's user avatar
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Are there universities with policies that default intellectual property decisions to faculty?

For context, at a US-based institute there is a typical business-like policy stating intellectual property developed by faculty is owned by the institute. Likewise, faculty are required to submit ...
001001's user avatar
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2 answers

Publishing Unpublished undergraduate research after a decade

I want to see whether I can publish my undergraduate work after a decade. Context: This is to support my academic career as I am planning to apply for a PhD program (Biophysics/Chemistry/Structural ...
Nipuna Weerasinghe's user avatar
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Can a company use a method published in an academic paper to make money?

Academics do not usually apply for patents for the methods published in academic conferences/journals. Can a company use the ideas/code/results in these publications in a product they make money from? ...
user5054's user avatar
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6 answers

How to equitably divide the economic benefits of a licensed patent among academic inventors?

I am PI of a research group and in different projects regarding sample analyses, it looks like we will be able to license 4 patents to 4 different companies. I can tell you this success was not ...
Open the way's user avatar
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What can a scientist learn (only) from patent literature/database rather than from research literature?

I'm currently diving in a field I'm no expert in, mainly I have methodological expertise and a theoretical background, but not in the research object itself. Now I'm seeing this is a field of applied ...
user48953094's user avatar
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4 answers

Patent Agreement in Order to Graduate

I am about to finish my masters in stats and in order to graduate I was told that I need to sign a document stating that any patents that I filed while enrolled at the university, belonged to the ...
CumminUp07's user avatar
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2 answers

PhD advisor making start up company based on my thesis work. How do I prevent this from delaying my graduation?

I am a fifth year PhD student who has independently developed a project for my thesis. Recently, I have presented some promising preliminary results. My professor called it a 'gold mine', and wants to ...
trash123's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I patent part of my work presented that in my own research paper?

I recently published a paper in which I proposed a new transmission design relevant to wireless communication (skipping the details here). Now I am thinking to file a patent but I am not sure if the ...
SJa's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How should I avoid someone patenting technology in my paper/poster?

I am working on a paper in the field of AI. I've developed a new technology that allows many state of the art benchmarks to be improved on. I want to make sure that when I publish the paper, anyone/...
brubrudsi's user avatar
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Ethics of patents for research work funded by tax money

My academic research supervisor is asking me to write a patent that he is self-funding, with potential private commercial interests and benefits. I am also directly involved in the work that is ...
plu's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I include Abandoned Patent in CV?

I recently came to know that one of the patent we filed in my previous organization has been abandoned. I am currently preparing my resume for PhD applications. I am confused whether to specify the ...
aimthiazz's user avatar
177 votes
11 answers

My research paper filed as a patent in China by my Chinese supervisor without me as inventor

I completed my PhD 3 years ago from a university in the UK. Today I was looking for some papers in google scholar. I found a patent in China. The patent was written in Chinese however, all diagrams/...
PRO88's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you decide how to categorize a new idea? Patent? Present at a Conference? or Publish in a Journal? [closed]

I came across a patent that proposes an idea for a device, and in the background section of the patent, other similar devices that were published in conferences (not even journals) were cited. ...
Ronnie's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to avoid theft of potentially patentable IP when trying to obtain a Ph.D?

When I was fresh out of college, I worked with someone who had their Ph.D who I'll call X. They told me that they had lunch with a person from Facebook who had told them about a Novel Algorithm ...
Gary Drocella's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I publish photos or reconstructed drawing of the internal part of a patented instrument?

I am doing a publication using a specific optical instrument protected by different patents. To see how it works I opened it and I have redrawn the arrangement of the optical components. Am I allow to ...
G M's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

When an academic researcher decides to file for a patent, where does the budget to pay for the patent-related costs typically come from?

When an academic researcher decides to file for a patent, where does the budget to pay for the patent-related costs typically come from? From the academic researcher's budget? From the University's ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I protect my research algorithm and findings from being infringed or stolen by anyone, including a professor of mine?

I have been working on an NLP project (Natural Language Processing) regarding a variety of Arabic. I had to observe and look for patterns and rules in this variety as the resources are almost absent ...
coredumped0x's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible for me as a graduate student in the US to a sign a contract with an US company to create a US patent from my PhD research? [closed]

I'm a third year graduate student in the US and a company in the US is interested in a special part of my PhD research, which was about developing an algorithm and create a software based on that ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
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Conflict of interest statement for Elsevier

I want to submit a research paper to an Elsevier Journal. There is also an invention disclosure associated with this work. I have got the approval of the Technology Transfer Office to submit the paper....
yaska's user avatar
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Issues with a patent overlapping my work [closed]

I am a PhD student and recently found that a patent exists with significant overlap to my work. I.e. my situation is roughly similar to that described in Proving that the PhD work was done prior to ...
F. Xen's user avatar
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Redrawing a schematic diagram/image/schematic circuits to avoid Copyright infringement in publication

From other discussion in Academia SE and other source, I got an impression that redrawing is to avoid Copyright infringement. link1 link2 link3 not from SE link4 link5 I cannot comment there to ask ...
Codelearner777's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Does it makes sense to publish new math whose primary significance is its applicability to another field?

I have come up with a new mathematical method that has applications in a field outside mathematics. I have described the mathematics of it, and proved relevant theorems to show how it works. The sole ...
user102868's user avatar
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"Undeserved" patent attribution

I work with professor from my college and it seems like we are close to invention, so he said me to collaborate with his old friend and patent it. All amount of work was divided between us unequally. ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I perform and publish studies on patented chemical compounds?

If a set of chemical compounds is patented by somebody else, am I allowed to perform studies (e.g. Pharmacophore, structure-activity relationship or QSAR analysis) on these patented compounds and ...
Omar Al-Attraqchi's user avatar
1 vote
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How to handle conflicts with inventorship on a patent with my supervisors from the university and the company?

I am working on a research project funded by a company. So, I have two supervisors - one at the university and the other at the company. The company likes the work I did and is encouraging me to ...
yaska's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Advisor trying to patent an idea for himself even though we wrote the paper together!

My advisor is trying to patent an idea without me. I got to know that he is registering the patent through the IP officer at our University. When I asked him about it, he did not give me a straight ...
computationally_curious's user avatar
3 votes
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Patented algorithm: what authors are allowed to do?

I work for an industrial research lab, which requires everybody to file 2 patents a year to achieve 100% in annual performance evaluation. Once the patent is filed, the algorithm in the patent is ...
sean's user avatar
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Experimental research work on a similar experimental setup patented by someone else

For my PhD thesis, I have conceptualised an experimental setup which is similar to an already existing patented design. Can I do research work on that setup (conceptualised by me) by simply citing ...
Deepak 's user avatar
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How can one know if some of the content presented by a paper is protected by a patent?

How can one know if some of the content (e.g., an algorithm) presented by a paper is protected by a patent? Papers rarely mentioned that a patent has been filed for it.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Balancing an internet startup and a tenure track professorship

What should do or consider to simultaneously succeed at my new professorship and my internet startup? I am starting a tenure track professorship in the fall. I am also on the team of an internet ...
Industrademic's user avatar