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Nikey Mike's user avatar
Nikey Mike
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Spain
64 votes

Is it wrong to start your abstract with a question?

20 votes

Should I quit my PhD?

18 votes

Is there an actual, physical event associated with predatory conferences?

17 votes

Is it appropriate to ask a professor for a discount on his expensive book?

10 votes

My paper has been rejected again, what should I change?

7 votes

Is it worth it to write a book with my advisor instead of focusing on journal/conference publications?

6 votes

How should I interpret "English is poor" review when I used a language check service before submission?

5 votes

Word choice for salutation in a formal email to your PhD adviser, Is *Dear Boss* appropriate?

4 votes

How should I approach a situation where my head of department doesn't want me there?

4 votes

I'm writing a paper on a side project with a friend, should I involve my supervisor?

4 votes

Does impact factor of journal you publish in matter when getting a post doc?

4 votes

How to add data availability statement in Physical Review Letters?

3 votes

Self Studying over lectures

3 votes

How to start doing "more theoretical" research?

3 votes

Is it OK to add another author during page proofs?

2 votes

How do you know your paper is ready for submission?

2 votes

How do you search for related articles?

2 votes

How can an author get assurance that his work will not be stolen by journal staff or reviewers?

2 votes

Ph.D. candidate publishing preprint to link papers

1 vote

What is the best way to merge subfigures and convert to a required format for submission to a journal?

1 vote

Complete stranger asking PhD student to review paper before submission

1 vote

Publishing on arXiv in preparation for WWW conference

1 vote

Good methods for creating high quality scatterplots

1 vote

Course assessment for programming courses

1 vote

How to not get lost during bibliography research?

1 vote

Can theory exposition be a thesis?

1 vote

Quit PhD and find a job

1 vote

Is copying an algorithm plagiarism?

1 vote

Who can submit papers to peer-reviewed journals?

1 vote

Is it appropriate (as a PhD student) to email other researchers asking about some details in their papers?