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Questions tagged [france]

On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in France, which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.

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6 votes
3 answers

Salary of Maître de conférences (France)

I am inquiring about academic positions in France and their salaries. In particular, I have received an offer for a "Maître de conférences" position. According to my current information, I ...
computational_scientist's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can anyone help me understand the concept of M2 in french masters? If i already have a 2years masters in a subject

I have a 3yr BSc and 2yr MSc in mathematics and I've done some work related to signal and computational mathematics but always wanted to do research in Astrophysics. Now in this case am I eligible to ...
Sreya 's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

CEA vs CNRS for permanent researcher positions in France

I am trying to find a permanent researcher position in France. I'm applying to job openings in CEA and CNRS. Though I have some understanding of how CNRS operates and working conditions, salaries, etc,...
a06e's user avatar
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Can I fail the entire year of M1 if I fail a class in france? [closed]

I am having a very bad experience in my first year of an MSc in France and have problems with a particular professor, so I might fail his class. Will failing his class make me fail the entire year? ...
notstef's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Should I apply for an Assistant Professor position if I only have one recommendation letter?

An assistant professor position asks for candidates to provide three recommendation letters. I had a strong and excellent relationship with my PhD Advisor. He will certainly provide me with one ...
JKHA's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

M2 in France = MPhil Equivalent in US/UK?

I did my PhD in the UK. During my third year, I was an exchange researcher in Paris (PSL). As I was keen to get further qualifications, I enrolled as an "M2" student (2nd year of a Masters) ...
Paul Beatrix's user avatar
1 vote
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research internship visa in france for PhD student with no master's degree?

I am a PhD student in Chile, now in my 3rd/4 years. I have been awarded an international internship funding by my scholarship agreement (provided by the chilean government). I have an invitation of a ...
Fernando Lehue's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Applying for 'qualification' for MCF position in France: documents in English

I would like to apply for MCF (Maître de conférences - eqvivalent to assistent professor) position in France. This, however, requires applying for so-called Qualification at the Galaxie portal (https:/...
computational_scientist's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What's a reasonable STEM postdoc salary at Paris-Saclay university?

The year is 2023 and I'm applying for a postdoc at Paris Saclay university, and I wonder how should I adjust my expectations. I don't want to appear overpriced, but also I don't want to just scrape by....
user46147's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I apply for a PhD in physics in France? [duplicate]

I am currently a master student in physics in my last year and am thinking about doing my PhD in France. The application process seems to be quite different from my home country and I can't find any ...
KondoEffect's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

France M2 admission [closed]

I have just finished my bachelor’s degree in maths (180 ECTS). I am currently starting my master’s degree in Data Science at the University of Luxembourg. In my first year I will accumulate 60+ ECTS. ...
Oliver Jack's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

New regulation in France and/or in ERC grant for hiring only the postdocs who finished their PhD 3 or less years ago - what does it really say? Link?

In a recent exchange with a faculty member based in France, whose ERC-funded postdoc I had applied to earlier, I was told: "a new local regulation makes it impossible to recruit under the status ...
Science Man's user avatar
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Non-CIFRE Industry PhD in France

I am exploring options in different European countries for doing an Industry PhD related to my work in industry. France's CIFRE program sounds like a good fit for my objectives, but I am unfortunately ...
b1057's user avatar
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Do I need to write a cover letter or something specific in my présentation analytique to the math department for MCF position application?

This question is a continuation of my earlier question related to the job applications for French Maître de Conférences position for mathematics (CNU section 25) and applied mathematics (CNU section ...
Science Man's user avatar
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CDD postdoc contract in France for more than 6 years

I am an Indian citizen living in France. I did my PhD here, which lasted for 4.5 years. I was on a temporary contract (CDD type) for the PhD. After finishing the PhD, I was offered a postdoc position ...
user19060's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Postdoc salary in France

I am currently considering a postdoc position in France which would be funded by an ERC grant. Since it is the hosting institution to determine the salary I was wondering whether there are some fixed ...
The Wall 79's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How does writing and submission of a joint proposal process work in the CNRS Chargé des Recherche (CR) competition in France?

I'm looking at the CNRS CR (=charge de recherche - a research only academic position with no teaching duties) recruitment process, and in the booklet that walks candidates through the application ...
Science Man's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Given my experience, how do I get back to academic research collaboration?

I've a teaching position in an engineering college in France since September 2021, and in a few years' time I'd like to get either a research-only or a mixed research and teaching position. With that ...
Science Man's user avatar
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Math PhD in the USA from a completely different academic system

My initial goal 5 years ago was to do an applied math PhD, but I had to find a job to pay off my loans. I've been working in data science for a couple years. I'm now planning to apply again. 1. ...
Marc's user avatar
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3 answers

What to write in a motivation letter where the template says "In a few lines, specify your professional project"

My program is structured such that I have to do two years at one institution, then transfer to a different institution for the third and final year. I am now finishing the second year and filling out ...
Amine M's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I present the general conclusion of a research paper?

I want to present the conclusion of a foreign language research paper (english) in my masters thesis (french). I hesitate between two approaches : Presenting the general conclusion of the paper while ...
user161458's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

Do French master's programs let you choose an advisor at a different institution?

I am about to begin my second master's degree in math in France. I am not from France; I did my first master's in my country. In my course, master's thesis is in 2nd semester but I want to start ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

I've been called for an audition for MCF position at a place in France that has nothing to do with my research - what could be the motive behind this?

I've a PhD in pure math, with postdoctoral experience in theoretical/statistical aspects of machine learning, with over seven years of teaching experience in math in English, and currently a part time ...
Science Man's user avatar
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Are non-EU PhD scholarships for a non-eu student taxable in France?

I am a non-eu student. I have a PhD admission from a French university where the funding will come from an institution at my country (outside of the EU) who will pay me directly. My question is the ...
sbox's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What is the best way to approach professors in Europe about the possibility of an internship (as an unfunded, international student)?

I live in an Asian country and completed my master's in Math in June 2020. I want to do a PhD in Europe, but I have had some difficulties in finding a suitable position. I do not believe doing a PhD ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to use a transcript with wrong course names in my application

The transcript for my last year of master's contains severe errors in course names. I will need it fixed if I want to apply to PhD programs, otherwise my chances would diminish. The master program's ...
Orna's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

I insulted a professor by using an anti-Semitic slur in a department seminar. How bad is this?

I am in a research group in a French university in physics (I am a 1st year PhD student) and in a seminar in my university I used a slur against an Israeli professor, Professor X. I am from an Arab ...
user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Why would a post-graduate interviewer care about my knowledge regarding their school?

I was interviewed a few days ago for a master degree and the interviewer asked me questions about the degree and the school in general. Some questions were about the learning method they use, the ...
user161458's user avatar
1 vote
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MSCA seal of excellence

I have applied for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship and, despite receiving a grade of 90%, did not receive it. Although nothing is mentioned in the application, it turns out something called a &...
QuantumBrick's user avatar
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1 answer

Applying for a maître de conférence position in applied math (section 26) - is there an in person audition?

I am curious about the French academic system, specifically when one is applying for a maître de conférence position in section 26 (applied mathematics). My main question is: after gaining ...
giorgi nguyen's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What exactly is the "présentation analytique" while applying for MCF (assistant professor) positions in France on Galaxie portal?

I've passed the qualification in mathematics and I'm trying to apply for some assistant professor (Maître des Conférences - MCF) positions in France, using the Galaxie portal. However, I see that ...
Science Man's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Upon my request prior to a faculty application in France, I was invited to give a talk. Should I travel at their expense or better give it online?

So after a few postdocs in applied math (PhD in pure math), I'm currently outside academia with a part time teaching position in France. I'm in the process of applying to a lab in the South of France ...
Science Man's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

How to follow up with a prospective supervisor in such condition?

This question is an extension of my previous question:How many days should I wait for e-mail of Prospective Supervisor in this condition I e-mailed a prof in France on Jan 10 asking if he is ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do Funding Opportunities in France work for Foreign PhD candidates?

I completed my masters in mathematics in 2021 and took a break to study more topics in Math before applying for PhD positions. In december, I wrote to a prof of pure math at the Aix-Marseille ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CNRS postdoc research position in France - no mention of application procedure and one can apply just with CV and cover letter it seems (is it true?) [closed]

I'm looking at a few CNRS postdoc positions in France, and quite strangely I don't ever see any mention of application procedure. There's an 'apply' button where one can upload the CV and cover letter,...
Science Man's user avatar
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How many days should I wait for e-mail of Prospective Supervisor in this condition

I am a citizen of an Asian country who e-mailed a prof in France 4 weeks ago that I am interested in discussing PhD research opportunity in Pure mathematics. He replied 2 weeks ago asking me to send ...
user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How should I follow up with this professor?

I e-mailed a prof in France (Paris) on 10 Jan that my research interest align with his work and I would be willing to work for a PhD under his supervision in Pure Mathematics. I am a student living in ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What should I expect in PhD interview in Pure Mathematics

I am a person who completed his master's last year and now I am preparing for PhD admissions in Europe. I am from a poor country in Asia. I have 3 PhD interviews scheduled in last week of January to ...
user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How much is PhD admission procedure in France different from that in UK? [duplicate]

I live in an Asian country and I have planned to apply to PhD positions in France and UK in Pure mathematics. I wrote to one professor saying that I am interested in his work and would like to work ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do professors advance from 2nd to 1st class in France?

There are three classes of professors in French universities: second, first, and exceptional. I understand that within each class there are several ranks which seem to be based mostly on time since ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
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Pre-Bologna French degree

Can anyone refer me to materials to determine what a habilitation (HDR) earned in France, pre-Bologna circa 1993, would be equivalent to in the US? What would the US equivalent be for someone that ...
user151648's user avatar
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How can French University (Master Coordinator) approve full-time internship that overlaps with classes for M1 student

I'm Currently a non-EU holding a Master degree in Physics and accumulating almost 2ys. of work experience. Getting closer to the EU market is hard; I was "brought" to France via a ...
Gaston's user avatar
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1 answer

Contacting the PhD supervisor directly via his email

I have applied to a PhD student position via the lab portal (as requested) and my application statut is "Application under review" for more than month now. Is appropriate to contact the PhD ...
krifa sallouha's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Is there an age limit on applications for Maitre de Conferences?

I'm interested in pursuing a permanent, independent research position in neuroscience in France. However, I'm getting conflicting information from different researchers in the country about whether or ...
Kat B's user avatar
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4 votes
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What time of the year should I e-mail professors to enquire about PhD positions in France?

Edit: My question is not a duplicate of following question:How does the admissions process work for Ph.D. programs in Country X? because in answer to this question nobody has answered about the system ...
user avatar
6 votes
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What are the rules regarding obtaining consent from subjects when publishing results related to drug testing?

I am wondering what the rules relative to consent of subjects are for publishing results related to drug testing. This recent publication by private lab researchers reports the result of drug testing ...
Mister Mak's user avatar
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What to write at "Activité en matière d'administration et autres responsabilités" while applying for 'qualification' for MCF position in France

I'm applying for an MCF (Maître des Conférences) position in France in math, where my PhD is from the US. MCF's are equivalently to tenured assistant professor in France. For interested readers, you ...
Science Man's user avatar
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What do professors want to see in a letter of motivation for a PhD student position in France?

I am applying to a PhD program in France and they asked for a letter of motivation. Is it okay if I repeat some of the information that is already in my resume in my letter? Do you have any tips or ...
krifa sallouha's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the right time of year to write to professors in France asking for PhD positions?

I am a citizen of an Asian country who completed his master's in math in June 2020. I wanted to study more topics before applying for a PhD (in one of the pure mathematics subjects) in Europe, but got ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Would bad grades in my master’s degree stop me from getting a PhD in a French university?

I have a master's degree in genomics and data analysis from Aix Marseille University. Unfortunately, I haven't done so well with my master's courses and have gotten bad grades all along, and my ...
krifa sallouha's user avatar