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19 votes
4 answers

How common is it for US universities to ask a postdoc to bring their own laptop computer etc.?

I am from Europe, I have a PhD in biology and I'm doing my postdoc in a prestigious US university. I like the lab and I love my job. However, I noticed some important differences compared with EU ...
Simone Brioschi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Funding for Masters for international students

Is it tough to get funding for a Masters in the USA/Canada? My undergraduate CGPA was 3.94, and I graduated last month, but I don't have any publications yet. My thesis was on VLSI, but I want to ...
Sumaiya Zaman's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How best to handle financial support for gold OA publication fees?

I just had a paper accepted for publication in an Elsevier journal. It is to be published open access, so the journal has a sizeable open-access publication fee (or "APC") ~$2000. I've ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Being asked if I would like to be considered for a non-funded admission offer for PhD math

I had applied to Florida State University, among other schools for a PhD math for fall 2023 and the application is still showing "under review". Recently I finished a 5-week summer research ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Should I ask the professor, whether he can give funding for masters instead of phd

I recently had an interview with a professor regarding a PhD opening in their research group, for which I applied and successfully interviewed. The professor has offered me the opportunity to pursue a ...
Wabalubadubdub's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What is the etiquette for reaching out to potential PI's in physics?

I'm an undergraduate student majoring in physics and mathematics, who is preparing to begin applying to graduate programs in physics. In doing so, I've reached out to a few people for advice, and I've ...
MomentumEigenstate's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

As a research assistant professor funded by a NIH grant, can I accept a new job before the grant expires?

I am a senior postdoc in a American university. My PI and myself have written a NIH grant that extends some of the work I have done. If awarded, it will have money to support me for next 3 years (...
NadaBrothers's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Using preferred name in publications - Green card application

I intend to apply for a green card in the US after my PhD. I want to use my family name in my publications. However, it's not the same name in my passport (legal name). How difficult will it be to ...
Karim 's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

condolence and work-related request in a single email

So my professor lost a family member a couple of weeks ago and went back home. I have not communicated with him since he announced this (in a lab meeting), work-related or otherwise, because I was ...
Feri's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Is there a reason Ph.D. programs are focusing on the GPA of the last 60 credits?

I've been researching getting into a Ph.D. program for neuroscience, and I'm seeing stuff like this: A minimum average of 3.00/4.00 for the final 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours) of undergraduate ...
Dennis Francis Blewett's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Academic Help - 4 year College transfer

I’m aiming for a BA degree. Basically, I’m taking classes for a AS degree in Computer science and AA, but now I’m nervous since I don’t know the answer for: will both of my AS degrees transfer to a 4? ...
user172952's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Earning Additional Income as a (citizen) PhD student in Natural Sciences at a US Institution

I'm used to the UK system, where it is common for PhDs to take on studentships, and supervision roles to supplement their funding while pursuing their PhD. I've been told this is not common in the US (...
realkevlar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rejected from grad schools what now? [duplicate]

I just graduated with a bachelor's in mathematics and I want to pursue mathematical logic. After being rejected from all the programs I applied to, I am left with wondering how to move forwards. My ...
tox123's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

I’m an international PhD student getting kicked out from my research group. I really need a PhD. Any advice?

I'm at the end of my second year in a top chemistry Ph.D. program in the US. Unfortunately, I've been struggling a lot with depression and low energy: I'm having a lot of personal issues, no support ...
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0 votes
0 answers

Import of Recommendation letter from a previously submitted graduate application

I got accepted to some graduate program in USA as an international student. For some reason I can not start my program this Fall semester. So I have two options now : defer my admission or submit new ...
G math's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Do we need to pay for author registration at a conference to present our paper at an non-archival workshop?

My paper recently got accepted in a non-archival workshop at a prominent computer science conference. Since it is non-archival, should I still pay author registration (which is between $500 to $1000) ...
user172471's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to proceed with a problem with a professor and class structure as a whole

I am a teaching assistant for an introductory summer term class. I have not previously been a TA for this specific course, but have worked within this department and typically teach an accelerated ...
Pleiades's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is it common to apply for a tenure track position while having a tenured position?

A colleague of mine has a tenured position in mathematics in Europe. He is interested to move to another country (US, Canada). In order to increase his chances to find a job, he does not mind to apply ...
MKO's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Lab is moving to a new university, what's negotiable for research faculty?

I'm research faculty (early career scholar, with more extensive professional background) with a lab at a major R1 and the PI is moving the lab to a recently upgraded R1 in a major metropolitan area. ...
anonymous's user avatar
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1 answer

How to measure performance of a computer science algorithm for an academic paper? Wall clock or cpu time (cycles)? [closed]

I'm a new computer science PhD student tasked with benchmarking the performance of a new algorithm. What is the status quo for measuring performance? Is it wall clock time or cpu time or something ...
Fishy Sticks's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

May a university lecturer wear a cap while teaching in the North American Setting?

If not, can one refer to any formal (written) prohibition of wearing caps for lecturers, in a North American university? The cap may be text-less or have any non-offensive text/image.
Pinton's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Asking about PR sponsorship after receiving an offer for a non-tenure track teaching position

Suppose a candidate finishing their PhD (in mathematics) is applying for teaching-oriented positions at universities, such as Assistant Teaching Professor, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Clinical ...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

I have a bunch of incomplete degrees. Any chance to get in decent Masters?

I have a bunch of incomplete degrees. I nearly finished one bachelor's but the 16h work days made me focus on work instead of academia. Then I tried with other degrees but never got far in any of them....
Karolina's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Leaving a Math PhD program in India to join another in the US or Europe [closed]

I am currently a second year masters student in Math in India and I wish to go to the US or Europe for pursuing my PhD. But due to a low GPA in my first year, I plan to apply next year after ...
Another_Ramanujan_Fan's user avatar
1 vote
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Ph.D candidate (ABD) in a tough position. Any advice? [closed]

I am an upcoming fourth year doctoral candidate (ABD) in an experimental psychology Ph.D program with a Master's (before matriculation to my Ph.D program) who is expected to wrap up sometime next ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What are the fees when submitting to a paper to a conference as an independent researcher?

I am very inexperienced in this process and could only find generic information. I would like to submit a paper to a particular conference, and I am not sure if there are fees tied to the submission. ...
ganto's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Teaching high school math between PhD and postdoc

I am considering spending a few years, perhaps two or three, teaching math in a high school between completing a mathematics PhD and moving on to my first postdoc. My ultimate goal is a professorship, ...
rake's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Interpreting the statement "We received an extremely strong pool of applications this year." in US grad school decision letters

I've read statements with meaning similar to this: "We received an extremely strong pool of applications this year, therefore..." in several of my decision letters from US grad schools in ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
  • 544
2 votes
1 answer

Can I request that my PI remove a poorly-behaving member from my research group?

I am a third year student at a R2 university that puts an emphasis on undergraduate research. This university requires all students to participate in an off-campus research project during junior year (...
anonymous255's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Can a university rescind written offer after they are signed?

I have received a written offer from a US university (University A) for a tenure track position which I signed and returned after agreeing on all the negotiating terms. However, I have not heard back ...
neoceph's user avatar
  • 61
4 votes
3 answers

Is it generally acceptable to refuse to teach Summer classes?

I am a tenured professor in a public university in USA, with 9-month salary. This Summer, I have been assigned to teach a Summer class, and I just found out that I will not be paid to do that (yes, 0% ...
Timmy's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does a private university need to get re-accredited if it moves to a different state?

In the U.S. there is no centralized agency that oversees accreditation of higher education institutions and the power and responsibility of accreditation are decentralized and distributed to various ...
desmo's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Will becoming ineligible for a J1 visa hinder my chances of getting a postdoc position?

If I'm currently doing my first postdoc in the US on an F1 OPT (in Astronomy) and I decide to apply for either an EB1A or an EB2, I understand that it would show my intent to immigrate making me ...
Always Learning Forever's user avatar
0 votes
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What happens to postdoc applications when they've been received? (US) [closed]

On the internet I found that some universities list their committees. For instance, the postdoc hiring committee might have two faculty members. What is their role? Are they the only people who read ...
cgb5436's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to nail PhD qualifying written exam?

I am a Ph.D. student at a US university. I started last fall. As a university requirement for Ph.D. candidacy, I have to take 3 written exams each lasting for 6 hours. Now, the rule is that the ...
Black Sheep's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get Adjunct faculty positions in USA as a recent immigrant

I recently immigrated to the USA. I have over 20 years of experience in academia (management and faculty). I have responded to job postings that are online. How can I get my resume and cover letter ...
khalid malik's user avatar
41 votes
13 answers

Is it appropriate to give a student a "negative grade" (fewer than zero points) for a small portion of the overall grade?

I teach a course where attendance is required. The syllabus says "Every unexcused absence will result in a deduction of one point from the attendance grade". The total number of points for ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Post Doc position in USA after j-1 visa?

I don't know if this is the right section. I am a Ph.D. student in Italy in my second year (next year, It will be the last one). I have been accepted for a research internship at Cornell from June to ...
MementoMori's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to teach two different courses that meet almost at the same time?

Next semester my schedule has two courses that meet at (almost) the same time. One course meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9-10 am and the other one meets from Monday to Wednesday and Friday at 9-...
Zuriel's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Retaliation after grade dispute (story shortened) [closed]

After submitting my grade dispute request to my department (STEM field), my advisor started to become abusive towards me. Originally I speculated that the department may have let him know the fact ...
Ioannis's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Switching to Maths after Physics Undergrad

I'm currently studying undergraduate physics at Cambridge UK (and a UK citizen). However, I've found the lack of rigor in the math we use extremely frustrating. I've dabbled in math texts (Spivak's ...
John T's user avatar
  • 81
3 votes
3 answers

Meaning of defer for graduate application

I applied to graduate school in USA for Fall 23. Recently I got an email from the director of graduate admission saying that there is no TA/Funding available and initially all the offers are made for ...
G math's user avatar
  • 431
1 vote
1 answer

Time conflict concerning the deadline for deciding on Ph.D. offers

I am talking about US universities in what follows. So currently I have a Ph.D. offer from a less prestigious school that pushes me to decide whether I will take the offer or decline, without giving ...
OpticalQuantumEngineer's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How can I evaluate whether a school has developed a poor reputation?

I'm a father trying to help my son understand his college options. My son is looking at a liberal arts school in the United States that used to be quite competitive. From the college statistics web ...
adam.baker's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Asking other US universities about the status of my PhD application after the April 15 deadline has passed

I have received an email from a US university asking if I am still available to accept an admission offer to their PhD math program. They mentioned that I was in the "top group" on their ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

What to do during summer to earn income? (tenured faculty)

I am a tenured professor of mathematics (applied mathematics). This year, unfortunately, I do not have enough funding for my own summer salary. I can see there are plenty of visiting positions for ...
Timmy's user avatar
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How to find research work after Master's application rejections

I'm a computer science student about to finish a year long research related co-op (more similar to a research software engineer position than research assistantship) and graduate with a BS with high ...
green_lemon_yellow_lemon's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is a college essay?

I have been reading about potential impacts of ChatGPT on education, and one thing that came up time and time again is something referred to as "college essay" or "undergraduate essay&...
Iam Cleaver's user avatar
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Do graduate schools encourage collaborations with other professors?

I'm planning to attend a top 25 school in the US for a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Are research collaborations with professors outside of the school generally encouraged? This could include short or long-...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to Approach the Teaching Presentation for a Tenure-track Interview in the U.S

As the title mentions, I am wondering how to approach an upcoming teaching presentation I will be giving as part of an interview. To be clear, this is a 30-40 minute teaching presentation on a topic ...
Parrever's user avatar
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