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Questions tagged [facilities-services]

On academic facilities and support services in a university or other academic environment.

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-2 votes
2 answers

How can I work around the issues and obtain a proper computing environment?

I have been working on machine learning and neural network training for some of my projects. My supervisor gave me some Linux computers that are at least a decade old and equipped with GeForce GTX 780 ...
user366312's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

I am a PhD researcher , I have access to equipment in my lab, can I use the facilities to test my own samples that are not part of my project

I am working at some lab in xyz, I have been granted access to solid state NMR,SEM,TEM. I have recently collaborated with researchers who don't have these facilities. They want me to collaborate by ...
Aariz Khan's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How common is it for US universities to ask a postdoc to bring their own laptop computer etc.?

I am from Europe, I have a PhD in biology and I'm doing my postdoc in a prestigious US university. I like the lab and I love my job. However, I noticed some important differences compared with EU ...
Simone Brioschi's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

How Far To Chase The Paper?

Because I have autism I am forced to go it alone for writing a computer science research paper outside of conventional US university auspices toward a doctorate by publication through an accredited UK ...
eternalsquire's user avatar
35 votes
4 answers

Is it right for a professor to assume every CS student has a laptop?

I'm an undergraduate student in computer science, and my university has a rule of prerequisite that one should have a sufficient computer (exactly the same word my university uses) to work outside of ...
Guanyuming He's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to ensure the research continuity when dealing with uncooperative administration?

Let us assume you have secured a hefty funding to do some exciting research. The problem is, the funding is about to end, you have done that hard part already and are interested in a follow-up, but it ...
Lodinn's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to do labs in a college separate from the one I'm enrolled in? [closed]

I'm currently living abroad in japan and looking to start college online from an American university. The problem is that any biotech course I'm interested in requires a lab portion to be done ...
Blake's user avatar
  • 1
1 vote
1 answer

Length and details of a personal statement in postdoc positions?

I am trying to apply for postdoc position in the UK. During the application process, I found that the personal statement is a required file and cv is an additional document. So, the personal statement ...
U. User's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How is the energy bill split in academic departments?

Consider a physics department for example. Does each lab get metered and pay its own bill in the United States, or does the department itself cover overhead? Do energy leaks get noticed and managed? ...
zahbaz's user avatar
  • 954
3 votes
2 answers

Should research service labs accommodate client requests for reformatting their data for publication?

We had a client who submitted samples for chromatographic analysis years ago to our research service lab. The client is now an assistant professor in a state university campus. The research is now ...
jmjmg's user avatar
  • 31
40 votes
7 answers

Is it unusual for a math department not to have a mail/web server?

I'm a PhD student in a math department at a research university in the US. When I started the program I was given an account on the department server with a website and a nice department email address....
Mike Pierce's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Conducting exams in which a computer (but no internet) is available

In my institution, we have various lab exams in which part of the exam is completing a programming task, and a computer is available to each student for this purpose. There are there various ways to ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
68 votes
15 answers

As a Head of Department, how can I make my faculty happier?

I am HoD for a department with over 30 members. The dept is socially inactive with only one or two social gatherings per academic year. No politics or "serious personal issues" among members. Just ...
seteropere's user avatar
  • 13.9k
4 votes
1 answer

Are there known issues with Black / glass dry erase boards?

I'm considering using a black erase board in my lab/classroom, primarily for aesthetic reasons. Are there any issues with using a black erase board in teaching situations?
makerofthings7's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it okay to file administrative complaints about problems with the facilities and services in an academic settings? [closed]

Background Information: I am a doctoral student at a premier institute which is also a hospital. Most of the administrative positions are handled by professors who are also clinicians and researchers....
troubled_grad's user avatar
64 votes
8 answers

Is it okay to refuse a laptop from a new university if you already have your own personal laptop?

I got a postdoc position and I am moving to a new university. I was contacted by my new professor about choosing a laptop that the department would buy for me. The option they have is roughly the ...
user71418's user avatar
  • 603
1 vote
1 answer

Buying Internet hosting from an academic institution [closed]

Back in the nineties, before hosted servers were readily available, some Internet companies like Yahoo and Google got started in universities, using the institution's servers and Internet bandwidth, ...
rwallace's user avatar
  • 181
1 vote
1 answer

When should service providers (core or external) expect authorship?

There are a number of areas of biology research where specialist knowledge requirements or expensive equipment mean that it's more efficient to outsource work to core or external facilities. This ...
arboviral's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to complete laboratory courses after building fire?

A couple of weeks ago there was a fire in my department. While it only directly affected one research lab, the whole building is currently closed due to safety reasons while the place is cleaned. The ...
Sciencertobe's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Is there any guide or organisation solution for increasing utilization of laboratory and lab equipment?

We obtained a report for the last academic year. A shocking revelation was that the capacity utilization* of lab equipment, laboratories, instruments and machines is only 37%. Everyone seems to be ...
SSimon's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do most science classrooms use similar black-covered desks?

Why is it that most science classroom desks seem to be built out of wood, but have the desk area covered in some black material? I'm talking about desks like this:
Jake's user avatar
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38 votes
3 answers

Dry erase boards: glass vs. white board

I've been tinkering with the idea of installing several glass boards in the lab & offices instead of white boards. They look cool, and seem to erase better. But I do not have extended experience ...
Memming's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is the name of the office in an institution where graduates and alumni are helped with employment?

When I went to college, I remember there was an office that would help students, graduates and alumni get their first job. What is that office called? P.S. If you feel the English Stack Exchange ...
leeand00's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

How to make lessons more concrete for undergraduate students when my institution lacks lab facilities?

I have question related to teaching. I don't have facilities for doing real time applications for my undergraduate students related to automatic control design (like inverted pendulum), and the ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Lab computers: high end now or average system and repurchase in a couple of years?

I have been asked to recommend systems for upcoming computer labs. I see 2 options. Buy high end systems now. They will be expensive but will last longer. Buy average systems now and buy again in a ...
wsaleem's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What is the etiquette for using empty desks in a communal grad student office?

I will soon be visiting a friend who is a graduate student. She works in a communal office with around 50 other desks (which are mostly occupied by other grad students). Is it appropriate for me to ...
user795305's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

University metalshop / makerlab - metric or imperial?

I'm applying for some funds to set up a small makerlab-type metalshop in my department (American research university, although I should note that I'm in the social sciences). My plan is to get a CNC ...
RoboKaren's user avatar
  • 40.4k
32 votes
2 answers

Why do university campuses have glass blowing services?

I noticed that my university has a glass blowing service in the same building as the chemistry precinct, supposedly to make the glassware for the chemistry labs. At first I thought this was kind of ...
Anthony's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Best practices for keeping a campus computer network from getting brought down by inappropriate use?

I work at a California community college that has chronically underinvested in computing and networking. The school has been gradually increasing wifi coverage, which now includes all but a few areas ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What are some good ways to provide computer labs for the students?

Our university provides computer lab rooms for the students. We will soon build some new ones, and possibly re-build some of the old ones, and we are looking for new solutions. What we have now looks ...
Thomas Padron-McCarthy's user avatar