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11 votes
5 answers

How much is simplicity of ideas/approaches in a paper appreciated by journals and reviewers?

I'm about to publish a paper (in a STEM-related field) that is based on a simple (but effective) idea that can be described in a few sentences, so it sounds almost trivial upon reading the description....
zx-81's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Academic Interview Question: "What is the title of your second book?"

Background: I watch a lot of YouTube content lately about PhDs, postdocs, and an academic career in general, and one content creator that stands out is the amazing Tara Brabazon. In one of her videos,...
Shaun's user avatar
  • 1,380
2 votes
2 answers

Can requesting to correct a minor error after acceptance lead to rejection of the submission?

One of my papers recently got accepted in a journal. While sending me the proof, they mentioned that I can make changes only to the copyedited portions in the manuscript. They also mentioned that ...
bubucodex's user avatar
  • 413
4 votes
1 answer

Does presenting at a conference mean having being accepted at it?

I submitted a paper at a conference. Although the conference website specified that authors would have been notified of acceptance, me and my co-author never got notified (two months have elapsed ...
Lilla's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Found possible instance of plagiarism in joint review paper and PhD thesis of high profile collaborator, what to do?

I am a new assistant professor, and I just started my faculty career. I encountered a problem when collaborating with a tenured associate professor from an American University. I am a new faculty, and ...
Part-time Engineer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

approval for adding figures for comparison into our own publications in phy/eng fields

In physical and engineering sciences it is common to compare with figures generated by other publications. Then it's said we need to get people's approval when adding their figures into our own ...
feynman's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Review not needed after review

After reviewing a paper 1 month ago, I received the following email: "It has since become clear that I will not need you to review the submitted manuscript at this time." Has anyone ...
Simon's user avatar
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25 votes
10 answers

Why don't professors seem to use learning strategies like spaced repetition and note-taking?

I've always been curious about the learning habits of professors and other academic experts. According to research, strategies like spaced repetition and active note-taking are among the most ...
Ahmed Taker's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Why are method sections usually impersonal, when the main text isn’t?

There are generally two possible ways to present experiments and analyses in academic writing, which I label as follows for the purpose of this question: Personal, also referred to as active or first ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

The rise of LIDSEN Publishing Inc. - how serious is that publisher?

LIDSEN Publishing Inc. is a relatively new publisher that came to my attention a while ago. Their practices (e.g. sending multiple emails per day asking for submissions / special issues / reviews) is ...
Dr.M's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Banning an author from publication by the institution's management team

I am wondering if the management team of my home institute could act such as to ban submissions authored by my team (where I am corresponding author) from journals where we have a long date ...
CMT's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Do published articles go through detailed check? And often require a extra data to be submitted

I have published a paper and one month after publication my supervisor is telling me that I should prepare a bunch of statistical tests for that published paper, even though usually in my area (...
nArA's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the best way of citing a colleagues not yet given conference presentation?

I am finishing a paper and will probably submit within the next month or so. I would like to cite the upcoming conference presentation of a colleague (wich will also be published as a conference paper ...
Sursula's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Replying to an editor after plagiarism accusation and manuscript rejection

As the title of this question suggests, a manuscript that I submitted was flagged as plagiarized by iThenticate and was rejected by the editor. The editor claims that the manuscript has 35% similarity ...
Tino D's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What happens if two reviewers have incompatible recommendations for a paper?

I submitted a paper to an IOP journal (classical and quantum gravity) two or three months back and two reviewers were assigned. One of them was ok with the paper and recommended it for publication but ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How should a manuscript "cut in parts" be evaluated?

This concerns some mathematics papers submitted for review. Essentially, I have received requests from two different journals asking me to referee papers, which are parts 2 and 3 of a sequence; ...
anonymousx's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What is the proper way to submit a "response" paper without offending the one I am responding to?

I am considering submitting a response to another scholar's paper. While I assume it is always best to first approach the journal in which the original article was published, is there a "best-...
David_Ave's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

A very difficult situation: my coauthor "scooped" my proof and theorem in a joint work

I am working in a field of math and have written some papers, some published, some not. I have one small paper finished in 2021, which I forgot to send for publication. At the moment, I am co-...
dodo's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Are US-based research publishers not allowed to publish research papers from some institutions/firms?

Are US-based research publishers not allowed by US law/regulation to publish research papers whose authors are affiliated with some institutions/firms? Assume that no money or other form of financial ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Writing a comment paper for an already published paper

I have spotted a substantial error in a technical paper that significantly affects its results. I plan to write a comment paper about this. I have already contacted the author of the original paper, ...
optimal control's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How should I handle a collaborator who doesn't work?

I am a second year graduate student collaborating with a postdoc who is not doing his part of the work. He is always busy making posters for our supervisor or other documentation work that has ...
Rituparna Chatterjee's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Deciding between publishing a single or multiple papers

What are criteria that help to decide whether to publish several losely related results in a single publication that contains the results as "chapters" or each result in a separate ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Long Delay from Springer Journal: Should I Continue Waiting or Seek Alternatives? [duplicate]

I submitted an article to a Springer journal 13 months ago. Each time I inquire about the status, I receive the same response: "The paper is currently with the editor for evaluation and the ...
Educ's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

A platform for collaborative research projects?

This question may sound unusual but I'm have been searching for a while now for a platform for collaborative research projects? The concept here is simple. Experienced researchers sign up and verify ...
Mohammad 's user avatar
15 votes
11 answers

What should I do with my 60 page undergraduate thesis?

I recently finished my undergraduate thesis in philosophy. It came out to about 60 pages/16,000 words. Now that I'm done, I'm wondering what I should do with it - if I should send it somewhere for ...
Canada Philosophy 's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

Best practices for citing a reference you've found an error in

I am writing a mathematics paper and citing a particular reference in a peer-reviewed mathematical journal. It turns out that the result I reference is ultimately correct, but the proof has an error ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

How do I know that a research project that my professor gave me to do is actually novel research?

I come across such research on a regular basis; those look pretty extraordinary during presentations; however, when the same research is presented to an industry expert, that research doesn't look ...
user366312's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Incomplete experiments, note to reviewer?

I'm submitting to NeurIPS today and some of my experiments are not complete. I think my paper is a fair submission even without those results, but the results I'm currently waiting on would clear up ...
Certainly not a dog's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is a note article?

I submitted a paper to Classical and Quantum Gravity journal. One referee said it is good but the other one posed some questions. After answering, the referee has said: Unfortunately, I will not be ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Banned from the Journal Cureus [closed]

Unfortunately, I forgot to correct the ethical approval number of my manuscript and included the approval number of an already published article. I have been informed that my article has been blocked ...
icim mici's user avatar
39 votes
7 answers

Why would academics spend funds on an apparently unnecessary publishing fee?

I recently worked on a paper with some colleagues as second author, and suggested that we publish in an open-access journal with a decent impact factor. Our university also has an agreement with this ...
Piethon's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

I missed a paper from the past year which is very close to what I am doing. What should I do?

I have worked on a project for 8 months and am due to submit it in a month. Recently I found a paper (by a professor from a different university) which is very similar to mine and even goes a step ...
Anmol Gupta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Updating co-author order after circulating draft

I recently identified a major methodological issue in a co-author's draft paper. I then worked for 30+ hours including on several weekends to develop, implement, debug, and document a solution due to ...
jessexknight's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Will the journal contact my supervisor without me knowing?

I sent my supervisor a manuscript, he did not have time to read it, gave me no feedback, and told me to put his name in the acknowledgements. I worked all by myself and one month later, my supervisor ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

A question about paying tribute to someone I don't personally know in a paper

Let say person A passed away recently, and I want to pay tribute to A by writing something in the acknowledgement of a paper I am writing. I don't know A personally (having an email conversation doesn'...
Ho Man-Ho's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

When is it worthwhile to report academic misconduct of a referee?

Sometimes academics become aware of misconduct of other academics. Reporting it can backfire if it comes off as petty squabbling to senior people. It’s also not clear that reporting misconduct often ...
David White's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

I uploaded a paper on ArXiv, but it's not showing me as an author in Google Scholar

I published a preprint in ArXiv recently, but when I search for it in Google Scholar, my name is not being shown up, it only shows the other co-authors. Why does this happen? How do I fix that? Thank ...
Camilo Mejía's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is re-implementation of a method in another setting enough for a master thesis, especially when you didn't know that the method existed [closed]

so I am currently writing my master's thesis, where I developed a new method on how to develop a "new" type of digital circuit. I am currently done with the implementation and getting the ...
Robin Solheim's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does membership of a consensus panel count as a publication when the article involved your participation

Does membership of a consensus panel count as a publication when the article involved your participation but not one of the main 5 listed authors who contributed more to the publication
Declan Orourke's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

choose target journal, does impact factor matters? [duplicate]

Recently we submited an abstract to a conference. For that conference, publishing a proceeding paper afterwards is optional. I prefer to publish our paper to a 'higher level' conference proceedings ...
Xiaoxi Zhao's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

What should I do when a coauthor suggests I fluff up a manuscript?

I have worked on a project almost entirely on my own with some input from my main advisor. Now I've drafted a manuscript, and I have received comments from my secondary advisor, who is also a coauthor,...
square potato's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it acceptable and ethical to access journals via my previous university's account?

I switched universities for my master's, but I still have access to my old bachelor's university accounts. Now, sometimes it happens that I can only access a journal via my old university account, ...
Jesse's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Coauthors rewrote and published "abandoned" project without my knowledge

I worked on some results jointly with other coauthors. We jointly wrote a first draft of the article, and we started discussing where to submit. Time passed, and there was not much impulse to finish ...
tandr's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Am I allowed to submit a paper to a journal while it is under review at another? [duplicate]

Can you help answer these questions for me: SSRN ( that is purchased by Elsevier claims of faster peer reviews with authors being notified within 3 days. In the ...
sam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

List of words to present equations in an article

I have 13 equations (LaTeX: \eqref) (constraints more precisely) to present in an article's paragraph and, as a non-native, I would welcome any other suggestions to present these constraints in order ...
JKHA's user avatar
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32 votes
13 answers

Should I use an author's code made available on request to help retract their highly cited paper?

I am working on an ML-based problem for my undergrad thesis, based on an experimental dataset and prediction results published in a paper two years ago by an associate prof. in a very high ranking ...
Kartik's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Submitting a journal article on a study that extends another while an article on the initial study is under a conference review

I am seeking advice on how to handle submitting a new article that builds upon and extends a study that is currently under review at a conference on Human-Computer Interaction. I will be somehow ...
Lucas R's user avatar
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1 vote
6 answers

Lab Professor Prioritize Paper Publication over anything

A close friend of mine is facing a hard situation in his microbiology PhD. His professor badly wants publications. The professor tells his students that each student should publish at least 2 papers ...
Yuehan Mu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Supervisor not helping with PhD graduation requirement of publishing

I am in the final stages of my PhD thesis with a renowned university in South Africa. For me to graduate, I must publish at least two articles on my topic. I have raised this with my supervisor and ...
Given's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How often are articles rejected after bona fide/non-accidental acceptance?

I recently submitted my first paper to a journal. It was recommended for minor revisions and ultimately accepted after they were done, but about a week after the acceptance, I received a new email ...
vaticidalprophet's user avatar

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