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-2 votes
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Protocol of review process of article submission [duplicate]

I am totally new to submitting articles to journals and I have only one (probably naive) question. I submitted a preprint (quite) some time ago and this is the protocol of the process: Process Apart ...
Mathematics enthusiast's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

How to attribute authorship to personal non-academic friend who made significant contributions

I'm working on a paper which involves the application of a particular equation to sets of experimental materials science data. I devised the idea for the equation and collected/collated the data. With ...
user213999's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Do rediscoveries justify publication?

I have found a new solution for a problem in Computational Geometry but after intensive research learned that the key idea was already known in a different field of mathematics but also hard to find ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to politely ask not to be first author on a paper?

A few years ago I did a brief undergraduate research apprenticeship in pure math, where I helped a professor come up with a novel construction, and it's in the works to get published. I think I helped ...
Michael Ala's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it safe/a good idea to give a talk about one's independent research (in math) to people in academia?

I'm an independent reasearcher in mathematics. I do have a professional background, a master degree, but I'm not longer affiliated with an university. I have now proven something, that seems to me as ...
Dusty Dimensions's user avatar
-3 votes
4 answers

It feels like I have no chance to get into a physics phd program [closed]

I am a math major in the US who has done quite a lot of theory without any publications. My math grades are somewhat good but not As. I have always done research alone as my university did not have a ...
Burak Guner's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Producing solo work

For context I am in pure mathematics and I just started my first postdoc. I am worried that I cannot produce solo work. I have a fair number of papers so far which are all collaborations with peers ...
J G's user avatar
  • 153
0 votes
1 answer

Posting an extension of the under review paper on the arXiv

I am a postdoc in mathematics, currently finishing a paper that extends a previous one which has been under review for three months. As I am actively seeking job opportunities, I am considering ...
Adam's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

What are the steps to write a book?

I work in a field of mathematics. I have written several survey articles on this area and consider myself a local expert in this field. As this research area has stabilized, its importance remains. ...
Timmy's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Advice needed for publishing a math paper [closed]

I am an under grad student and have prepared an original manuscript which revolves around numerical identities of zeta function. Since it is written not using overly advanced mathematics, I am ...
user197609's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

I found a counterexample to one of the intermediate assertions in a proof but not (necessarily) to the overall result – how to publish this?

I am working on a paper which builds upon work from a paper from the 1980s. In that paper, a result of the form A < B < C is claimed in generality and is necessary for the proof of a result. I ...
AnotherPerson's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

Is this an invitation to submit or a polite rejection?

I have sent an email to an editor of a highly competitive math journal, asking if they think I should submit my paper there or not. The editor is an expert in the field of the paper, so my email was ...
The N's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

To what extent is it acceptable academic practice to ask for help in SE to write a proof of a paper that may be published? [duplicate]

I am currently trying to write a mathematical proof for a paper that I hope will some day be published in some peer-reviewed journal. In said proof, there is a step I am not seeing, and I have been ...
EoDmnFOr3q's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

An editor thinks a correction should be posted on the author's website rather than published. Is he sticking to the academic ethics?

I had a casual chat about a famous paper in mathematical economics with an editor of a journal different from where the paper was published. We agree that some of the mathematical results are mistaken....
High GPA's user avatar
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How should a manuscript "cut in parts" be evaluated?

This concerns some mathematics papers submitted for review. Essentially, I have received requests from two different journals asking me to referee papers, which are parts 2 and 3 of a sequence; ...
anonymousx's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A very difficult situation: my coauthor "scooped" my proof and theorem in a joint work

I am working in a field of math and have written some papers, some published, some not. I have one small paper finished in 2021, which I forgot to send for publication. At the moment, I am co-...
dodo's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Best practices for citing a reference you've found an error in

I am writing a mathematics paper and citing a particular reference in a peer-reviewed mathematical journal. It turns out that the result I reference is ultimately correct, but the proof has an error ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

When is it worthwhile to report academic misconduct of a referee?

Sometimes academics become aware of misconduct of other academics. Reporting it can backfire if it comes off as petty squabbling to senior people. It’s also not clear that reporting misconduct often ...
David White's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

Reviewer rejects a paper and then publishes the same results as their own? [duplicate]

In short, I'm wondering how likely is the following sequence of events. The context is research in pure mathematics. A researcher submits a paper containing new results for review in a journal in ...
mechanodroid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to go about publishing a paper solving a new problem [closed]

I am a computer science student in university, at work I stumbled across what I believe is a NP-Hard problem that I have an active interest to solve in it's complete form. I have no experience in ...
TimothyH 's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is it more important to have an accepted, rather than submitted paper, when applying for math postdocs?

I'm a fourth-year math PhD student and am about to submit my first paper. Since this fall, I probably will be on the job market, I am not sure what strategy should I use for submitting. My major ...
MikeG's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Article supplement is longer than article itself

I am writing an article in numerical mathematics. I have been working on this for a long time and I think I cannot cut down on any part of the main article anymore. Yet, my advisor tells me to expand ...
Lilla's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Do mathematicians really publish less often than (other) scientists?

I have heard from at least two mathematicians now, that mathematicians in general publish less per person per year than (other) scientists. This is anecdotal, so I looked around online and all I ...
Shaun's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

On proving results in a completely different field

I am a postdoc in a field of mathematics A. Recently, I began talking with a professor that works in field B that is completely unrelated to A. He had a conjecture, and after a month or so, I was able ...
matilda's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Author of main paper vs author of appendix

I'm a PhD student, more specifically in the field of geometric analysis and physics. Recently, I solved a problem that was suggested to me by my advisor. The problem is to sharpen some nontrivial ...
sweetpotato's user avatar
26 votes
7 answers

Recommendations regarding publishing 'folklore' results in math

I've recently obtained some results which I have not found in the literature explicitly. Namely they are hinted in certain published literature, but very shortly and not in a very constructive sense. ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Advisor-student collaboration (or lack thereof) and paper authorship in mathematics: how does it work?

In (pure?) mathematics, author order on papers is alphabetical, based on the assumption that all authors contribute equally (e.g. as discussed here and explained in this statement from the AMS). ...
Aqualone's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to explain typical number of publications during a PhD in a grant application?

A grant application requires me to elaborate on typical output indicators in my field (pure mathematics). In particular, I want to explain that 3-4 articles during a PhD is a good amount for my field. ...
Trailblazer's user avatar
0 votes
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How to know whom I should trust to discuss my research as a bachelor's student and how to protect my findings if I'm concerned about "plagiarism"?

I made a post in this forum a few days ago because I may have developed a new math formula. I was asking about what I should do (I'm pursuing a bachelor's in CS, so I was somewhat lost), and I ...
TM01's user avatar
  • 61
0 votes
2 answers

How to find papers which fall under the intersection of two different areas

I am asking this question specifically for the subject of Mathematics. What are some efficient ways of searching papers on two different broad topics, say number theory and graph theory. Also, if I ...
jimm's user avatar
  • 103
2 votes
3 answers

I've created a new formula in the field of math, as a bachelor student, what should I do now? [duplicate]

I'm a computer science student and recently developed a new formula in the field of math. It's something important and I'm confident that the formula does what is intended to do because of my tests. ...
TM01's user avatar
  • 61
0 votes
1 answer

Using a published paper which has some errors

I have prepared a paper in which I am going to use a set of calculations ( 3 calculations) in my previously published work. In my previously published work I found that one of my calculations was ...
user40491's user avatar
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What are some of the research styles and research routines of successful researchers?

I am Phd student in CS with less than 15 published papers from which none is at a top journal or conference. My typical research routine comprises of reading papers with potentially improvable results ...
Puni's user avatar
  • 29
3 votes
2 answers

Disadvantage of having only accepted papers but no published papers while applying for a postdoc position

Is there any disadvantage of having only accepted papers but no published papers while applying for a postdoc position? All my papers are in arxiv, where the names of journals where my papers will ...
User's user avatar
  • 225
-3 votes
1 answer

How to proceed after paper submission on Number Theory rejected by arXiv? [duplicate]

This is the first time I am writing here and I hope not to be very repetitive with regards to similar topics already covered, so I will try to be as much specific as I can. Before all, I am an ...
Miguel Seisdedos García's user avatar
35 votes
5 answers

What to do when a result is essentially proven but not stated in an existing publication?

I am writing a paper in mathematics that uses some technical results from a classic paper in the field, but not exactly in the way these results were stated at the time. Basically, I found that ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

How can an independent researcher publish a well-written research paper / proof in a respected mathematical publication?

Question: How can an independent researcher publish a well-written research paper / proof in a respected mathematical publication? Related Questions: How do I ensure I'll be able to claim ...
TCooper's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Conditions for publishing scientific articles

Does sharing part of the results of a study or scientific article affect the publication of this article in the future? I am asking this question because I wrote a scientific article in mathematics ...
Adam's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why are some mathematics papers seemingly so bad?

I am a PhD student in math beginning to do research. My advisor has given me a paper they want to generalize. It's pretty long with many dense, technical parts, and so, so many typos. The entire paper ...
Square's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How long should it take for minor revision, in pure mathematics?

I received a minor revision from a good (in my opinion) mathematics journal. I submitted the revised version. Since then, it has been more than 2 months, but we have yet to get a decision. Maybe the ...
learner's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is meant by "Selected papers will be published" in conference proceedings?

Let assume that a submitted abstract accepted and then presented in a conference. In some conference they say that "selected papers will be published in proceeding". What they mean by term &...
user40491's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Proper punctuation of equations [duplicate]

What is the proper way to punctuate equations following a colon (:)? Is it: The Pythagorean Theorem can be expressed as the following equation: $a^2+b^2=c^2$ In number theory, triples satisfying the ...
user227351's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

High school students publishing math papers

I am a high school student who has recently established a few theorems regarding geodesic convexity in metric spaces. Most of the proofs are accessible to undergraduate students. I don’t want to ...
user227351's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Arrangement of references in math papers

My question is the following. Should references in math papers be arranged according to author’s last-names or first-names?
user227351's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What would one write in a paper describing a counterexample to a published proof?

Inspired by What steps should I take when contacting another researcher after finding possible errors in their work? where the OP describes something similar. Let's say I've found a counterexample to ...
Allure's user avatar
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4 answers

Does having a CV with papers following both alphabetical order and order by contribution alter its quality?

I'm a Phd student working in the areas of mathematical physics and biology. It is known that papers in pure and applied mathematics follow alphabetical ordering, and it does not matter if your name ...
Mehmet Ban's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

What does the editor mean by 'removing unnecessary macros' in a math research paper?

I am Ph.D. student in mathematics. One of my articles has been accepted by a journal. The editor asked me to remove the unnecessary macros before sending the LaTeX file to the journal. What do they ...
learner's user avatar
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If I have money, do I need formal education to foster my publications?

I suffered religious discrimination and didn't finish my university study. As a result, I (meanwhile) continuing scientific research on my own. Some mis-published (published in a wrong venue" or ...
porton's user avatar
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6 votes
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Non-rigorous proof in an article

I am writing about the analysis of a certain mathematical object. The expression for this object is obtainable in several ways: non-rigorous ways: they amount to just computations rigorous ways: they ...
Lilla's user avatar
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1 vote
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Finish paper or broaden question [closed]

I'm writing a paper on an extension of a topic I investigated in my PhD thesis. The paper refines what is known about a particular (automaton) model, call it A. I find the paper interesting. On the ...
user1868607's user avatar

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