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earthling's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Asia
158 votes

Can I force my professor to give me a copy of his powerpoint presentation?

65 votes

How to sign your email to students, so to avoid their immature behavior?

52 votes

How to deal with a student who insists on getting a higher grade?

47 votes

Children in the Classroom

41 votes

How to address a professor in letter?

31 votes

What is the easiest way to check for plagiarism in student essay papers?

31 votes

What to do about students who ask for help too often?

30 votes

How should a university deal with outsourced essay writing?

29 votes

University advocates for students facing academic misconduct charges

26 votes

A lecturer is hard to understand, what to do?

25 votes

Teaching classmates who don't put much effort in

24 votes

Why is it that adjunct faculty positions pay so little?

22 votes

Using first person or third person in papers?

21 votes

What is exactly the role of a phd advisor?

21 votes

Is specifying a minimum word count beneficial for academic writing?

20 votes

How can one learn from poor teaching evaluations?

20 votes

Is it ethical to accept small gifts from students? And how small is small?

19 votes

How to handle possibly subtly flirtatious emails from students?

19 votes

What is the real benefit of tenured positions for universities?

18 votes

What consequences should I expect after violence in my classroom?

18 votes

What to do when no one speaks English around you?

17 votes

Why have lectures in the information age?

17 votes

Should unreadability or sloppiness of students' work be reflected in their evaluation?

17 votes

Effective way to deal with misuse of mobile devices in class

17 votes

How to deal with a lazy class?

16 votes

How to decide whether a statement requires citing a reliable source

16 votes

Should your PhD students call you by your first name?

16 votes

Hiring a faculty consultant

16 votes

What should I do if I've enrolled in a badly organized course?

16 votes

Should I charge entry for a public lecture?

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