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Questions tagged [course-evaluation]

Evaluations by students of the quality of the courses they take.

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12 votes
4 answers

Is more than 20 hours per week too much workload to students?

I am checking my course evaluation for the last course I taught. Among all the statistics, one thing surprised me a bit is that there are about 50% of students who did the evaluation reported that ...
LeafGlowPath's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is It Appropriate to Use Class Time for Students to Fill Out Course Evaluations?

At my institution, students are encouraged to complete course evaluations online, yet typically only about one-third participate without additional prompting. Our administration strongly recommends ...
LeafGlowPath's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Career impact of bad performance at visiting instructor position?

This is probably the last question I'm going to ask for a while. This can also be considered a follow up to this post I made two months ago: Could my visiting instructor position be terminated due to ...
zzmondo1's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Who should write my "Teaching Focused" recommendation letter?

In grad school, I taught a couple classes and got good student evals. But no faculty member was really involved in overseeing my instruction. Now I'm applying to faculty jobs, and I see a few of them ...
John Madden's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to convince my professor to let me pass when I got less than the required score in just one aspect of grading

There are various assessments and you need to get a grade of over 50% in each. i wasn’t able to do that in one of them (I came close) although my overall grade is good. How can I convince my teacher ...
dave shorthill's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What are good custom questions to add to an end-of-course survey? [closed]

The purpose of end-of-course surveys is to have feedback on the course overall. However, the survey is more of an evaluation of the instructor than the course itself. A successful course depends more ...
ziulfer's user avatar
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39 votes
11 answers

Student keeps asking about attendance policy

I'm offering a new grad course this semester; this is my first teaching role. One student reached out to me four months ago, asking about the attendance policy. I did not have one because I had not ...
Blade's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Non existing instructor [closed]

I'm wondering if I am able to possibly have a lawsuit against the trade school I go to because they haven't provided us with an instructor for the last couple of months. I've gone to the campus ...
JacobM's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
0 answers

Research indicating that student evaluations should be used for formative rather than summative purposes?

I had a conversation a while back in which someone referred to research indicating that student evaluations of faculty should ideally be used for formative rather than summative evaluation (i.e. in ...
Idempotent's user avatar
55 votes
15 answers

The more I improve the quality of my course, the worse the student evaluation becomes. Should I provide low quality lectures?

For almost 6 years, I have given courses on different CS topics at my university. This year, I decided to make my lectures and tutorials for a specific master course as perfect as possible, so I and ...
Yacine's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Does an institution commit misconduct if it gives a low-quality online course to its graduate students?

I'm a graduate student in Physics. The past semester was online due to the current situation. We had a particular course named "Workshop course" which is about the metal shop where usually ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Effect of audit courses on graduate admissions if they are properly graded

I am a chemistry major and I want to shift towards the more computational and "data-driven" side of things later on. Towards that end, I have started taking relevant courses outside my major....
Yusuf Hasan's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Research request: faculty absences vs. student evaluations [closed]

I am looking for rigorous, empirical, and preferably but not necessarily peer-reviewed research on the relationship between faculty absences and student evaluations of teaching. Background: Teachers ...
anon's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Advice on grading assignments and exams during Covid Pandemic

I am TAing for an undergraduate course: "Data Structure and Algorithms". The course is attended by around 200 students consisting of second to fourth-year students of multiple disciplines. ...
IY2's user avatar
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43 votes
15 answers

To what extent is the students' perspective on the lecturer credible?

I am giving a master course with another colleague, but since I am more experienced in the subject, I took the most difficult lectures. My lectures contain a lot of mathematical equations and require ...
Capsule's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Peer assessments critical of nervous speakers: better to redact or send as-is?

In the projects of one of my courses, I have asked the students to provide peer assessments of the presentations (recorded as videos) of other groups. Peer evaluations is something I have introduced ...
badroit's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Describing remarkable extra jobs done in coursework in CV because of teacher's incompetence, in a professional manner?

Last year in the course Computer Networking, the teacher invented a relatively creative course lab to replace the legacy Wireshark labs from UMass, to let us write programs implementing some ...
iBug's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does McGraw Hill Connect improve student learning outcomes?

I am debating if I should adopt the McGraw-Hill Connect system for my course next semester. On one hand, I am worried about the students' backslash because of the cost. On the other hand, after the ...
aehie's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to make a student evaluation using Blackboard? [closed]

This is my first year to teach classes in computer science as an instructor. I am looking to get student feedback about the course so far. I know that there is a student evaluation at the end of the ...
Heba Mohsen's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What are strategies for dealing with negative course evaluations? [duplicate]

I recently saw my ratings on and it's very disheartening to see all the negative reviews from a course for which I worked so hard. Comments like "sh***y professor" are ...
rose's user avatar
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36 votes
9 answers

How to deal with students who refuse to do anything except take exams?

This is a follow up to my previous question. Some context: I teach at a new Fachhochschule-type institute, where my course is 5-day, 1 hour/day course to 20+ students. I am actively teaching, ...
TheVal's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

At American colleges, are student evaluations of teaching subject to code of conduct?

It is well-known that student evaluations of teaching tend to be spiced with language that is insulting, sexually harassing, sexist, or racist. Most American colleges have a code of conduct that is ...
Ambicion's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Do teaching evaluations improve from high participation rates

Do teaching evaluations tend to improve from high voter turn-out? I think that teaching evaluations are naturally answered by people with strong opinions or who are invested in the class. Many ...
Ambicion's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

Untrue negative comments on RateMyProfessor website

I pay close attention to how my rating scores/comments are like on the RateMyProfessor website. Very rarely I reported inappropriate comments (which violated site guidelines) for removals, and the ...
user2574706's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are there other evaluation processes besides traditional to evaluate disabled person at university based on their understanding of the subject matter? [closed]

Say there is a disabled person who wants to have B.Sc degree in Computer Science. He knows he has the option of college and other manual jobs. I want to know are there any other easier evaluation ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can a professor fix a mistake in grading after the semester has ended?

Let us assume that a professor is handling a course on statistics for undergrads. They conduct exams and evaluate the answers and award marks to the students. Suppose that the professor committed ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

How to read/react to students' evaluation?

For my first course on CS topic (first course on the topic and not the first overall), I used the university evaluation system to ask students about their feedback. In addition to responding to ...
Yacine's user avatar
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109 votes
14 answers

My teaching evaluations arrived and female students statistically gave me worse scores than male students. Is there any possible explanation?

I'm a new assistant professor and I finished my first semester of teaching. It's my first class, but I think it went good: the students seemed happy and interested, I had many of them (both male and ...
user117849's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What is known about the evaluation behavior of students?

Much information can be found about what influences student evaluations of teaching. The evaluation results of an instructor depend on gender, race, attractiveness, personality traits, bringing ...
Ambicion's user avatar
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29 votes
8 answers

The professor for one of my classes has no direction

I'm in my final semester of a Computer Science degree at University and we have general education requirements. I'm in a Public Speaking course with an interesting professor, lets call him professor ...
C.j.'s user avatar
  • 407
-4 votes
1 answer

What do I do with extra ECTS points? [closed]

I did an exchange semester and a few other extra curricular activities and ended up with a few extra credit points. Can I do anything with them or are they basically useless?
Vineet Mehta's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How can I make sure I (a white male teaching math) am sensitive to "underprivileged" students in my class?

I teach math classes and I was speaking with the assistant chair of my department about a student who claimed that I was rude and put my students down when lecturing. (I'm a Ph.D. student.) This ...
cgmil's user avatar
  • 377
3 votes
3 answers

Changing level of difficulty of assignments for a course based on average class performance

As a teaching faculty in mathematics, do I need to change the difficulty level of assignments after assessing the average class performance in the first couple of lectures? I am not sure if this is ...
Suddhasattwa Ghosh 's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a known relation between course pass rate and student feedback?

I analysed the relation between the feedback scores of my courses given by students against the average grades of the students in these courses. I found a moderate correlation (Pearson r) of 0.595. i....
lordy's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Are student evaluations of teaching assistants read by others in the faculty?

Are student evaluations of teaching assistants read by faculty who assigns teaching duties to TAs or by the primary instructor of the course for which the TA is assisting? I recently met the ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Including critical feedback about a course on exam paper

There was a course in our university regarding web design for which we were given a group assignment to build a website using HTML, CSS and PHP (we were allowed to use additional technologies as well ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Combining absolute and curve grading?

I know some advantages and disadvantages of using absolute grading as well as curve grading. Next semester, I plan to combine both by first grading absolutely, and then use curve grading to add points ...
bms's user avatar
  • 265
1 vote
1 answer

Time to read student evals again (shudder) [closed]

Why do the negative ones hurt so much more than the positive ones feel good? Should I even read them this time? If so, please give me the courage.
Forever Mozart's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

Giving a test lecture, what should I keep in mind? [duplicate]

I hold a PhD in computer science. I've been travelling to conferences presenting my papers and sometimes as part of my teaching assistance duty, I had to give some very simple lectures to students. ...
Masiar's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to compare your performance in one university to another?

I graduated from CS from a university in Canada. Although I did pretty well, I cannot help but wonder what would have happened if I had gone to a different university. For example, I cannot help but ...
Makogan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to ask my professor to assign a paper to publish?

I am a masters student. This semester I had a course with my supervisor. This course was not directly related to my thesis. During the term, the professor assigned me an in-class project (which was ...
nikki's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to ace the final home take exam? [closed]

I am an international grad student studying at a Canadian university. I have a home-take exam. It is the first time that I am taking this type of exam. How should I prepare for this exam? Will it be ...
nikki's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

when and how can I write a thank you letter for my professor?

I took a course with my supervisor this semester. the class is finished. I really enjoyed every moment in class. I could ask all of my questions very easily and he always was available to answer them....
nikki's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Recitation Grades

I'm a Graduate Teaching Assistant in a Mathematics at a large state university. In the fall semester, I will be expected to be a TA for Calculus I, which will be taken by first year students. The ...
user82261's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Pros and cons of informing students about the outcome of their course’s evaluation

Is it a good practice that a university informs the students of a class about the final outcome (that is, the overall score of the instructor based on the evaluation forms) of their own evaluation of ...
Name's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

What could be the possible consequence if a professor knows about a student's review?

Suppose, a student left a negative comment about a professor in the university's confidential review page. Somehow the professor guesses who the student was. What can the student do if the professor ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How's my lecturing?

I am struggling to work out how good my presentation of material is in lectures I'm currently doing. I've done many lectures in the past, and I've typically received good feedback. I'm now teaching ...
Stumbler's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Effective way to handle open-ended student feedback?

I regularly use a short start/stop/continue-survey on my students to be able to improve my teaching skills. I get a lot of informative data that helps me, but there's a lot of work involved in digging ...
Viktor Nordmark's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do you assess programming related topics and avoid student cheating?

I am teaching some programming topics to university students (some 300+) including python, sql etc. I would welcome some tips on what's the best way to assess the students and also avoid giving them ...
Ziqi's user avatar
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54 votes
8 answers

Dealing with aggressive student suspected to be cheating

In a previous test one of my TAs discovered a fraudulent pattern in six of the exams. The answers were uncomfortably similar, actually identical in many places. I called the students to my office and ...
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