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5 votes
2 answers

Does a master's research project (not a thesis) count as a "publication" for PhD applications?

My master's in mathematical finance doesn't have a "thesis" exactly, but it has a research project where we helped a bank develop a model to help with credit risk by identifying which variables were ...
1 vote
2 answers

What are the steps for republishing imagery held in archives?

I want to reuse, in a new work, some period drawings and paintings that are held in various libraries and archives. Presumably this means paying for their time spent helping me. To make the process go ...
6 votes
1 answer

How does Google Search know which paper you have cited?

Pick a random paper using Google Search, for instance Click on the Cited By link, and you will see: a list of writings, ranging from thesis, conference paper, arXiv paper, etc. etc.... published on ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to deal with bogus and unethical journals?how to stop unethical journals? [closed]

In research and publications there are database maintains good quality list of journals, Maintaining a reliable good impact factor too. But on the other side there are list of journals who publish ...
15 votes
2 answers

What can be done about a terrible galley proof of my accepted paper, which would be a lot of effort to correct? [duplicate]

Recently my paper was accepted in one of the best computer science journals in Elsevier. In less than 12 hours, I received the galley proof of the paper. Initially, I was surprised at the speed of ...
1 vote
1 answer

Publication charges are not sent to the right address?

I am disappointed that I can not get an answer about a submitted article for publication in a journal. I receved the acceptation for final publication, then I paid the publication fees by Western ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there an equivalent to journal impact factor for scholarly book publishers?

I am considering writing a monograph or editing a multi-authored book. Before proceeding further, I would like to pick a suitable publisher to show them the book proposal. To choose, I would like to ...
4 votes
1 answer

A scam publisher offers me to publish, but it seems that I lose nothing if agree

I've received an email from Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP Publishing), offering to publish my manuscript. I heard that they are a scam, but is there any reason to refrain from publishing with them?...
0 votes
2 answers

Can I publish my Master's thesis while my supervisor is marking it

My supervisor has not finished marking my master's thesis. Am I allowed to publish it in a journal before he finishes marking it? I asked him the question twice, but he never replied to me.
10 votes
1 answer

Would my paper be published if I missed the conference due to visa-related problems? [duplicate]

I have two accepted papers in one conference . The problem is that until I have not gotten an original invitation letter, a must to get a visa. I've sent over ten emails to the email addresses listed ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is there away to know who has published several high quality papers in a specific academic field/area during the last 5 years for example

I am trying to submit a paper for publication. The journal is asking to provide a list of experts who have published several high quality papers in the field of interest. Is there away to find this ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is publishing in your university journal considered a conflict of interest?

Many journals are published by universities and research institutions. For example, Oxford University, Johns Hopkins University, Cambridge University, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory all have their ...
12 votes
3 answers

What can cause the date of submission status to change without a change of status "under review" for Elsevier editorial systems?

I have a paper submitted to a journal of Elsevier. From "Manuscript Submitted" to "with editor" took one day; then it was "with editor" for five days, and then "under review". One and a half months ...
13 votes
1 answer

Do Nature journals wrongly claim copyright in their published pdfs?

I just noticed this and I'm slightly confused by a small detail. The Nature Publishing Group states in its Publishing Licences page that the copyright on articles remains with the author: NPG does ...
8 votes
1 answer

Publications for small time research

I've been working on an interesting sorting algorithm that is efficient for an array of problems. I wrote up a paper on my findings and it has turned into about 5 pages. I've researched pretty ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why do many papers not have proper PDF metadata?

Of course, this varies depending on your field etc., but at least for computer science seems to be true, there’s even a paper about this problem. By proper, I mean even basic things like a title (so ...
28 votes
3 answers

Journal employees offering free publication in return for co-authorship and citations: is it a scam?

Some of my colleagues and I got offers from employees of some reputed journal (not from journal itself), to publish our research paper for free, if: We include their name as co-author We use 60%+ ...
2 votes
2 answers

Where to publish comments on a scholarly book?

The past year, I've been reading a mathematical manuscript from a well-known university on a particular well-known, graduate curriculum subject. The manuscript language is not English. One can imagine ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do published papers have to contain original work? [duplicate]

Can I turn my MSc thesis into a paper and can the paper get published if it does not have original work?
4 votes
2 answers

How to judge the quality of my own paper?

I am a B.Tech student in my final year, and am interested in publishing a paper. I have read a few articles in IEEE transactions and ACM transactions on my topic of interest, Software Engineering, and ...
4 votes
1 answer

Commercial publication of your PhD thesis

I'm wondering what it is like to publish a PhD thesis commercially? Has anyone done that before? What would the contract be with the publisher regarding sales profits?
3 votes
1 answer

'Introduction to Subject X' & Guide books : How do they influence the academic reputation?

Many professors publish introductory books on their subjects, for undergraduates or sometimes books for a non-academic audience. something like "Introduction to Art History" or a 'guide book' to '...
14 votes
3 answers

Does a preprint include revisions made in response to peer review?

This is related to but not answered in this question about the difference between various stages of a manuscript in the publication process. After an author has submitted a manuscript to a journal ...
2 votes
0 answers

Dataset of retraction fines per publisher

I read in the Nature comment Reproducibility: A tragedy of errors authored by David B. Allison, Andrew W. Brown, Brandon J. George& Kathryn A. Kaiser and published today Science relies ...
5 votes
2 answers

Do (scientific) editors complain with the publishers about user experience?

This recent question on the Elsevier online submission system prompted this question to me. It seems like there are lots of outstanding examples of bad usability and overall negative user experience ...
6 votes
3 answers

Why do some journals allow their papers to be open access for a short period of time after publication?

Some journals upload their accepted papers for public viewing shortly after the papers were accepted, examples of this include J. Math. Phys and Cell Systems. What's the reason for doing this if the ...
3 votes
1 answer

I submitted my paper in a hijacked journal [duplicate]

I encountered a huge problem, I submited my paper in a faked journal. I sent them several times about the result of reviewing process. The email answer was: Dear Author Please clarify what ...
5 votes
1 answer

Should a full manuscript be available for a book proposal?

I've been given some conflicting advice about preparing book proposals and manuscripts for academic presses. I'm aware that writing books is a lengthy process etc; however, I've also been told by a ...
11 votes
3 answers

How can I judge whether an alternative "impact factor" is from an accepted and genuine source?

So I was wondering whether the SJIF (Scientific Journal Impact Factor) calculation was authentic and accepted. How can someone identify whether an alternative impact factor is generally accepted and ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to check to which scientific journals a specific library has access?

Is there a way to check which journals are available in a specific library/university? For example, my university library has access to some, but not all, the scientific journals related to Machine ...
8 votes
2 answers

How can I tell if an unsolicited offer to publish a book with Springer is legit?

Our team had a paper recently published in Energy and Buildings, and one of us (not the main author) received last week an email from someone claiming to be an editor with Springer. According to this ...
6 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to change something on a research paper between the period of acceptance and publishing?

My paper was accepted in peer reviewed journal last week and is about to be publishing. Last night I thought the solution makes better sense if I change the definition of one of the variables. This is ...
5 votes
2 answers

Can I add more corrections to page proofs? [duplicate]

After my paper was accepted, I was sent page proofs with few corrections to some words and some references. Is it possible to add something to this page proofs. I want to change wording of a line that ...
10 votes
5 answers

Do I need to do revision on my accepted paper?

I just received an email of my paper which was submitted to a conference. The paper submission webpage has the following type of status: active (under review), discuss, withdrawn, rejected, ...
6 votes
2 answers

What precisely does "ISI-indexed publications" mean?

I'm currently looking at the requirements of a (Comp. Sci.) job that seems to only take into account "ISI-indexed publications". I'm vaguely aware of what ISI is and so forth, but I'm struggling to ...
21 votes
4 answers

Are reviewers impressed by a quick response to a request to revise and resubmit?

My colleagues believe that if you submit your manuscript revisions quickly, reviewers will be impressed by your confidence about the issues raised. However, I think that a quick response is not ...
1 vote
2 answers

Can you get statistical data on research paper submissions and publications?

For a class project in machine learning, I am considering building a set of predictors where the feature set includes information about the topic, keywords in the title, the authors, the date, etc., ...
10 votes
3 answers

Are academic questions (used in textbooks etc.) owned by the publisher, or is anyone able to use them in their own content?

I am wondering whether mathematical and scientific questions (or any type of question to be honest) is considered to be owned by the publisher? For example, if I see a math question in a textbook, am ...
5 votes
3 answers

What does assigning the copyright of a paper mean?

I have been reading that a publisher called WIT Press has the following copyright agreement: It has one part that says: We will not withhold permission for ...
18 votes
5 answers

Advantages to article submission in LaTeX from the publisher's side

Many journals in my field accept both Word and LaTeX formats for article submission. From the publisher's point of view, what are the advantages of using the LaTeX format for submission? Do ...
5 votes
1 answer

How can I lookup the registering info of an ISSN number?

While applying for an ISSN, applicants are asked to provide publisher name, country/city, contact info and editor name. How/where can I look up an ISSN number to get these info? Of course for a ...
16 votes
4 answers

Will I be paid a percentage of the fee that readers pay to download my article? [duplicate]

I am a fresh PhD student and I have a question regarding the scientific publication process. Let's say that I have submitted a paper to a certain journal in Springer, Elsevier etc... and it has been ...
36 votes
3 answers

Why are small fonts the norm in research papers?

Is it just me or are the published articles a strain on the eyes in general? Has there been(/shouldn't there be) a study on optimal font sizes for reading?
3 votes
1 answer

How can we find who owns an old book's copyright?

How can we find who owns an old book's copyright today, especially if the publishing company who printed said book no longer exists? This would also apply for other (non-book) publications.
9 votes
2 answers

If no revised date is mentioned in the paper, does this means the paper is directly accepted by the journal?

When I am reading papers, sometimes I see statements like Manuscript received October 29, 2012; accepted March 16, 2014. Does this implies that the paper is directly accepted?
3 votes
0 answers

How do I know the impact factor of a certain journal is true? [duplicate]

I am new in publishing, I have never published a paper, and nowaday there are too many online journals. That made me suspicious about their reputation, and it is not easy for me as a beginner in ...
41 votes
4 answers

Submitting the same research to multiple conferences

I'm aware that it's a violation of terms for most publishers to submit the same article to more than one journal, but I frequently see authors whose papers seem very similar, particularly papers ...
26 votes
3 answers

Is it a good idea to cite paper from publisher listed in Beall’s list

While writing the literature review for my paper, I found another paper which is closely related to my research. Unfortunately, the paper’s publisher is on Beall’s List. Hence, I wonder if citing the ...
9 votes
2 answers

Is it bad practice to submit the entire manuscript for an initial book proposal to a publisher?

In a previous book I wrote, I submitted the entire manuscript along with a couple page proposal to a few different publishers. Both editors never responded to me. In my current book, I sent the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why are some journal articles so expensive? [duplicate]

Why are some journal articles so expensive, such as this article that costs more than $12.55 per page to purchase?