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9 votes
3 answers

Working as a computer scientist with a research focus purely in pure mathematics

I'm aiming to work in a computer science department after getting a PhD in computer science on theoretical computer science research, but my research interest/trajectory will be focused on solving a ...
HasIEluS's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Overcoming the burden of calculations in undergrad Math [closed]

TL;DR: I’m going thru some ups and downs, struggling with some (math-adjacent or bag-of-tricks types of) classes, and looking for advice on balancing grades and passion. For the sake of TL;DR, here ...
quasicat's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Need advice on printing a poster for a CS conference in USA [closed]

I am an international student, first time to present in an in person poster session. Unfortuantely, I didn't manage to print my psoter before my flight. The conference is in Atlanta, GA, USA. I asked ...
Dark_Witch's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Do mathematics/computer science graduate schools care about major-specific GPA?

I'm a sophomore studying computer science and mathematics at a well-known university in the US who is interested in doing a PhD in computer science related to graph algorithms, theoretical deep ...
approximation-algorithms's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Does it matter whether I got a PhD in (applied) math or computer science? [duplicate]

I'm currently a third year PhD student in computer science. I got master degrees in both computer science and mathematics. My research is quite different from the other members of my group and is ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

An application of the (100/e)% rule applied to postdocs: moving on from an academic career, perhaps

Motivation: There's a nice rule from mathematics that states that, when making some types of decisions, one can sample the first (100/e)% of the things available to get a feel for what is out there, ...
Shaun's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to go about publishing a paper solving a new problem [closed]

I am a computer science student in university, at work I stumbled across what I believe is a NP-Hard problem that I have an active interest to solve in it's complete form. I have no experience in ...
TimothyH 's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What next step would be best with my preferred math PhDs in mind? [closed]

I applied for PhDs this December. My undergrad is in computer science and my master’s which I have just finished is in theoretical computer science, both in Greece. I was mostly aiming for a math PhD ...
master bob's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Are computer science courses supposed to be basically math, or not? [closed]

I have heard in many places, from highly qualified people, whom I can't remember the name to cite at the moment, that computer science is mostly related to math. However, looking at the actual ...
Brian's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Mathematics courses in computer science [closed]

What are some typical mathematics courses in an undergraduate mathematics (pure and applied) curriculum that are highly translational to computer science?
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to know whom I should trust to discuss my research as a bachelor's student and how to protect my findings if I'm concerned about "plagiarism"?

I made a post in this forum a few days ago because I may have developed a new math formula. I was asking about what I should do (I'm pursuing a bachelor's in CS, so I was somewhat lost), and I ...
TM01's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Degrees path for AI and ML Research (eventually) – Math vs. Computer Science? [closed]

I hope this is the right place for my question; I've been searching online and hit a bit of a roadblock, so I thought I'd seek some help. I'm in my late 20s, and I've got a chance to start fresh from ...
Davide's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Does a second degree disvalue the first one?

What are your thoughts on someone with a math major (or physics or CS) who has a second degree in quantitative finance or financial engineering? Could you ever take someone like this seriously as a ...
MackeyTopology's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Changing fields from Computer Science to Physics or Mathematics

Recently, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science from Hong Kong. Even though I enjoy computer science, there was a field that I always loved and wanted to be a part of: astronomy (or ...
Srijan's user avatar
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From Math to AI with Few Formal Accomplishments

Short version: How to manage a transition from a math PhD to academic AI research with few formal accomplishments in either field? Details Background I finished a pure math PhD at a prestigious ...
user175929's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to handle conflict between two papers as a referee?

I am currently reviewing Paper A for prestigious conference. Earlier this year, Paper B was published in very prestigious conference. Paper B was a breakthrough in our sub-sub-field. It proved an “...
user3508551's user avatar
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0 answers

How to find researches outside of your specialty as a Phd student?

I am a starting CS Phd student whose research involves high performance computing in the form of PDE simulations. My specialty is thus in numerical methods for solving PDEs and all of the regular high ...
Throwaway9's user avatar
0 votes
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How to get approach in teaching a subject you are fluent in but not included in your degree

I am a Mathematics graduate and have done a post-graduate degree too, with a research component involving a mathematical application in cryptography. I'm currently working as a temporary lecturer in ...
Buddhini Angelika's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

I've begun inventing a system for naming binary numbers. Is it worth writing a paper? [closed]

I'm an undergrad computer science student. In my spare time, I was playing with binary numbers and realized that there was no way to think about a binary number without either converting it to decimal,...
Anthony Zeedyk's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Changing from pure math phD to a computer science phD?

I am in my first year phD in pure math but I am getting bored, I think a phD in computer science would be a better fit. How should I go about in order to switch the program? Is it possible to do both ...
metaUser's user avatar
8 votes
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How much CS knowledge is needed to get into cryptography from math?

I am a 2nd-year undergraduate student in the United States studying mathematics. I have been planning on going to graduate school to study number theory. However, I have realized that only 3% of math ...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Search engines for academic jobs

I have recently started looking for academic jobs search engines. There are some good ones for Math already listed in this site (for instance, https://...
user1868607's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How do I know my results are worth publishing?

I finished my bachelor degree in math and computer science (double major) recently and am applying for a PhD very soon. During this period I wanted to know how it feels to do research. Personally I am ...
William Mercer's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Does adding a co-author with a high citation record in a paper have an impact on the peer-review process?

While going through some papers in my research area. I have noticed the presence of an author X with a high citation record (+3000), on several research papers. Digging deeper, I have discovered that, ...
Med Med's user avatar
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4 votes
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Finding dissertations as reference material

I'm a mathematician/computer scientist (my interests lie around the intersection of the two), and often when I want an introduction to a new research area I find that well-written dissertations are ...
stillconfused's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Which area has more research scope: neural networks or cryptography? [closed]

I am from Mathematics Background. I am getting an offer to a phd in cryptography but am also thinking of going in deep learning theory- which area has more scope in future in research?
Snow Lion's user avatar
1 vote
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As a Computer Engineering / Computer science major, i am quite anxious and embarrassed of my mathematical aptitude

Respected Academics, i hope you can help shed some light and hopefully provide some guidance. To start off, i want to clarify that i love computers since a very early age. I used to game from a very ...
Yasir's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How important is attending graduate school for a PhD for physics/mathematics/astrophysics research?

Is it possible for one to publish high quality research papers in the aforementioned fields without attending a graduate school? I feel that you can read online material and books about research/...
PutnamLegend's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

PhD in computer science and work as a mathematician

I want to ask if it is possible to be a mathematician (while also being a computer scientist reseaching in a mathematical related field). I really love mathematics, specifically analytic number theory....
Saksit Suwanteerankul's user avatar
0 votes
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Double Majoring in CS and Math for a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science?

I'm a undergrad in CS and Math. My plan for college and beyond is to double major in Computer Science and Math, go to industry for a couple years then get a masters in Comp/Electrical engineering. ...
wonderinghuh's user avatar
29 votes
11 answers

Job prospects after math PhD in cryptography [duplicate]

I would like to ask for help since I am on the verge of finishing my PhD Math degree but I am worried that there are almost no jobs which I qualify for. I am an international student in the US and my ...
Green Tea Lover's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Authorship ordering ambiguity in math and CS

There's something I've never really understood about authorship order for papers. If the contributions of the authors are more or less equal, they are often listed alphabetically, as is standard ...
CSSTUDENT's user avatar
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Applying to CS PHD with an undergrad degree in math

Would getting an undergrad degree in mathematics hurt my chances of of getting into a CS PHD program? Are there statistics on admissions rate by major online? Edit: in the us
Tejas Rao's user avatar
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How to write about awards in CV

I am currently writing my first CV to apply for grad school. While doing so, I am confused about how to write about some competitions. I tried to find this on internet, but the answer seemed not ...
72G's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is it helpful for graduate school admissions to publish in undergraduate research journals?

I’m a fourth year undergrad majoring in math at a university in the US. I’ve been working independently on an elementary graph theory problem for a while and I’ve found some nice results. It’s not ...
user143288's user avatar
0 votes
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Does a low score in mathematics on transcripts affect graduate admissions? (CS PhD USA) [duplicate]

Background: CS Undergrad Applying to CS PhD Programs in the USA. I have a GPA of 8.9 ~ (after converting) 3.5? (Not too sure, I am in a Tier-II College in India). According to me, I feel a GPA of 8.9 ...
Academic's user avatar
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How to publish a corrected proof for a claimed mathematical result?

I work in the field of theoretical computer science, and I have published a paper with several results. A few years later, a reader reported to us an error in the paper. The paper claims a theorem X, ...
a3nm's user avatar
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4 answers

In academic papers, is it always necessary to show the full mathematical description of well-accepted norms?

For example, let's say you use a well-excepted data normalization method like z-normalization. To avoid clutter and help the flow of the paper, can you simply cite a source for z-normalization and ...
NominalSystems's user avatar
2 votes
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Taking an applied internship postponing the end of the PhD

I'm a PhD student in Europe, currently in my 3rd year of pure mathematics. It was supposed to be the final year of my studies before finding a position either in industry or in academy. However, the ...
Denis Marcinkov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can a phd thesis be in a different area than the master thesis? [duplicate]

First of all let me begin with saying that I have seen there is a question quite similar to this one, but I thought I'd ask again so I could get more specific about my situation since I am guessing it'...
sanbrie's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to find the state of the art algorithm for a specific problem

Are there any good methods for doing this? I can find papers with algorithms, but they usually do not show their computational results with the same problem sets and the publishing year of two papers ...
Sayyor Y's user avatar
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7 votes
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The editor cannot find a referee to my paper after one year

I submitted a manuscript to a journal one year ago. The journal is well known and has already published papers on the same subject including one of my previous papers. The paper I submitted went under ...
user108724's user avatar
1 vote
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Publishing in Mathematics and Computer Science related journals

I have seen Elsevier journals offer Gold open access and Green open access options, when I was checking for journals related to Mathematics and Computer Science. I have understood that Gold open ...
Buddhini Angelika's user avatar
20 votes
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When does "copying" a math diagram become plagiarism?

If you copy paste a diagram from a paper/book onto your own work, without permission or attribution, that's plagiarism. What happens if you see a beautiful diagram about what you want to explain and ...
Makogan's user avatar
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12 votes
8 answers

Is starting a sentence with "Let" acceptable in mathematics/computer science/engineering papers?

I received a comment from a colleague that starting a sentence with "let" is not good practice. I know that starting a sentence with "let" is grammatically correct, so that is not ...
Ralff's user avatar
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Asking for a letter of recommendation after only some days of collaboration

I plan to apply for a Master's degree at a new university, and I require three letters of recommendation to do so. At my current university, there are two professors I did seminars/my bachelor thesis ...
Feanor's user avatar
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Is it common in all or most scientific research areas to look for metrics or measurable indicators/variables?

I am following an online college/graduate-level class about research methodology and writing. There are things in the class that I have not known before. (If you have any recommendation about ...
Tim's user avatar
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How do I properly punctuate bulleted list of mathematical equations?

Here is an example: Theorem 1 (Important Theorem). Consider f(x). If something, then 1. The function has property A: f(x) = g(x). 2. The function has property B: ...
Ralff's user avatar
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-1 votes
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PhD in computer science, jobs in mathematics?

Related to this question. I am a mathematician interested in doing a PhD in areas such as categorical logic, homotopy type theory, constructive math, etc. In the UK and Europe, most of the people ...
Jordan Barrett's user avatar
3 votes
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Omitting subscripts in proofs/equations in math/computer science papers

I am writing a paper that is in two column format, and I am working on a proof that I am having trouble making readable in the two column format. Specifically, I am working with subscripts such as t-1,...
Ralff's user avatar
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