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4 votes
2 answers

Finding dissertations as reference material

I'm a mathematician/computer scientist (my interests lie around the intersection of the two), and often when I want an introduction to a new research area I find that well-written dissertations are ...
stillconfused's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can a phd thesis be in a different area than the master thesis? [duplicate]

First of all let me begin with saying that I have seen there is a question quite similar to this one, but I thought I'd ask again so I could get more specific about my situation since I am guessing it'...
sanbrie's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How should I write my computer science master thesis? [closed]

I have a few questions about writing my master thesis on computer science. The topic is "Automated generation of planar geometry olympiad problems". In short, it's about a piece of software that can ...
Patrik Bak's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Include proof in bsc thesis that I couldn't do fully myself

I'm writing my BSc thesis in computer science right now, for which I'm implementing Fast Fourier Transforms. Now a really important paper on the topic is making a proof which I think I got what they ...
Claudio Brasser's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it reasonable to suggest a PhD thesis topic in an interdisciplinary area in which none of the faculty members specialize?

I think a similar question was answered in PhD Research under guide/advisor of a different department by JeffE. I'm asking a slightly different question. Yet if you find it identical to the above one, ...
Math.StackExchange's user avatar
29 votes
6 answers

Running out of Algebraic Symbols

I'm currently writing my thesis in computer science. My work contains a large amount of equations to do with linear algebra, data transformations and calculus. On receiving feedback on my first draft ...
shaw2thefloor's user avatar