Background: CS Undergrad Applying to CS PhD Programs in the USA.
I have a GPA of 8.9 ~ (after converting) 3.5? (Not too sure, I am in a Tier-II College in India).
According to me, I feel a GPA of 8.9 isn't too bad, I guess I'm in the 87-93 percentile of my department. But my lowest scores are in 4 out of my 5 math papers. I only scored the best grade in my 5th semester.
2 A's, 1 B, 1 A, 1 O (Hierarchy of Grades: O A+ A B B+ C .. F)
I know CS PhD admit panels require mathematically sound students and I actually am quite good at math. The few preprints and publications I have are all in mathematically involved topics. They are primarily machine learning but quite a bit of math is involved. It is pure coincidence that I actually somehow managed to perform bad specifically in the math papers.
I have good grades in my computer science subjects, good SOPs and LORs (at least I think I do, they will be research dense), internships.
- Does this really affect my chances of getting into a good program?
- Is there any way I can offset this?
- Does a good GRE Quant score help in this? (Don't mind my asking)
Extra Question: Should I opt for a master's, get good grades in the math subjects there and better my transcripts?
(I really want to start a PhD and skip my masters. I enjoy research a lot).
Sorry for so many questions, I really need some clarity.
I am also aware Machine learning is mostly math, what I meant to say was that the papers are not only code heavy but also contain good theory.