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Elizabeth Henning's user avatar
Elizabeth Henning
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
157 votes

As a male student, did I say something wrong to this female professor?

88 votes

What is a Brown Bag Seminar?

67 votes

Student keeps asking about attendance policy

64 votes

MS in Mathematics, having trouble finding work outside teaching algebra

59 votes

Our instructor threw together freely available YouTube videos and Wikipedia articles instead of lectures. What should I do?

36 votes

Is it acceptable to ask for the original bibtex file of a paper?

34 votes

Should I answer this question about diversity?

33 votes

Using slang in a Scientific Paper

27 votes

Missing final exam due to exhaustion?

26 votes

Are Asian-Americans considered an "underrepresented minority" in academia in the US?

25 votes

How do professors and lecturers learn to teach?

22 votes

One year into PhD, feeling lost and inadequate, Help!

20 votes

What to tell students who want to know how to succeed in your class

15 votes

Can a professor tell you that you can’t use your phone before or after their class?

15 votes

What are good tips/ways to improve my writing on chalkboards?

15 votes

Why are most cranks old men?

14 votes

PhD student with mental health issues and bad performance

13 votes

Have trouble retaining material I learn in grad school. Is this common?

13 votes

My teaching evaluations arrived and female students statistically gave me worse scores than male students. Is there any possible explanation?

13 votes

Using my ethnically misleading name in a field where it's relevant

12 votes

What's the point of PhD theses if nobody reads them?

12 votes

Regarding a PhD advisor rejecting student due to health problems

12 votes

Learning Disabled Students and Untenable Instructor Workloads

12 votes

Does it matter which email I use to write to professors?

11 votes

Professor using student paper as an example of what not to do in class?

11 votes

What is a recommended strategy on exercises in a mathematical textbook at graduate level?

11 votes

What would an inclusive curriculum look like in a computer science course?

11 votes

Supervising a research student with attention problems - what can I do to help the student be more independent?

11 votes

What is the best way to schedule an office hour appointment with big name professor?

10 votes

How to tell speakers that their English is terrible?

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