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Chris Gregg's user avatar
Chris Gregg
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
58 votes

I am currently debating whether to leave my PhD program- any advice?

57 votes

What to do about "grade grubbers?"

51 votes

How to explain a bad grade to a delusional student?

47 votes

Should unreadability or sloppiness of students' work be reflected in their evaluation?

46 votes

Is it better to have no publication than having you as second author?

44 votes

What should I do now when this conference first sends me an "accept", then a "reject"?

38 votes

What stops an assistant/associate professor with a strong publication record from being promoted?

37 votes

What is an endowed chair exactly? How does it compare to a “normal” position?

34 votes

Reading (& understanding) a lot of papers is hard. How to deal with it?

34 votes

Strategies to overcome "academic-apathy" in the final stages of the PhD?

32 votes

Can I successfully adapt to an advisor who will not push me to work?

31 votes

How to verify authenticity of submitted assignments

28 votes

Math Professors -- On average, how many hours per week do you think is required to gain tenure?

28 votes

When can you call yourself doctor?

25 votes

What is a "diploma mill"?

24 votes

Time short on thesis defense preperation

23 votes

Possible pitfalls of taking a year off to travel following a PhD instead of immediately starting with a post-doc position?

22 votes

Whether to use Dr or Prof when addressing oneself in an email?

21 votes

Transition from PhD to postdoc with an intent to change field

21 votes

What are the advantages of putting your dissertation on Facebook?

20 votes

How much vacation time is typical during a PhD in the United States?

20 votes

Can a reviewer suggest references?

20 votes

Is PhD worth it when considering your career in industry

19 votes

Submit a paper to a conference where co-authors are in the committee?

19 votes

Why are the registration fees for academic conferences so high?

19 votes

How to deal with a lazy class?

19 votes

How to submit 'teaching evaluations' for a job application?

18 votes

How to motivate a student to attempt solving tough questions?

18 votes

Getting in between another teacher and his student

18 votes

CV for post-docs: PhD vs PhD student?

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