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Anonymous's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
150 votes

Accidentally addressed lecturer as Mrs instead of Ms

98 votes

What to do when majority of the students do not bother to do peer grading assignment?

89 votes

Is it immoral to show new students how to use Wolfram Alpha?

81 votes

Do professors care about their rating on websites such as RateMyProfessor or Koofers?

67 votes

Ethics of Accepting Unneeded Merit Based Scholarships

64 votes

I have made my independent research available as a book on my website. Why is it not celebrated by the mathematics community?

54 votes

Is it permitted to not take Ph.D. students who have girlfriends/are married/don't come in weekends...?

51 votes

Should you conform to journal formatting requirements for the initial submission?

50 votes

White supremacists marching at the University of Virginia – does this reflect the university’s attitude?

46 votes

Will not collaborating hurt the career of a math postdoc?

44 votes

Filing discrimination claim against my department

42 votes

I am a PhD student and hate it here. How can I warn prospective students during admit weekend without ruining my reputation?

39 votes

I am a student of high potential but not great on paper, how should I go about transferring to a university more at my level?

35 votes

Will I be paid a percentage of the fee that readers pay to download my article?

35 votes

What are the benefits/detriments to graduate students joining unions?

35 votes

How to cite "Crelle's Journal"

34 votes

Writing referee report: found major error, now what?

34 votes

Handling plagiarism as a TA

33 votes

Is sharing research progress and ideas on blog acceptable?

27 votes

How should a teaching assistant explain his absence to the course instructor?

27 votes

U.S. humanities professors: Can you get back into academia if you leave?

26 votes

How do I deal with postdoc acceptances that come in before my preferred institution makes its decision known?

26 votes

How should one decide whether to study logic in a math or philosophy department?

26 votes

Publons - is it a serious thing?

26 votes

My research area has very few research positions, would it still be possible for me to stay in academia?

25 votes

Better to give a poor/unfinished talk at a conference or cancel it?

25 votes

Is there a way to save my students money on a textbook?

25 votes

Using "et al." in maths papers

22 votes

Do graduate schools read your undergraduate application?

22 votes

How to tell my advisor I am leaving the PhD program, when he is the reason I'm leaving?

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