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canadian_scholar's user avatar
canadian_scholar's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
71 votes

Is it bad to withdraw a manuscript one day after its submission?

67 votes

Can public political criticism of my alma mater result in my BA being revoked 35 years later?

18 votes

What incentives do reviewers in top conferences have to reject or accept a paper properly?

16 votes

Rescinding offers of admissions

8 votes

Do STEM professors generally hold training in teaching from faculty of education or not?

7 votes

Advisor ignoring his Ph.D. student after getting tenure

6 votes

On tenure track and department chair wants me to consider leaving

5 votes

Asking A Colleague for a Letter of Recommendation

4 votes

Enquiry emails for grad school

4 votes

How valuable are research assistant positions to an academic CV in the humanities?

3 votes

Professor does not provide feedback, grades, or lecture - Do I have the grounds to file a complaint?

3 votes

Is it necessary to send a "thank you" email to reseach commitee after on-campus interview?

3 votes

'Expert' interviews of academics - Consent and Ethics

3 votes

Can I include just a folder from Zotero into Overleaf instead of my entire library?

3 votes

Emailing professor about PhD application

2 votes

Eleven reviewers invited but only one has accepted--is this a problem?

2 votes

Re-applying to a Ph.D. program after acceptance?

2 votes

Which professors are involved in the tenure decision (in USA)? (associate, full, tenure-track who becomes tenured before I get tenure etc...)

2 votes

A journal published my paper without finalizing the proofs -- is this normal?

1 vote

Scholarship rejection | Should I tell Supervisor

1 vote

Meeting PhD advisor during first year (coursework year)

1 vote

tips for Assistant Professors applying for new Assistant Professor positions after being cut

0 votes

Company logo in my lecture slides

0 votes

Professor wrote me a recommendation; I need another one with short notice but he hasn't replied

0 votes

How dificult is it to get into a PhD program years after quitting another?

0 votes

Do I have a chance to be accepted for a political science master's despite a low CGPA?

0 votes

For Master's admissions, are recommendations from academics preferred?

-1 votes

How to respond to an editor who suddenly stops answering your emails