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-2 votes
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Protocol of review process of article submission [duplicate]

I am totally new to submitting articles to journals and I have only one (probably naive) question. I submitted a preprint (quite) some time ago and this is the protocol of the process: Process Apart ...
Mathematics enthusiast's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How should I summarize a YouTube video of an integral that motivated my research paper without plagiarizing or being accused of plagiarism?

I conduct independent mathematics research in my spare time, and two years ago I stumbled upon a video evaluating an integral with relatively standard techniques (i.e. very straightforward and ...
teadawg1337's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Will submissions to special issues of journals be sent to referees only after their deadline? [closed]

I have submitted a manuscript to a special issue of a math journal one month ago. The deadline for submission papers to that special issue is 30 of January 2025. Do I have to wait to the end of ...
user40491's user avatar
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1 vote
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Recommendation letter for Ph.D. in Mathematics

I am going to graduate with my Master's in math, and I want to pursue my Ph.D. abroad. I would like some suggestions involving "Letter of recommendation" to enhance my chance in getting to ...
Thanapoom Laopong's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is a 900 Physics Subject GRE (80th percentile) good enough to report on applications? Will it hurt me at any schools? [closed]

I'm an American student applying to physics PhD programs this year. I majored in math, entered the workforce, and after several years entered an MS program with the aim of applying to PhD programs. I ...
goling onner's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

How to attribute authorship to personal non-academic friend who made significant contributions

I'm working on a paper which involves the application of a particular equation to sets of experimental materials science data. I devised the idea for the equation and collected/collated the data. With ...
user213999's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Do rediscoveries justify publication?

I have found a new solution for a problem in Computational Geometry but after intensive research learned that the key idea was already known in a different field of mathematics but also hard to find ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Perception of shared authorship in pure mathematics [closed]

Suppose that a paper published on a very good journal has two authors, A and B, and that A is the supervisor of the PhD student B. The paper concerns a research that is not strictly related to the PhD ...
Uagi's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
1 answer

Should a PhD statement of purpose focus on what you accomplished during previous research experiences or what you learned via these experiences?

I'm applying for PhDs in mathematics (in the USA). I've read a number of statement of purpose examples from friends and from those online. Generally, I see two different approaches to writing about ...
td12345's user avatar
  • 11
18 votes
5 answers

In a math PhD statement of purpose, should I use mathematical notation, or English, if math is likely clearer?

I am writing my PhD application statements now. I have sentences such as The way in which compactness is employed to reason about ℂn using fields of finite characteristic exemplifies much of what has ...
4u9ust's user avatar
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3 votes
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Should I receive an extra letter of recommendation from a non-PhD researcher?

I'm seeking some advice about getting a fourth recommender. I'm applying to PhD programs in statistics and biostatistics. I asked my 3 recommenders, a PI and two former professors, back in June and ...
viscous_cat's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

When do most non-tenure track teaching positions appear in the job market

I am a math PhD student in Mathematics in the United States, graduating this Spring. I am only seeking non-research positions because I like teaching more than research. I have been looking at the ...
Andrew Murdza's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Should I use ChatGPT to create cover letter for assistant professor jobs in math?

I am in the job market this year for tenure-track positions. I was wondering if you could tell me how good/bad it is to create cover letters using ChatGPT. I am making edits after I generate my cover ...
Topology's user avatar
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3 votes
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Unsatisfied with Undergraduate Education

For the most part I would say I've always enjoyed math. In high school I took classes ahead of my peers and had two great teachers that made learning math easy. After high school I wanted to study ...
Dr. J's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What can a final year PhD student do to prepare for teaching mathematics at a university level, despite complications due to mental health?

Background: I'm a third-year PhD student in the UK (where doctorates last a minimum of three years and a maximum of four). I have taught at least one undergraduate tutorial of about 20 students each ...
Shaun's user avatar
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1 vote
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Applied math PhD program at engineering school vs. at math department [closed]

I have background and degree in pure & applied math, and I'm applying for applied math PhD programs this year. My research interest is mainly applied & computational mathematics in PDE(for ...
Yiwei Chen's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How many teaching professor/lecturer positions should a PhD student in mathematics apply to? [closed]

I am a fifth year Ph.D. student in Mathematics applying for full-time teaching professor and lecturer positions or teaching (non-research) postdocs in the US this year. I will also apply to full-time ...
Andrew Murdza's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

When should a reference be given for a theorem when writing a PhD dissertation in pure mathematics?

The Question: When should a reference be given for a theorem when writing a PhD dissertation in pure mathematics? Context: There's a grey area here, sure. Let's focus on broad, guiding principles. ...
Shaun's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How to politely ask not to be first author on a paper?

A few years ago I did a brief undergraduate research apprenticeship in pure math, where I helped a professor come up with a novel construction, and it's in the works to get published. I think I helped ...
Michael Ala's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it safe/a good idea to give a talk about one's independent research (in math) to people in academia?

I'm an independent reasearcher in mathematics. I do have a professional background, a master degree, but I'm not longer affiliated with an university. I have now proven something, that seems to me as ...
Dusty Dimensions's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Working as a computer scientist with a research focus purely in pure mathematics

I'm aiming to work in a computer science department after getting a PhD in computer science on theoretical computer science research, but my research interest/trajectory will be focused on solving a ...
HasIEluS's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How important is it to avoid a duplicate name?

I am about to publish my first paper in a few months and, as many on this site have already done, I am pondering which name to use. I happen to have multiple surnames, like say Abel Burton Cürtis ...
Gauss's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to deal with "cans of worms" of references in publications

I have found an algorithm that solved a puzzle in an unexpected way, so I'm planning to publish it on arXiv. After some online research I learned that the puzzle belongs to a larger class of more or ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Overcoming the burden of calculations in undergrad Math [closed]

TL;DR: I’m going thru some ups and downs, struggling with some (math-adjacent or bag-of-tricks types of) classes, and looking for advice on balancing grades and passion. For the sake of TL;DR, here ...
quasicat's user avatar
1 vote
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Transferring to math Ph.D. program?

I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student in CS at a U.S. university. Previously I have completed 30+ credits from the math department as an undergrad and during my Ph.D. years I have 3 math classes ...
HannaHZZ's user avatar
0 votes
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Can a pure mathematics PhD dissertation consist largely of incomplete and/or failed attempts at theorems (with an overarching theme)? [duplicate]

The Question: Can a pure mathematics PhD dissertation consist largely of incomplete and/or failed attempts at theorems (with an overarching theme)? Background: I have just started my third year of a ...
Shaun's user avatar
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4 votes
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What questions can I ask the search committee for math tenure-track interviews?

I am in the job market this year for tenure-track positions in math. I have a Zoom interview coming up for a 4-year college position. What questions can I ask to the search committee?
Topology's user avatar
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0 votes
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Need advice on printing a poster for a CS conference in USA [closed]

I am an international student, first time to present in an in person poster session. Unfortuantely, I didn't manage to print my psoter before my flight. The conference is in Atlanta, GA, USA. I asked ...
Dark_Witch's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How exactly do you expand your knowledge about your research field as a PhD student?

My research field is functional analysis, and currently, I am acquiring new knowledge simply "by chance". This means, I need something specific to know, so I educate myself on it, and ...
S-F's user avatar
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-3 votes
4 answers

It feels like I have no chance to get into a physics phd program [closed]

I am a math major in the US who has done quite a lot of theory without any publications. My math grades are somewhat good but not As. I have always done research alone as my university did not have a ...
Burak Guner's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Major mistake in my paper on arXiv, counterexample found

I am doing a PhD in an area of mathematics; I uploaded a paper on arXiv a few months back, after finding a mistake last year in an earlier paper of my PhD advisor (a long paper published in a top-tier ...
CaptainFoo's user avatar
0 votes
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Do mathematics/computer science graduate schools care about major-specific GPA?

I'm a sophomore studying computer science and mathematics at a well-known university in the US who is interested in doing a PhD in computer science related to graph algorithms, theoretical deep ...
approximation-algorithms's user avatar
15 votes
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Producing solo work

For context I am in pure mathematics and I just started my first postdoc. I am worried that I cannot produce solo work. I have a fair number of papers so far which are all collaborations with peers ...
J G's user avatar
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0 votes
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Applying for an NSF Math Postdoc at an Institute I’m Employed at that’s Not a Perfect Match

Last year I applied for the NSF Math Postdoc at institute X with sponsor A and was rejected. I got an early offer from institute Y for a postdoc, and I accepted it. Here I have sponsor B, who is ...
AnonymouseCat's user avatar
1 vote
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Question on writing CV and personal statement for applying to PhD positions

I am a master's student in mathematics and I'm applying for a math PhD position in US or Europe. During my time as a Master student, I worked on a paper with several co-authors, but the majority of ...
bc a's user avatar
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-4 votes
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PhD supervisor gave me topics to study before joining PhD but I am studying for TOEFL and GRE Mathematics Test

It was a genuine question( I think) and I have acted on the advice given by the community. I think I got downvotes because people thought I shouldn't have asked this question as I want to go for PhD ...
DVI's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

In my statement of purpose, should I justify a dropped course that I later made up

I am an international applicant currently applying for a PhD in mathematics in the US, and in my statement of purpose I have highlighted my interest in analysis and topology, but during a summer ...
euleroid's user avatar
0 votes
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NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoc fellowship: same institution, different department

For anyone who is familiar with the review process of the NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (MSPRF), I am wondering about the issue with staying at the same institution for ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
0 votes
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Does it matter whether I got a PhD in (applied) math or computer science? [duplicate]

I'm currently a third year PhD student in computer science. I got master degrees in both computer science and mathematics. My research is quite different from the other members of my group and is ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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What is meant by "offers accepted" in Mathjobs portal?

In the Mathjobs portal, some post doctoral positions in mathematics have "offers accepted" written in the post, see: I am struggling to understand what this means? Because the position ...
Learner's user avatar
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Venues for the dissemination of research proposals

A bit of background: I studied mathematics at a Dutch university, and graduated some years ago. Although I didn't pursue a PhD degree in this direction, I have always maintained a deep interest in the ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
4 votes
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AI Detector for Statement of Academic Purpose for Ph.D. program in applied math

I am applying to various Ph.D. programs in Applied Mathematics in the United States, and I wrote my Statement of Purpose by myself even as got help from ChatGPT on the areas where my research interest ...
love and light's user avatar
2 votes
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Importance of Ph.D. Degree Title in Career Outcomes

I attend a graduate school that has offers two Ph.D. degrees in mathematics: one as you would expect, and the other with an added concentration in mathematical biology. I gather that the department is ...
lanerogers's user avatar
1 vote
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Postdoc in Math/Quantum Information with Multiple Interests

I’m about two years away from completing my PhD in Applied Mathematics (fingers crossed). I’m interested in pursuing a postdoc, and I would like to start learning about the process. My research ...
user82261's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can I pursue a PhD in Operator Algebras after a Master's in PDEs? [closed]

I am about to start my second year of a Master's program in Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), which I originally entered due to limited options. However, my true interests lie in operator ...
Ace's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Fifth year PhD student with no progress on my thesis because of advisor, what to do?

I am currently in the fifth year of my PhD in theoretical physics at a reputable school in the USA. For the past three years, I have been working with my advisor on a highly mathematical topic that ...
PhysicsTopic's user avatar
8 votes
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History of the migration of ERA from AMS to AIMS in 2007

From what I can read on their websites, the journal Electronic Research Announcements changed publisher from the very reputable AMS (American Mathematical Society) to the much less known AIMS (...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
0 votes
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Writing a Master's thesis "pre-proposal" in pure math

I've recently learned that I have to write a Master's thesis pre-proposal for my application to the ETH Zürich scholarship program ESOP. This is basically a thesis proposal, but written before one ...
Informal Way's user avatar
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Posting an extension of the under review paper on the arXiv

I am a postdoc in mathematics, currently finishing a paper that extends a previous one which has been under review for three months. As I am actively seeking job opportunities, I am considering ...
Adam's user avatar
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Where to put acknowledgments in a math paper

I have seen acknowledgments in math papers in two locations: at the end of the introduction, and at the end just before the bibliography. Which location is preferred and why?
Joshua Mundinger's user avatar

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