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How to find the work/application related to a paper?

I am doing my PhD research on AI. One paper I read was very interesting for my research, and I feel I should compare my result with theirs. Datasets we use are different for testing and the only way ...
asmgx's user avatar
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How do I deal with a referee who tries to make me cite ten of their articles? [duplicate]

I have received back an article asking for major revisions. As far as I know, the journal is a reputable one. The referee stated that the introduction is 'very short and poor' and that the authors ...
Tom's user avatar
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Author name-surname mistake in the Google Scholar citation

I have a problem with the appearance of my paper in Google Scholar. My name is correctly represented in the journal artical as "Nilhan Kaya," so the citation should be "Kaya, N". ...
Nilhan Kaya's user avatar
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Citing programming packages [duplicate]

I wanted to ask how to cite python packages into a scientific article. I used a code package for my project and I can not find a scientific publication of the package I used. Exist a standard to cite ...
Euler's user avatar
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Can I get my degree revoked for misuse of citations? [duplicate]

I have been accused of not correctly attributing a person in my PhD dissertation that was finished several years ago. The person claimed he would bring the matter to the university I did my PhD at. I ...
user153874's user avatar
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Secondary citation with APA 7th - Does one have to adpot the quotation style?

Let's say an author A doesn't use APA 7th and quotes an author B. I cannot access author B's publication and therefore use a secondary quote. Do I then need to adpot the quotation style of author A ...
manuel459's user avatar
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What is the correct way of citing a book in a presentation (made using Beamer)

I am making slides for presentation using beamer. I have the following reference book in the bibliography in the following format [5]Author 1 and Author 2, book name, publication house, year I have ...
Infinity_hunter's user avatar
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How to cite an article found on a webpage

I would like to cite the following pdf found in a website online in a personal article I'm working on: As you can see this ...
user32882's user avatar
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Avoid duplicate authors/citation keys in Mendeley

I recently encountered an issue when using Mendeley for generating bib-files. Some of the papers in I would like to use were written by authors with the same Name (but different persons), and ...
arc_lupus's user avatar
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Using an Indirect Citation [duplicate]

I am writing a research paper. There are a few known results for which I want to add citation in my paper. However, all those results have already been cited in a well-reputed book. Can I cite the ...
IY2's user avatar
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Referencing mistake in masters dissertation [duplicate]

I handed in my masters dissertation a few weeks ago and I’ve now discovered a referencing mistake in my literature review. A medical publication I’d been citing has had a number of updates over the ...
So20's user avatar
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When citing web sources, should I give the URL within the text itself?

When I am citing web sources, should I give the URL within the text itself?
Promaster1's user avatar
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Need a CSL style that uses the month field in Bibtex

I do a lot of academic writing where I need to cite magazine and newspaper articles. My workflow is to write in Markdown / Org-mode and then export to docx using pandoc. So I use the citation ...
ShankarG's user avatar
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How should I cite or reference books when I'm trying to compile a book (from other sources) for a specific course at my college?

So, I'm trying to compile a text for my fluid mechanics course, since my course does not follow one text, its difficult for reference. Most of the content will be taken word to word from established ...
howstheJosh's user avatar
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Same citation in multiple paragraphs (undergrad paper) [duplicate]

What I currently have is: paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 [1]. With that I want to show that I am citing all 3 paragraphs from the same source. But appearently this is not right. Is it enough ...
Meta Xenology's user avatar
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How to begin a sentence with a citation that has multiple authors in APA?

I want to begin a sentence with a citation that has multiple authors (more than 7). Would it be appropriate to begin the sentence as: "According to an article from the Encyclopædia Britannica ...
Audrey 's user avatar
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Correctly formatting automatic APA 7th edition style citations in Word [closed]

I have Office 365 and in Microsoft Word which is updated to the latest edition. I could manually enter inline citations, but for speed and ease of citing, I have elected to use the automatic citation ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Erratum to correct a reference — will this technically work?

Hours after I approved the proofs, I noticed a key reference in my article was wrong. Authors and title are correct, journal is wrong, and it's wrongly listed as in press. The paper is now published ...
gerrit's user avatar
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why do some research articles not have issue number?

How can I get the information for issue number for this article? I am trying to cite this article doi:
Codelearner777's user avatar
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How to provide price comparision of commercial products

I'm in the middle of finalizing my thesis. The goal of it was to develop a system that perfroms certain set of tasks. There are already commerical products that exist as hardware and/or software ...
johnyyonehand's user avatar
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How to reference to a statement that itself is referenced by a paper other than original paper? [duplicate]

When I read a statement in a paper that is itself derived from another paper, how should I reference it when I use it in my own article? Should I reference the original article or the second article, ...
Shayan Kabiri's user avatar
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Citing multiple images scraped from website

I scraped a few thousand images from an open source online collection ( --> Open Access Artworks) for a coding project. I want to cite the selected works from ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Citing a citation from a paper? [duplicate]

So, I have a sentence in a paper I'm writing that looks like this: This result was first discovered by Person X (PaperX 1915). The issue is, the paper I cite, let's call it Paper X, written by ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Citing someone else's idea??? (but not published work) [closed]

I will preface that this is in regards to a Christian devotional to study scriptures from the Bible. I was tasked to put together a 25 day devotional that will be published physically and online by my ...
Josh Tanner's user avatar
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Endnote: inserting page number at the end of the citation [closed]

What is the proper way to insert an in-text citation using Endnote X8, where you first cite the author, year, following with the quote, and then with the page number in a source? (see an image ...
Anton K's user avatar
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Endnote: citing highlighted text from a PDF as direct quote [closed]

In Endnote X8 for Windows, how can I use the text I've highlighted in a PDF (stored directly in the Endnote library) as a direct quote in my Word document, and cite it properly?
Anton K's user avatar
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Google Scholar Citation

How does Google Scholar generate the citation information of articles? (in different styles like MLS,APA,etc). Do authors have to enter it themselves? Asking because I want to know how authentic this ...
wdihtwtd26's user avatar
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How to reference a picture from a website in a report?

Let's say that I have taken this picture in this webpage If I did change some things in that ...
senshi nakamora's user avatar
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Referencing images found in public domain [duplicate]

How should I reference images found in public domain in my thesis? I mean, if it would be copyrighted, I would add a comment a la "reproduced with permission from X". If it would be under Creative ...
user65962's user avatar
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How to find all the articles citing particular two? [duplicate]

It is quite easy given a single article to find all the articles citing it. However, having two or more articles, how do I find all the articles simultaneously citing these?
Yrogirg's user avatar
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How detailed do I have to provide sources

I am currently writing my master thesis and I am extremely insecure where and when to give the sources. I tried to google for any recommendations but could not find anything that helps me. How often ...
jsf's user avatar
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How to cite a reference in another reference? [duplicate]

I am reading the literature review of an article and the review article mentioned that the second article found positive relationship. Now, should I cite both or just the second article that found ...
user48932's user avatar
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How to cite multiple sections of book using IEEE Citation Style

I'm currently writing my bachelor thesis in computer science and use the IEEE Citation Style with LaTeX. There already exists a good BibTeX style file. However this question is not about the style ...
Hans-Helge's user avatar
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Do you place endnotes (in vancouver reference style) after colons or before?

I have some references I would like to tie to all the dot points I've written after my colon and hence I thought it would be a good idea to put the relevant references after the colon, in endnote form....
Josh Pinto's user avatar
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How to cite a subsection of a book for IEEE

For example, we use pp. 4-7 for pages from 4 to 7 and ch. 2 for chapter 2, but how should we cite a subsection of a book when a chapter is divided into multiple subsections, e.g. 2.1, 2.2, ... in a ...
Friendly Fella's user avatar
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Plagiarism / citation standards in non-/less-scientific works

Yesterday night, a renowned Dutch newspaper published a long article on a former rector of one of the largest universities in the Netherlands. Research conducted by the paper shows she didn't take ...
Bram's user avatar
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Visualising connections between scientific papers [duplicate]

So i just began to write my literature review and have a big bunch of research papers saved in a folder. Is there a tool that would help me visualize the references between those papers saved in my ...
CKCK's user avatar
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Forget middle intial in reference list – did I commit plagiarism? [closed]

In my reference list, I forgot to add the middle name of the author and instead put “Bell, R.” instead of “Bell, R. J.”
Allison 's user avatar
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How can I get citations for my self-published ebook?

A couple of colleagues and I were thinking about publishing a book in engineering. I have heard repeatedly that people who go with a traditional publisher don't get any royalties, they transfer the ...
aaragon's user avatar
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Is 18 references in a 18 page article too little?

I'm about to submit my paper which is about predicting the apparent geothermal gradient in a country using a machine learning algorythm, the main motivation is the fact that the country only has heat ...
Camilo Mejía's user avatar
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Regarding name change after marriage [duplicate]

I have about 500 citations on Google Scholar on 10-15 of my research papers. My partner and I started talking about name change. Basically, we’re thinking of use each other’s last names as our middle ...
bimbi's user avatar
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What is the appropriate way to handle related work on preprint servers? [duplicate]

I’m preparing a journal article on a novel method. There are several related methods publicly described on preprint servers such as arXiv or bioRxiv. Is it permitted to cite works that have not been ...
Tom Kelly ケリー・トム's user avatar
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Will getting the citation format minorly incorrect cost me?

I recently submitted a graded essay with the Harvard citation format and did not know that for single authored papers, the in-text citation follows as Last Name (Year) when starting a sentence or ...
user avatar
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How to cite an image, created from other (non CC) images? [duplicate]

I want to include an image that contains 4-5 graphs from diverse sources next to each other, in order to illustrate their similarities. Since I do not own any of those images I want to include, how do ...
coffee-and-code's user avatar
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How to cite a paper with two titles: preprint title different from published version

How do you cite a paper whose preprint title differs from the published version? It's not so uncommon that publishers ask the authors to change the name of paper in the publication process. This is ...
Well...'s user avatar
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What do I need to be aware of when checking citations before handing in a thesis?

I typically use the following workflow when citing papers: search paper name on Google Scholar chrome plugin click cite -> BibTeX -> copy BibTeX into references in Overleaf (LaTeX) I once had ...
rememberthename_'s user avatar
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How to report bugs for Google Scholar?

I have a paper published in 2021. However, for some odd reason, Google Scholar lists citations from papers that were published years before mine, which means it's impossible they cited my paper. Where ...
TobiR's user avatar
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Can Google Scholar be a valid measure of citaiton? [duplicate]

Google Scholar provides number of citations for the paper, but it sometimes includes non-academic paper, not peer-reviewed papers. Is number of citation measured by Google Scholar accepted a reliable ...
user67275's user avatar
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Why hasn't anybody built a free bibliographic database yet? [closed]

A globally available, free bibliographic database, much like Google Scholar but with stronger query-building and export of hits, would be tremendously useful. [Edited to add explanation of why this ...
Matherion's user avatar
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Is it common to put a quote from interviews in the epigraph page of a thesis as long as research ethics are not violated?

I want to put something that one of my participants said in the epigraph page of my thesis, but I have seen researchers mostly quoting authors. Is it common to put a quote from interviews in the ...
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