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220 votes
5 answers

University rank/stature - How much does it affect one's career post-Ph.D?

What I'm trying to understand is, to what degree does the status/rank of the University (where one completes his/her Ph.D) matter while shaping his/her career after graduation? I would like to know ...
TCSGrad's user avatar
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186 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to recover after a career setback such as this?

My husband got a math PhD in 2009, and could not get a research post-doc in his chosen field. We had young children at that point, and he spent two years as a lecturer, applied for hundreds of jobs, ...
guestwife's user avatar
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140 votes
4 answers

How hard do early-career academics in the United States work, really?

I'm finishing a PhD in Sweden this year and seeking a post-doc in the United States (atmospheric remote sensing). It is clear that a job in academia is not a nine to five job; nor do I want it to be. ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 43.8k
126 votes
14 answers

My student's family won't let her study what she wants

Yesterday I had a tearful encounter in office hours with the most avid participant in the math class I teach, in which she related the following situation. She is an international student whose ...
jdc's user avatar
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125 votes
19 answers

Should I quit my PhD - workload, self-esteem and social life [closed]

I don't really want a degree. I just want to get married, and have weekends and evenings off, and chill out and play board games, and have nice conversations with friends, and have time to exercise ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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124 votes
13 answers

Why do students go for a PhD even when chances of getting academic jobs on its completion are slim?

This is in reference to my question: How to do a PhD to equip myself for a job as assistant professor. I was told in the answer of the above linked question that chances of landing a job as an ...
Learnmore's user avatar
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114 votes
9 answers

Googling my name reveals silly things from when I was younger. I am embarassed. How will this affect me in my future academic career?

I am a masters student at one of the top two universities in the UK and will be applying for PhD positions soon. When I google my (unique) name, the first few results are what you'd expect, my ...
qazed1234's user avatar
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92 votes
12 answers

How should I proceed when a (famous) professor says I'm not good enough for research?

I am a PhD student in a Computer Science department, doing research of a mathematical nature. Some of my research problems drifted from my advisor's area of expertise, so I reached out to a researcher ...
Leo's user avatar
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91 votes
12 answers

Why do researchers need universities?

This is a follow-up question to How are junior professors evaluated for promotion? and probably an even more naive question. If I'm understanding the answer correct, professors need funding to do ...
Allure's user avatar
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84 votes
10 answers

Stay in academia or become professor without overworking, is it possible?

I am referring more to young scientists after the PhD than professors, although I am also wondering about people with a stable position. I see many people overworking themselves, burning-out, being ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
80 votes
3 answers

Life as a math professor

I am currently an undergraduate math major in my 3rd year (in America). I have taken lots of pure math courses, and anything I put in my resume tells potential employers I'm probably going to be an ...
DCT's user avatar
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75 votes
7 answers

Should I admit that I can't find a solution to a math problem?

The problem is pretty much the title. I have a bachelor and master degree in applied math. I have been assigned a small problem to start with, from a professor (who is considered very good in my field)...
ina's user avatar
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75 votes
9 answers

I wasted six years of my life getting a PhD degree. What should I do, and how will I survive?

I struggled with low self confidence throughout my bachelors, masters and PhD in chemical engineering. After spending two years in Masters and six years in getting a PhD degree, I am lost at what I ...
Abhik Tandon's user avatar
71 votes
12 answers

Why do so many PhDs choose to join academia instead of industry given the pay in academia is considerably lower and the workload is much heavier? [closed]

In the computer science field, an entry-level software engineer in top-tier tech companies (e.g. Google, Facebook, etc.) could earn as much as a 20-year experience professor. And the workload in ...
hidemyname's user avatar
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71 votes
5 answers

What ratio of PhD graduates in STEM fields ultimately end up as (tenured) professors?

I recently saw this infogram circling around various social networks: It appeared in this Tweet with the following claim: Got a PhD? Your chance of becoming a Professor is 0.45%. Good luck. Being ...
badroit's user avatar
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71 votes
3 answers

How do "scientific couples" (from different fields) find positions?

When two people in a couple are both in science, but specialised in different fields, how can they both find relevant positions but still be geographically reasonably proximate? Compromise and change ...
gerrit's user avatar
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68 votes
10 answers

A life of PhD: is it feasible?

In the next year I will (hopefully successfully) graduate from a PhD programme in pure mathematics. The location is (continental) Western Europe, the topic of the thesis is arithmetic geometry, if it ...
phd's user avatar
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66 votes
5 answers

Should I send a "cease-and-desist" letter to ResearchGate?

ResearchGate is pretty well placed on Google. But it does not have a lot of contents or active users, despite their constant invitation spam. So they spidered a lot of publications, and provide some ...
Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse's user avatar
64 votes
12 answers

PhD and postdoc with no first author publications- realistically what are my career prospects?

I am a UK based researcher in life sciences. My research is in neuroscience, mainly involving in vivo electrophysiology. My PhD project was a disaster for a number of reasons (technical difficulties, ...
M.Loft's user avatar
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64 votes
15 answers

Lecturer with anxiety. How to survive in academia?

I've been a long time member of academia.SE but I created this alt account because the question is a bit embarrassing. I finished my PhD 4 years ago and after a 2 year postdoc at a different ...
Dispdan's user avatar
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62 votes
11 answers

How do I gain back my faith in my PhD degree?

I am 3 years into a PhD program at a top North American university in STEM. My daily routine includes working on my research and preparing for courses I am assisting. In general, I would say that ...
Masked's user avatar
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61 votes
6 answers

How to get cited and how to boost the impact of one's work?

Six years ago while I was working in a company outside academia, I had been involved in improving a process which was hot in academia. I have developed a new method which, among other notable ...
63bit's user avatar
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58 votes
15 answers

Do I have to include my pronouns in a course outline?

I am a TA in a US school and my professor told me to include my pronouns in the course outline. I personally would rather not for social and religious reasons. Her argument was that I will confuse ...
poman 's user avatar
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58 votes
3 answers

How long before PhD graduation should I start applying for post-doc positions?

My earliest PhD graduation date is 10 months away. Funding permits me to stay 1–3 months longer, so the final date is still uncertain. It is never too early to make contacts for possible post-docs. ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 43.8k
57 votes
6 answers

Non academic career options for PhD in Math

I am thinking of getting my M.S. in Computer Science. I chose C.S. because I enjoy programming and because its a solid choice, career wise. Low unemployment, good pay, all that jazz. But my real ...
Taylor Huston's user avatar
56 votes
7 answers

Math Ph.D. does not know what to do with life? [closed]

Background: I am a Math Ph.D. student in the U.S. (originally from a developing nation) in partial differential equations (PDEs) but on the theoretical side of PDEs (no simulation, no numerical). I am ...
Noname's user avatar
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56 votes
6 answers

Is it normal to feel dread before starting a faculty position?

I need some advice. After several months of interviews and work, I secured a faculty position at a good business school, which was a relief since jobs are so hard to get around here. Everyone tells me ...
Skunkness's user avatar
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55 votes
6 answers

What kind of career path might be possible for a professor following a plagiarism scandal?

Prior to transferring to another university, I attended a college in a different state with a renown reputation for integrity and academic rigor. The year before I left, I enrolled in a course that ...
daOnlyBG's user avatar
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55 votes
7 answers

Will not collaborating hurt the career of a math postdoc?

I am a math postdoc, and about to start applying for tenure-track (research oriented) jobs soon. Besides writing 2 papers with my Phd advisor while I was in graduate school, all the papers I wrote ...
user56703's user avatar
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55 votes
7 answers

In academia, does the amount of material that one has to learn diminish as time progresses?

From my own point of view, the first year of a PhD is heavily packed with new information, theory, techniques, conventions, experimental abilities, etc. Let us call all these elements "material". This ...
Keine's user avatar
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52 votes
15 answers

If you know a family member who is much more qualified and capable in mathematics than you are, should find another field of specialisation?

Imposter Syndrome and depression: I feel pretty depressed that I am not as "qualified" as a close family member. In particular, this family member has undergraduate and graduate (PhD) degrees from Ivy ...
depressedguy1234's user avatar
52 votes
13 answers

Is it possible to start a PhD at 36 without taking a huge hit financially?

I'm currently working as a Senior Engineer (Mechanical) for a large company. However, I am increasingly finding the work to be dull and lacking in challenge. I don't think I can bear to spend the next ...
Time4Tea's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

What to do when you are a promised a research-based research associate role but are required to act in an IT support role?

First some background. Two years ago I joined a research group as a research associate. My intention in obtaining that position was to publish with the group and build some academic capital, but in ...
Anon's user avatar
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52 votes
6 answers

Do universities prefer not to hire their own PhD graduates in faculty positions? [closed]

I have heard that universities tend not to hire people who earned their PhD there for professorships (tenured or not). (I've read this question, but it's about postdocs: Is it normal that research ...
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
51 votes
9 answers

What post PhD path alternatives are there?

Progression in academia, in general, seems and feels extremely linear, i.e. you do your undergrad, then you do graduate studies, then you do a post-doc (or two, or three ... ) and eventually if you ...
posdef's user avatar
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50 votes
11 answers

Career advice: How can I move on from my probable PhD flop?

So thing aren't going well for me with my PhD and I sort of think I'm not going to get there (hard deadline is September and frankly I think I'm fairly close to having a breakdown). I'm in the UK and ...
Reluctant_Linux_User's user avatar
50 votes
9 answers

How to reconcile desire to succeed in academia/willingness to prioritize research with ethical concerns about fair work practices?

I'm not 100% sure how to phrase my question, but I've been grappling with this for sometime and thought maybe the responses would provide me some insight. I'm currently at PhD student soon to be on ...
overfull hbox's user avatar
49 votes
5 answers

Is talking about quitting to your supervisor a point of no return?

I have been feeling miserable about my PhD degree situation for a bit of time, and I just started therapy. So far I've tried not to take drastic decisions such as quitting, because I know I am ...
user3411792's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

What's the point of maintaining a CV after tenure?

Once you have tenure, presumably you're never going to have to search for a job again. However almost all professors have a CV on their website, and fairly recent ones. Why? They already made it.
user avatar
48 votes
10 answers

Is postdoc experience valued by industry?

I have recently finished my PhD and am currently considering my options. I have come to the conclusion that the teaching or the "publish or perish" nature of academia isn't really appealing for me. ...
posdef's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

How do academics reconcile simultaneously collaborating and competing with colleagues?

In many fields of academia, a professor must get grants to fund his research (e.g., medicine, biology). Early in academic career, a scientist can have naive expectations about how things work in ...
userJT's user avatar
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47 votes
18 answers

Just graduated with a master’s degree, but I internalised nothing [closed]

I just graduated with a software-engineering master’s degree with a good grade from a top-five university in the UK. I also have a bachelor's in computer science. I always revised just for exams and ...
Alphabet's user avatar
46 votes
15 answers

MS in Mathematics, having trouble finding work outside teaching algebra

10 years ago, I got an undergraduate degree in IT/CompSci from a good school. I spent most of my hours playing video games or drinking beer, and learned only enough to get a barely passing GPA. I ...
rocksNwaves's user avatar
46 votes
7 answers

Any place for people with fear of writing?

This isn't the best moment to ask the question, since I should be writing an overdue document and presentation. However, is there any place where a person with fear of writing can work? I am ...
user3411792's user avatar
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46 votes
10 answers

Can I get an office in a university as an independent scholar?

I have a math-related PhD but currently work as a software developer. One day, when I retire from software development, is it possible to "join" a local university's math/cs department as an ...
Shuheng Zheng's user avatar
45 votes
4 answers

To enroll in to a PhD Program at the age of 65

As a retired school teacher, and to become a professor at a university. Is it okay to get into a PhD program at the age of 65 and complete it to become a professor? Or is it too late and I can’t get ...
Neil's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

How to write a research statement for a math postdoc position?

I am a graduate student in mathematics working on functional analysis of quantum information (basically using matrix techniques in some well-known problems). I am presently applying for postdoctoral ...
RSG's user avatar
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43 votes
9 answers

Who actually is a Post-Doctoral fellow?

Many of us often talk about Bachelor's and Master's students, PhD students, researchers, professors, and postdocs. But, do we know what we actually intend when we say "Post-Doc"? We all know that a ...'s user avatar
43 votes
11 answers

Thinking about leaving academia for good. I am feeling guilty and disappointed in myself. Any thoughts/advice?

I have a PhD in mechanical engineering and am currently a postdoc. I have been fairly productive in my research, published fair amount of papers during my 5 years PhD and 1.5 years of Postdoc ...
carterjack's user avatar
43 votes
6 answers

How to deal with constant stress and uncertainty in academia?

I know there are a lot of similar questions but most of them are related to stress/pressure from their supervisor. I am doing my PhD and I am in my third year out of four. Everything is going very (or ...
clearseplex's user avatar

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