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WetlabStudent's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
81 votes

How to politely respond to generic emails requesting a PhD/job in my lab? Without wasting too much time

62 votes

Is it unethical to accept extra time on exams when I still do well?

40 votes

What is a social strategy I can use to respond to "How's your PhD going?"

27 votes

Accepted by European university, rejected by all American ones I applied to? Possible reasons?

17 votes

Why do graduate school application forms ask applicants to name the other schools to which he/she is applying?

17 votes

How should I refer to the presence of racial slurs in data presented at a conference talk?

16 votes

How do I complain to chair if my advisor regularly writes to scam journals to get tenure?

16 votes

Is it wrong to leave Ph.D program after MS?

15 votes

I got the same referee report from two different journals

14 votes

Is it worth pointing out missed works in already published papers?

13 votes

The IT department bottlenecks progress. How should I handle this?

11 votes

How to approach PhD admissions after leaving previous PhD because my advisor tried to force me to manipulate data

10 votes

How to get reference from lab I worked with, when lab head seems unlikely to help and I was advised not to ask postdoc

10 votes

Is there any good reason to write "it is easy to see"?

9 votes

Should I cancel an interview if I already have a preferable offer?

9 votes

Is it bad for one's future career prospects if the PhD thesis topic is broad?

9 votes

What is the relationship between impact factor and journal ranking

9 votes

MS degree after a PhD in physics

8 votes

Assessing students in exams with negative points?

8 votes

In what cases are you able to start a postdoc without a "conferred" PhD?

7 votes

Co-authoring a paper with a persona non grata

7 votes

Is it bad to apply to one PhD program with the intent of leaving for another (more prestigious) one?

7 votes

How does PLOS ONE maintain its impact factor?

7 votes

Why do you need to study a subject at a university level to teach it at a high school?

7 votes

I graduated last year and my advisor passed away unexpectedly soon after. What should I do now for subsequent academic job searches?

7 votes

Getting a letter of recommendation from a new professor

7 votes

Nightmares and frustrations with students' sloppy homework

6 votes

Trouble picking a major

6 votes

What are alternatives to Journal of Theoretical Biology?

6 votes

How does someone with C's and F's in graduate-level courses and A's and B's in undergraduate courses get admitted to a PhD program?