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Results for phd transfer
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7 votes

Prospective employers tell me my field is obsolete. How can I reinvent myself?

I started my research journey in nanotechnology, and by the end of my PhD, I was told that my field was considered obsolete. …
looktook's user avatar
  • 175
9 votes
4 answers

My PhD supervisor is leaving for MIT and wants me transfer along, which could prolong PhD. W...

Has anyone here undergone a similar transfer, particularly to MIT? … Alternatively, could there be other possible venues that do not involve my transfer and losing my supervisor? I don't want to lose my supervisor near the end of the PhD. …
3 votes

Unsatisfied with Undergraduate Education

there is only one professor with a PHD who teaches all the upper division math courses like real analysis. …
Bryan Krause's user avatar
  • 135k
4 votes

FOMO and disillusionment with research

If your plan was to continue your PhD work as an independent then you are setting yourself up to be left in the dust. …
R1NaNo's user avatar
  • 12.1k
-3 votes
1 answer

Was this student's ejection from her PhD legitimate? [closed]

Besides, the assessment rules clearly state that evaluating the ‘scope’ of a thesis is the purpose of having an exam in the first year of PhD studies known as the ‘Transfer of Status’. … I had already passed that exam in June 2019 and my previous assessors had already formally approved the ‘scope’ and ‘validity’ of my PhD thesis. …
2 votes

Transferring to math Ph.D. program?

Both the comps and the associated coursework are there to guarantee that a math PhD holder is widely versed in math, though it is no longer possible for an individual to know "all" of math. … As for the future, figure out what comps are like in some programs you want to transfer into and do some coursework in those areas. …
Buffy's user avatar
  • 399k
2 votes

How are thesis-only Masters considered in Canada, Europe and UK for PhD applications?

This will strengthen your research profile and greatly improve your chance of getting a PhD scholarship. … If you are doing well, your advisor can ask you to transfer directly to a PhD without finishing your Masters. This is good if you like the lab and want to stay in the same field for a PhD. …
Laurel's user avatar
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2 votes

How are thesis-only Masters considered in Canada, Europe and UK for PhD applications?

Canadian Universities typically require a masters degree for PhD admissions. However, assuming it's going well you can sometimes transfer from a research-based masters degree into a PhD. … I currently supervise PhD students, and have sat on prioritisation panels for competitive PhD studentships. …
atom44's user avatar
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1 vote

How to choose a PhD research area in AI to prepare for industry roles?

Will focusing on a specific PhD topic limit my opportunities to work in other areas, or do companies in AI value transferable skills across different topics? Your mileage will vary. …
cag51's user avatar
  • 73.4k
0 votes
1 answer

How to choose a PhD research area in AI to prepare for industry roles?

I’m planning to pursue a PhD in Artificial Intelligence to transition into industry after graduation, rather than stay in academia. … Will focusing on a specific PhD topic limit my opportunities to work in other areas, or do companies in AI value transferable skills across different topics? …
1 vote
1 answer

PhD 'transfer' application: What to disclose?

I'm an international student in the US and I have just finished my 2nd year in a PhD program at University A. … I have expressed my wish to apply elsewhere in the US in order to 'continue' my PhD in a more suitable environment and my supervisor and committee have been supportive. …
6 votes
3 answers

How do academics handle a hit to research productivity due to academic mobility?

many administrative things to do like applying for work permits, finding a new health insurance, opening bank accounts, finding a new health clinic and scheduling my first visits with new doctors to transfer … I've been able to do that in my PhD. But right now, it feel like I have no choice, those are all things that need doing. My partner is helping me of course, but still my share of the load is big. …
2 votes

What are the strengths and weaknesses of wanting to study everything and how can I use it to...

This is something I've faced in my years as a student, research assistant, and PhD candidate. …
ambiguditi's user avatar
47 votes

How soon to fire rude and chaotic PhD student?

This sounds less like a PhD student learning to be an independent researcher and more like a PhD student being used as a cheap form of academic labour. … If you put in that effort, and the student doesn't respond, then it is likely that the student will come to the same conclusion as you - that it's not working - and you can arrange for either their transfer
Glen O's user avatar
  • 1,155
6 votes

Forced to Leave Physics PhD Program - How to Salvage Academic Career?

I started my physics PhD program several years ago at a top-ten institute in the U.S. … On the other hand, the best positions are competitive, and your lack of a PhD may be a problem. If I decide to reapply for a PhD program elsewhere, I would need reference letters. …
cag51's user avatar
  • 73.4k

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