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6 answers

How long should a direct quote be in order to be put in quotation marks?

Let's suppose there is a short definition in a source and that I want to report such definition in a paper but adapting the initial wording to the sentence. For instance Definition: a bottle is a ...
LuxGiammi's user avatar
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When to capitalize the beginning of a quotation?

So I know (now) that if you quote a complete sentence and this sentence is syntactically set off from the rest of your sentence with a comma etc, one has to (according to the Turabian) capitalize the ...
IbnZubeira's user avatar
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What is the APA7 style for a translated quotation?

My field is in the humanities, and I need to quote a long passage (around 40 words) written in French inside of a paper I write in English. Naturally, I would like to quote a (personally) translated-...
Starckman's user avatar
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How do I cite a translation of a classical author (greek philosopher) in my thesis

I want to cite a quote by Seneca at the start of my economics thesis: It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. Here is an ...
Maxim Moloshenko's user avatar
4 votes
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APA: Citing a term in quotation marks that is not a secondary source (i.e. quotation marks are used by author for emphasis)

The source I would like to cite introduces a new concept, and when doing so, the term used to describe this concept is written in quotation marks – however these quotation marks are used for emphasis ...
Pentaquark's user avatar
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Secondary citation with APA 7th - Does one have to adpot the quotation style?

Let's say an author A doesn't use APA 7th and quotes an author B. I cannot access author B's publication and therefore use a secondary quote. Do I then need to adpot the quotation style of author A ...
manuel459's user avatar
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When citing from a foreign language and including a translation - what is correct?

Which version is correct (using APA7)?: "Die Sonne ist hell. [The sun is bright]" (Müller, 2010, S. 1) "Die Sonne ist hell." [The sun is bright] (Müller, 2010, S. 1) So - ...
manuel459's user avatar
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Chicago citation of quote in quote

In my paper, I am quoting a sentence which involves a quote from another paper. I am using Chicago style notes and bibliography. How should I do this? See the example below: Hoffman concludes, “...
kraagje's user avatar
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How to cite a spoken quote?

I have a quote spoken by a person in an interview, how do I cite it? Chinua Achebe, the prominent Nigerian novelist and essayist who died on Thursday, said in a 1994 interview with the Paris Review, &...
Evergreen's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to cite primary source first found in secondary source?

I have the following situation (I am in the humanities): I am writing a paper. In that paper, I several times cite a particular scholar's book. Now, in that book, this scholar cites (not quotes) a ...
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6 votes
2 answers

Citing a passage which includes added words by the translator?

I have the translation of a work in front of me and want to quote it. The translation reads: "This is the right decision, and yet it is the wrong [one]" The translator added the 'one' in brackets ...
Matthias Neumann's user avatar