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6 votes
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Paper leaked during peer review - what are my options?

As the title states. I recently submitted a manuscript for one of the flagship journals of Springer. Not long after, I received information that they used my work for their external recruiting process ...
Mister_Bivolt's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does collecting some peer-reviewed articles in a "self-published" book promote it to a valuable scholarly book?

I have two scholarly books self-published in the field of physics. However, some parts of my books have previously been published in peer-reviewed journals and the editors of my books have academic ...
Mohammad Javanshiry's user avatar
2 votes
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Do mega-journals (e.g. Scientific Reports, BMJ Open, Sage Open, ...) have longer peer review durations?

We recently discussed mega journals (PLOS One, Scientific Reports, SAGE OPEN, BMJ OPEN, ...) in our group. One member argued that said journals have longer peer review and processing times than field-...
Dr.M's user avatar
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4 votes
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Options about responding to offer from editor to transfer manuscript to lower-tier journal

I recently submitted a first-author paper to a top-tier scientific journal (A). The editor responded that the paper would not be reviewed in that specific journal (A), but that it could be transferred ...
finepine44's user avatar
7 votes
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Has there ever been a discussion about the nationalization of academic publishing?

I have read a few articles in the last couple days about several problems with academic publishing. To me, the primary critique is that oftentimes, research is funded with public money, in public ...
Curious Layman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Should I contact journal editor?

I submitted an article to a journal last year in July. It took some months for it to be processed and peer reviewer to be assigned. I received the first decision in March (major revisions). The ...
Naadz's user avatar
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The status of my manuscript changed from Undergoing Initial Checking to Under review but the ED: not assigned? [duplicate]

I submitted a manuscript to one of the weliy journals. The status was “Undergoing Initial Checking” on Scholarone system. After 3 days, the status changed to “Under Review” along with "Ed: not ...
Edrisnn's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Can you quote peer-reviews in papers?

I'm writing a commentary-ish paper on what NOT to do on peer-reviews. Like many of you here, I've received numerous reviews ranging from very good and constructive to absolute garbage. Some background:...
ssjjaca's user avatar
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1 answer

Confusion regarding manuscript status in IOP's article tracking system and ScholarOne Manuscript System [duplicate]

I had submitted a manuscript in an IOP journal a month back. In the IOP's article tracking system, the status changed from "1st reviewer agreed to report" to "Editorial Assessment" ...
Subhadip Roy's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

Why do errors exist in peer reviewed publications?

I found a mistake (not a misprint) in an article which has been published in a very good math journal. According the available data, the article was in peer-review process for more than 8 months. But ...
user40491's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Are there publicly agreed-on standards or definitions of what constitutes peer review?

It seems like a very difficult problem to discern whether a "peer-reviewed" journal is reputable. When a journal claims to be peer-reviewed, is there a commonly-agreed-on definition of what this means?...
Charlie's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Editor wants to change Full Article to Short Communication

I received a review from a journal (life sciences) for an invited manuscript. The reviewer has requested minor revision and edits. However, the editor of the journal requested me to change my paper ...
xavier's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

How far should you go in compromising your work to get it published?

To get my first paper published I carefully followed all reviewers’ instructions as I was convinced that reviewers are experienced researchers and reviewers. After major revision my first paper was ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to deal with bogus and unethical journals?how to stop unethical journals? [closed]

In research and publications there are database maintains good quality list of journals, Maintaining a reliable good impact factor too. But on the other side there are list of journals who publish ...
Sulthan's user avatar
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Is there away to know who has published several high quality papers in a specific academic field/area during the last 5 years for example

I am trying to submit a paper for publication. The journal is asking to provide a list of experts who have published several high quality papers in the field of interest. Is there away to find this ...
Ali Sultan's user avatar
3 votes
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I submitted my paper in a hijacked journal [duplicate]

I encountered a huge problem, I submited my paper in a faked journal. I sent them several times about the result of reviewing process. The email answer was: Dear Author Please clarify what ...
sihou's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it worth submitting papers to "graduate" peer-reviewed journals?

I am a first year PhD student in the social sciences at a Canadian institution, and I'm wondering whether it's worth submitting a paper to a "graduate" peer-reviewed journal. This would be my first ...
Arturo Belano's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to change something on a research paper between the period of acceptance and publishing?

My paper was accepted in peer reviewed journal last week and is about to be publishing. Last night I thought the solution makes better sense if I change the definition of one of the variables. This is ...
MrDi's user avatar
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21 votes
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Are reviewers impressed by a quick response to a request to revise and resubmit?

My colleagues believe that if you submit your manuscript revisions quickly, reviewers will be impressed by your confidence about the issues raised. However, I think that a quick response is not ...
user34526's user avatar
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9 votes
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If no revised date is mentioned in the paper, does this means the paper is directly accepted by the journal?

When I am reading papers, sometimes I see statements like Manuscript received October 29, 2012; accepted March 16, 2014. Does this implies that the paper is directly accepted?
Costa's user avatar
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