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Is possible cite an internet site (of an academical project) with the authors

I am writing a paper about a project. I must cite the internet site of the project with the results. Question: can I cite, not only the site, but also the authors in the references? NOTE The site ...
Giacomo Alessandroni's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to cite a new journal in abbreviation form which is not found in existing abbreviation list?

Recently, I want to submitted a paper to IEEE, I encounter a problem when I want to cite a paper from a new journal, for example, Systems Science & Control Engineering . According to IEEE standard,...
wayne's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What does "The references in general are not current" mean?

I submitted a paper recently and one of the major revisions that they ask for was this: "The references in general are not current." What does the reviewer mean by this?
user17830's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

Is it ethical to publish a paper about porting an existing software package to another programming language?

In short: I have ported a package in another programming environment, and I want to write a paper of my ported package. Would it be considered cheating? In details: I have implemented a package in ...
fyears's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Citing my own thesis in the extracted paper

I am going to extract a paper from my MSc thesis. But I am not sure how to point out that this paper is the synopsis of my thesis. What is your suggestion? In which section should I refer to the ...
Real Dreams's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Removing some citations between initial and final submission of paper

Is it considered bad practice or unethical to remove some references/citations between the initial paper submission and the final one? I submitted an 8-page conference paper, it got peer-reviewed, it ...
Spyros Maniatopoulos's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Using BibTeX when submitting an article

Some journals have their own bibliography styles (bst) for BibTeX. If a journal does not have its own bibliography style, am I supposed to include the content of the bbl-file into the tex-file I am ...
Martin's user avatar
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71 votes
6 answers

Is there such thing as too many references for one paper?

I'm currently reviewing a paper that has an uncommonly large number of references compared to the average number for that particular venue (more than 60 versus around 30). This is a regular paper, not ...
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37 votes
6 answers

How to cite my own submitted but not yet published work?

I plan to submit part of my current work to conference A. I then wish to submit my whole work to a more prestigious conference B. As for the part submitted to A, there is no point of repeating it ...
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar