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12 votes
3 answers

Answering e-mails with just 'Thank you' [duplicate]

Lately I have been applying to many universities for a position on a master's program, therefore I contaced many people asking them questions regardings these programs. What troubles me is the ...
Nick A.'s user avatar
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When receiving an answer to a question do you respond with thank you? [duplicate]

When I don't understand something in a lecture or think I found a mistake I send professors emails, if it is not possible for me to ask the question after class. Do you send a thank you email after ...
Dude1662's user avatar
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Is it polite or annoying to send a professor a short "Thanks" email? [duplicate]

After asking a professor a question through e-mail and receiving an answer, is it polite that a student send a short e-mail simply saying "Thanks" as an acknowledgment that the answer was received and ...
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Should I send an email thanking a professor or would they be bothered there's no other content? [duplicate]

If I send an email to ask a professor for a PhD position, and the professor replies, do need I need to reply with something like "Thanks very much for your concern", "Thanks very much ...
bc a's user avatar
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Is generic "thank you" email a waste of time in academia?

A very busy professor just responded my email. He answered my questions, and in the end, he explicitly said something like "Please let me know if you have any questions" or "Please respond if you have ...
dodo's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to reply every time to a professor's "thank you" email?

I want to know, since I am not a native English speaker, whether or not it is appropriate to reply to a thank-you email from a professor? For example, if every time you get an email from a professor ...
Yes's user avatar
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When to answer and when not to answer a brief e-mail from a busy academic?

I frequently receive brief, usually confirmatory e-mails (such as "Can do. Best" in response to a request for a letter of recommendation) from academics with considerably less time than myself. Each ...
Constantin's user avatar
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Is it necessary to reply to a solution email by a thank-you email?

If I asked via email someone, say a member of the graduate admission staff of a school I am applying to, some question, and if the staff member replied to my email with a solution to my problem, does ...
Yes's user avatar
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Should you respond to a call-for-papers rejection email?

This question is related but I don't think it is a duplicate. I recently sent the abstract of my first paper to a call-for-papers for a conference. I received an email thanking me for the submission ...
gman's user avatar
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One line thank-you emails to lecturers/professors - yes or no? [duplicate]

I have always wanted to know the answer to this question (sorry if it's silly): If a professor or lecturer answers a question or gives advice when replying to an email I sent them, in general, do ...
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